Mastering Your Wealth

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Become the Top 4% Investors By Unfolding The Secrets On How To Turn Properties Into Your ATM Machines


The 2-Day Mastering Your Wealth - is the highly transformational workshop designed with you on mind on How You Can Create Your Dramatic Wealth Through Property Investment

"More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investment combined." –Andrea Carnegie

Michael will share to you how you can apply the 5-Steps Millionaire Mastery System into property and build your wealth through it.

This strategy has proven to work as it has successfully created many successful property investors all across Asia.

In these 2 days, you will be revealed “How To”:

- How you can invest properties with little or no money down in 2017
- How to break the bank codes to leverage on banks again & again to multiply your wealth

- Identify the common that got 96% of investors stuck

- How you can continuously find out the golden properties hidden from the market that help you to create your monthly passive income while you can sit on the property capital appreciation, regardless of bad or good market

- Identify which property investment strategies are the most effective for you

- Learns how to make your million safely & steadily by using the 5-steps millionaire mastery system

Main Speaker & Panel Speaker:

Michael Tan - Asia’s #1 Property Guru, Self-Made Millionaire Entrepreneur & Best-Selling Author of 2017

Jenson Liew – Founder of Dreams Nation , Property Millionaire Investor & Bulk Deal Expert

You must be thinking, who is this Michael Tan?

Michael Tan

Asia’s #1 Property Guru & Self-Made Millionaire Entrepreneur  

I want to share with you about myself.

I fought hard and made my first million by 28, lost it all by 30 and nearly went bankrupt that time. Fast forward today I'm not only a property tycoon, I'm also the founder of Freemen & owners to multiple businesses across Asia like Malaysia, Thailand & Hong Kong.

Ever since my down-time, I have discovered my purpose is to help people to achieve financial freedom and pursue their passions through properties because i believed everyone deserved to be wealthy. I am honored to be featured for my revolutionary “No-Money-Down” strategy, which has helped thousands of people to get their properties with no money down.

I'm thankful and honored to be featured for my revolutionary “No-Money-Down” strategy, which has helped thousands of people to get their properties with no money down.

The average track record is 83% success rate! That means 8.3 people out of every 10 successfully buy properties with No Money Down!




Jenson started his investment journey at the age of 32 buying properties from developer market and make hundred of thousand from it. Then he quit his job as a tuition teacher and ventured full time investors.

As passionate that he have for properties, Jenson Liew founded Dreams Nation Pte Ltd in not just getting good deals for investors but to educate people in the market to invest properties in fundamental ways especially in developers market.

His company is just 2 years and have helped investors to buy properties with more than RM 20 million and still counting with good cash flow and capital appreciation.



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Freemen Education

We are FREEMEN. We have Freemenized 3786 people in 3 countries buying properties worth more than RM338 Million in average of just 3 months! Do you want to be part of this fast growing community? Your call...
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Mastering Your Wealth

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Become the Top 4% Investors By Unfolding The Secrets On How To Turn Properties Into Your ATM Machines


The 2-Day Mastering Your Wealth - is the highly transformational workshop designed with you on mind on How You Can Create Your Dramatic Wealth Through Property Investment

"More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investment combined." –Andrea Carnegie

Michael will share to you how you can apply the 5-Steps Millionaire Mastery System into property and build your wealth through it.

This strategy has proven to work as it has successfully created many successful property investors all across Asia.

In these 2 days, you will be revealed “How To”:

- How you can invest properties with little or no money down in 2017
- How to break the bank codes to leverage on banks again & again to multiply your wealth

- Identify the common that got 96% of investors stuck

- How you can continuously find out the golden properties hidden from the market that help you to create your monthly passive income while you can sit on the property capital appreciation, regardless of bad or good market

- Identify which property investment strategies are the most effective for you

- Learns how to make your million safely & steadily by using the 5-steps millionaire mastery system

Main Speaker & Panel Speaker:

Michael Tan - Asia’s #1 Property Guru, Self-Made Millionaire Entrepreneur & Best-Selling Author of 2017

Jenson Liew – Founder of Dreams Nation , Property Millionaire Investor & Bulk Deal Expert

You must be thinking, who is this Michael Tan?

Michael Tan

Asia’s #1 Property Guru & Self-Made Millionaire Entrepreneur  

I want to share with you about myself.

I fought hard and made my first million by 28, lost it all by 30 and nearly went bankrupt that time. Fast forward today I'm not only a property tycoon, I'm also the founder of Freemen & owners to multiple businesses across Asia like Malaysia, Thailand & Hong Kong.

Ever since my down-time, I have discovered my purpose is to help people to achieve financial freedom and pursue their passions through properties because i believed everyone deserved to be wealthy. I am honored to be featured for my revolutionary “No-Money-Down” strategy, which has helped thousands of people to get their properties with no money down.

I'm thankful and honored to be featured for my revolutionary “No-Money-Down” strategy, which has helped thousands of people to get their properties with no money down.

The average track record is 83% success rate! That means 8.3 people out of every 10 successfully buy properties with No Money Down!




Jenson started his investment journey at the age of 32 buying properties from developer market and make hundred of thousand from it. Then he quit his job as a tuition teacher and ventured full time investors.

As passionate that he have for properties, Jenson Liew founded Dreams Nation Pte Ltd in not just getting good deals for investors but to educate people in the market to invest properties in fundamental ways especially in developers market.

His company is just 2 years and have helped investors to buy properties with more than RM 20 million and still counting with good cash flow and capital appreciation.



Terms and Condition

  • Kindly print out your e-ticket for verification purpose.
We are FREEMEN. We have Freemenized 3786 people in 3 countries buying properties worth more than RM338 Million in average of just 3 months! Do you want to be part of this fast growing community? Your call...
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