Ticket2U + PR Worldwide Checked-In 60k Blackpink fans in less than 2 hours

Ticket2u| 10 Mar 2023

Ticket2U + PR Worldwide Checked-In 60k Blackpink fans in less than 2 hours. Ticket2U, pioneering in event technology who had revived National Stadium gates ever since A.R Rahman mega concert on 28 January 2023, now proven it's second show of large audience for Blackpink with smooth, fast and fully automate gate scan technology.

Watch our video footages. How you like that?

Checked-In all Blinks within 2-hours, Fast and Efficient

Ticket2U, working closely with Event Organisers and Stadiums

This technology is not only built for ourselve, but to change the landscape of Sports and Entertainment in leveling up Malaysia infrastructure that bringing fast, smooth, automate and NO FAKE / UNAUTHORIZED TICKET allow to enter event spaces.

ticket2u,pr worlwide,blackpink,national stadium,fully automate gate scan
https://www.ticket2u.com.my/blog/210/Ticket2U + PR Worldwide Checked-In 60k Blackpink fans in less than 2 hours

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