The Industry 4.0 wave is here in Malaysia!
It shall change the entire market landscape that you never imagine before!
So, seize the opportunity to sail through the wave and be the spearhead of your own industry!
Wish to know what is Industry 4.0 and its Implication to YOU?
Join our "Smart Manufacturing 4.0" conference on 12 April 2018, Thursday, from 9am to 12.30pm.
For registration, kindly click on the following link:
Find out more details on this conference in our Facebook, Like and share our Facebook page and you will be entitled for a FREE admission ticket to experience the fun in Game-Based Learning session! Click here to redeem your ticket.
For more details, you may connect to our SHIFTZAGENT:
Ms. Tang @ 012-257 5349/[email protected]
Ms. Ho @ 012-283 5349 /[email protected]