Need simple registration page like google form + check-in app? Ticket2U has launched it's free form registration, simple, with responses reporting, E-Ticket and integrated with Ticket2U Check-In Manager. It's all FOC!
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What is Ticket2U Form?
Ticket2U has launched Ticket2U Form for easy creation of form subscription and registration system for public, students, events, or anyone, any corporate who required to create a fast form, collecting data, automate E-Ticket + QR, full reporting and most important is to scan Check-In and Claim when needed using Ticket2U Check-In Manager. It's FOC!

What is the different between Free Form and Free Ticketing?
Ticket2U Free Form are simplify, without required to setup ticket type and capacity. Ticket2U Free Form are just like Google Form, fast creation, share your QR and URL, view your responses immediately with clicks. The similarity between our Form and Ticketing are it's integrated with Ticket2U Check-In App, or our Manage Ticket on our web and dashboard, which allow you to Check-In and Claim your responses and each form E-Ticket.
How to create Free Form?
- Go to Add New Form | Ticket2u
- Or go to Add New Event | Ticket2u > Find orange color button CREATE FORM ONLY
Form Inputs
Ticket2U Form Input including Textbox, Multi-Line, Numeric, Date Selector, Time Selector, Dropdown List, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, Country List, Malaysia States List and Image Uploader. You are able to arrange your input sequence easily, add as many input as you required, and set it required or optional field.

Form Publish Settings
Once your form been created, you can share and download your form unique QR code, embed it into your website, or share with shorturl given.

Next, you can setup your responses limit, enabled or disable submission, or automate a copy or email to responder upon successful submission. For some event or setup required instant Scan QR Check-In or Claim upon submission, you can allow Show QR Code upon successful submission. This is very useful for public event such as conferences and exhibition.

Store your data privately with Malaysia / Singapore No.1 Online Registration Platform - Ticket2U
Store your data safely with us, in Malaysia and Singapore clouds privately. Ticket2U are one of the top Microsoft ISV partner been recognized by Microsoft.
View your form Responses
There are many ways to view your responses easily.
1. Open your form, you can find View Responses button next beside the Submit button. This is only viewable for the form creator only.

2. Click menu at your Top Right in Ticket2U after login, go to My Event.

3. Click on Filter.