Speed Dating for Grownups!

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
The School Jaya One
Section, Jaya One, 72A, Jalan Universiti, Pjs 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

{{$t("More info on this event")}}


Life! Reset will be hosting a social interaction event for those above 35 years old to help them engage actively with other like-minded individuals, bringing people with common ground together in one place.

There will be 3 segments during the event:
1. A little about me - some things that you'd like others to know about you. This will be pre-filled during registration.

2. Blind match - chemistry is all about how you feel by touch. Removes the pre-date jitters and helps conversation flow naturally.

3. Here we are - this final mixer helps you piece together the amazing people you have met throughout the night and continue with conversations, food and drinks.

Details of event:
Date: 10th & 11th February, 2018 (Pick One Day)
Time: 4pm onwards.
Venue: Ground Floor, Block J, The School by Jaya One
Fee: RM150 (including a cupid kit, food & beverage)

Closing date for participation is 4th Feb 2018.

For enquiries, please email [email protected]om
#speedating #LifeReset #SpeeddatingforGrownups #JayaOne


The School Jaya One
Section, Jaya One, 72A, Jalan Universiti, Pjs 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

  • By booking a ticket to Speed Dating for GrownUps! event, you acknowledge your acceptance of the Speed Dating for GrownUps!  Terms and Conditions and warrant that you have the right, authority and capacity to enter into this agreement and to abide by all of our terms and conditions as defined below.
    • Speed Dating for Grownups! is not a matchmaking service, we simply host events where single people can meet one another in a safe, comfortable and relaxed environment.
    • We cannot, and do not, verify the personal information of our guests, such as marital status, or any other aspects of their general background. For this reason we recommend that you do not disclose any personal information such as telephone number or address, which would allow others to contact you directly. Should you wish to do this, you accept this is entirely at your own risk.
    • We will not divulge your contact or personal details to anyone, unless required to do so by law.
    • We may use your contact details to inform you of future events, which we think may be of interest to you.
    • If due to any unforeseen circumstances we are no longer able to hold an event at the venue as originally planned, we reserve the right to move the event to an alternative venue. In this unlikely instance, we will always provide our guests with as much notice as possible.
    • We are not able to accept cancellations, as the quality and success of our event would be compromised by an uneven ratio of males/females. However, if you are able to provide us with at least 5 days notice via email, we will do our best to move you to another Speed Dating for Grownups! event.
    • We do our utmost to ensure that the ratio of males/females at all events is a 50/50 ratio and the website has technology built in to ensure that tickets are sold on an even ratio to allow all guests to have around 15 dates. However, due to potentially unforeseen circumstances on the evening of the event, we accept no responsibility for either an uneven ratio, or shortfall in male/female guests at the event, preventing this from being possible.
    • In the unlikely circumstances we have to cancel or postpone an event, a refund must be requested within 7 days from the time this event was cancelled or postponed. If we do not receive a refund request your account will be credited to attend any future event free of charge.
    • The host can refuse admission or expel at their discretion, and without refund, guests who become abusive and/or offensive to other guests at an event.
    • We take no responsibility for any emotional distress, or physical injury that may arise from communications with other guests registered with Speed Dating for Grownups!, without limitation, either during, or at any stage after one of our events.
    • We accept no responsibility for any content arising in any written or verbal communications which may arise from one of our events including where members of the press are in attendance.
    • We reserve the right to not include a guest as attending who leaves an event once an event has began.
    • By registering with Speed Dating for Grownups! you warrant that you are at least 35 years old and that you are single.
    • We reserve the right to cancel any event and provide a full refund, but no other compensation, in this unlikely case.
    • Guests are responsible for attending an event on time. If a Guest turns up late to an event, we are under no obligation to allow them to participate in the event, nor offer any refund or compensation. We will however do our best to accommodate the member into the event, but this is not always possible.
    • We do not issue refunds for our Feb 10th and/or Feb 11th event, you are able to exchange your place with a friend if you are unable to attend. Please explain to the host the situation on the night of the event.

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Life Reset Solutions

LIFE! RESET – a glimpseWe are a community looking to create impact driven events and social engagements to drive transformation within self, community and the nation and one day, the world. We get a jolt helping others achieve their goals, dreams and gaining a life-changing revelation at any of our events. This involvement of the public impacts engagement, education, marketing, PR and many more outlets that could not only beam a positive light in your company, but truly in the heart of your brand.Life! Reset’s mantra is “Unify People to Mobilize Change”, whether in their personal lives, their community, loved ones or even their world. We promote hyper connectivity with your audiences and new prospects, which also encourages the “event spill over” effect. People are going to document and talk about their unique experiences long after they’ve attend the event.
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Speed Dating for Grownups!

The School Jaya One
Section, Jaya One, 72A, Jalan Universiti, Pjs 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
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0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information

Life! Reset will be hosting a social interaction event for those above 35 years old to help them engage actively with other like-minded individuals, bringing people with common ground together in one place.

There will be 3 segments during the event:
1. A little about me - some things that you'd like others to know about you. This will be pre-filled during registration.

2. Blind match - chemistry is all about how you feel by touch. Removes the pre-date jitters and helps conversation flow naturally.

3. Here we are - this final mixer helps you piece together the amazing people you have met throughout the night and continue with conversations, food and drinks.

Details of event:
Date: 10th & 11th February, 2018 (Pick One Day)
Time: 4pm onwards.
Venue: Ground Floor, Block J, The School by Jaya One
Fee: RM150 (including a cupid kit, food & beverage)

Closing date for participation is 4th Feb 2018.

For enquiries, please email [email protected]om
#speedating #LifeReset #SpeeddatingforGrownups #JayaOne


The School Jaya One
Section, Jaya One, 72A, Jalan Universiti, Pjs 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

  • By booking a ticket to Speed Dating for GrownUps! event, you acknowledge your acceptance of the Speed Dating for GrownUps!  Terms and Conditions and warrant that you have the right, authority and capacity to enter into this agreement and to abide by all of our terms and conditions as defined below.
    • Speed Dating for Grownups! is not a matchmaking service, we simply host events where single people can meet one another in a safe, comfortable and relaxed environment.
    • We cannot, and do not, verify the personal information of our guests, such as marital status, or any other aspects of their general background. For this reason we recommend that you do not disclose any personal information such as telephone number or address, which would allow others to contact you directly. Should you wish to do this, you accept this is entirely at your own risk.
    • We will not divulge your contact or personal details to anyone, unless required to do so by law.
    • We may use your contact details to inform you of future events, which we think may be of interest to you.
    • If due to any unforeseen circumstances we are no longer able to hold an event at the venue as originally planned, we reserve the right to move the event to an alternative venue. In this unlikely instance, we will always provide our guests with as much notice as possible.
    • We are not able to accept cancellations, as the quality and success of our event would be compromised by an uneven ratio of males/females. However, if you are able to provide us with at least 5 days notice via email, we will do our best to move you to another Speed Dating for Grownups! event.
    • We do our utmost to ensure that the ratio of males/females at all events is a 50/50 ratio and the website has technology built in to ensure that tickets are sold on an even ratio to allow all guests to have around 15 dates. However, due to potentially unforeseen circumstances on the evening of the event, we accept no responsibility for either an uneven ratio, or shortfall in male/female guests at the event, preventing this from being possible.
    • In the unlikely circumstances we have to cancel or postpone an event, a refund must be requested within 7 days from the time this event was cancelled or postponed. If we do not receive a refund request your account will be credited to attend any future event free of charge.
    • The host can refuse admission or expel at their discretion, and without refund, guests who become abusive and/or offensive to other guests at an event.
    • We take no responsibility for any emotional distress, or physical injury that may arise from communications with other guests registered with Speed Dating for Grownups!, without limitation, either during, or at any stage after one of our events.
    • We accept no responsibility for any content arising in any written or verbal communications which may arise from one of our events including where members of the press are in attendance.
    • We reserve the right to not include a guest as attending who leaves an event once an event has began.
    • By registering with Speed Dating for Grownups! you warrant that you are at least 35 years old and that you are single.
    • We reserve the right to cancel any event and provide a full refund, but no other compensation, in this unlikely case.
    • Guests are responsible for attending an event on time. If a Guest turns up late to an event, we are under no obligation to allow them to participate in the event, nor offer any refund or compensation. We will however do our best to accommodate the member into the event, but this is not always possible.
    • We do not issue refunds for our Feb 10th and/or Feb 11th event, you are able to exchange your place with a friend if you are unable to attend. Please explain to the host the situation on the night of the event.
LIFE! RESET – a glimpseWe are a community looking to create impact driven events and social engagements to drive transformation within self, community and the nation and one day, the world. We get a jolt helping others achieve their goals, dreams and gaining a life-changing revelation at any of our events. This involvement of the public impacts engagement, education, marketing, PR and many more outlets that could not only beam a positive light in your company, but truly in the heart of your brand.Life! Reset’s mantra is “Unify People to Mobilize Change”, whether in their personal lives, their community, loved ones or even their world. We promote hyper connectivity with your audiences and new prospects, which also encourages the “event spill over” effect. People are going to document and talk about their unique experiences long after they’ve attend the event.
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