With one App, exhibitor can scan and collect data of every visitor badges QR Code, do quotation, follow-up, and knowing your activities and leads statistics on the event day. Best for exhibition, conferences, activation and many more.
Scan Visitors Badges, Wristband, QR Code

Yes! Since 2018, Ticket2U Exhibitor Lead Manager been widely used for many events mostly in exhibitions Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. This solutions has been widely accepted and handy, easy for all exhibitors to use it with their own smart phones by just download our app.
Ticket2U Exhibitor Lead Manager - Scan Badges QR Code

Downloading Ticket2U Exhibitor Lead Manager App are actually FREE! All you need is to get an account access to be able to scan visitors badges for that particular event permission. Please talk to us or your Event Organiser who organise then exhibition or conference for registration an exhibitor account.
Use as Quotation, Remarks for later on follow-up

Once badges been scanned, visitors information are automatically stored into your account and app. You are no longer required their business card or hand-write their details for follow up. Add remark function enable you to retrieve and remind you what have been discuss previously, for example, quotations and requirements been discussed.
Database Retrieval - App, Email, Excel
you can find there is a button inside Summary - Email Report. Whenever you need to do consolidation and following up with your leads, just press the button and we will extract everything to your designated email registered.
I need this for my event and exhibitors!
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