教你如何看懂消费税报表及税务代码最新进展 2018 - 新山站 Understanding of the Latest Development in GST Reporting and Tax Code - JB

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
New York Hotel
22, Jalan Dato Abdullah Tahir, Taman Abad, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

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最近是不是被关税局的GST 更新搞到都大了?

关税局在2017年12月 29日,布了2017年消税条(修订), 作出多的修。当中最引人瞩目的就是,消表第一次出


不用担心!AutoCount和十面埋伏-志成老 将会在新山与你GST的几更改。老将会以一贯风趣不打盹的方式与你一一揭破GST!


【教你如何看懂消费税报表及税务代码最新进展 2018】
Date 日期:
13 April 2018 (星期五)
Time 时间:
9am - 1pm
Venue 地点:
New York Hotel, JB ,Ballroom 1, Level 23
Language 语言:
Speaker 讲师:
Mr Chin 陈志成 (十面埋伏)
Price 价格:
RM53 (included GST) 附送一本138页彩色讲义


1️⃣ 征税期 (Taxable Period) 有些什么更新

2️⃣ 税务代码 (Tax Code)须知:

- 哪些Tax Code 不要了?

- 哪个Tax Code 重新归队了?

- 又哪个Tax Code 完全没有了?那日后怎么办?

- 新旧 ZP 有什么区别?

3️⃣ 消费税报表(GST-03)的修订与应对:

- 随着Tax Code 的变化,那么GST Return 怎么办?

- 什么税务代码需要设定去 C15?

- “其他供应的总值” 指的是什么?又什么需要填在C15?

- 报表的修订,关税局的意图何在?

- “OS” 与 “NS” 如何区别?

- 日后有什么非得小心处理不可?



*如有任何疑问,敬请联络 [email protected] /+60 10‑309 2288


New York Hotel
22, Jalan Dato Abdullah Tahir, Taman Abad, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

1. Each ticket purchased is entitled for ONE attendee. No duplicate entry for each ticket per attendee.
2. Ticket purchased cannot be transferred and strictly not refundable after registration done.
3. Organizer reserve right to change the information without notification.
4. Kindly present the printed ticket or online e-ticket for verification purpose upon registration.

{{$t("More events or promo by")}}

Auto Count Sdn Bhd (751600-A) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Autocount Dotcom Berhad, listed on the Ace market of Bursa Malaysia since May 9, 2023. We are a leading software development company with 27 years of experience, and its head office is located at Oasis Corporate Park, Ara Damansara, Selangor. We specialise in delivering high-quality accounting software and business applications designed to meet the unique needs of SMEs, multinational companies, and publicly listed organisations. Our comprehensive product suite encompasses AutoCount Accounting, Point of Sale, Cloud Accounting, Cloud Payroll and OneSales, which have gained trust of over 210,000 businesses and companies across diverse industries. To ensure our client's success, we maintain a strong network of approximately 250 authorised dealers who provide exceptional support and outstanding service.
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教你如何看懂消费税报表及税务代码最新进展 2018 - 新山站 Understanding of the Latest Development in GST Reporting and Tax Code - JB

New York Hotel
22, Jalan Dato Abdullah Tahir, Taman Abad, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
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Event Expired

Ticket Information


最近是不是被关税局的GST 更新搞到都大了?

关税局在2017年12月 29日,布了2017年消税条(修订), 作出多的修。当中最引人瞩目的就是,消表第一次出


不用担心!AutoCount和十面埋伏-志成老 将会在新山与你GST的几更改。老将会以一贯风趣不打盹的方式与你一一揭破GST!


【教你如何看懂消费税报表及税务代码最新进展 2018】
Date 日期:
13 April 2018 (星期五)
Time 时间:
9am - 1pm
Venue 地点:
New York Hotel, JB ,Ballroom 1, Level 23
Language 语言:
Speaker 讲师:
Mr Chin 陈志成 (十面埋伏)
Price 价格:
RM53 (included GST) 附送一本138页彩色讲义


1️⃣ 征税期 (Taxable Period) 有些什么更新

2️⃣ 税务代码 (Tax Code)须知:

- 哪些Tax Code 不要了?

- 哪个Tax Code 重新归队了?

- 又哪个Tax Code 完全没有了?那日后怎么办?

- 新旧 ZP 有什么区别?

3️⃣ 消费税报表(GST-03)的修订与应对:

- 随着Tax Code 的变化,那么GST Return 怎么办?

- 什么税务代码需要设定去 C15?

- “其他供应的总值” 指的是什么?又什么需要填在C15?

- 报表的修订,关税局的意图何在?

- “OS” 与 “NS” 如何区别?

- 日后有什么非得小心处理不可?



*如有任何疑问,敬请联络 [email protected] /+60 10‑309 2288


New York Hotel
22, Jalan Dato Abdullah Tahir, Taman Abad, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

1. Each ticket purchased is entitled for ONE attendee. No duplicate entry for each ticket per attendee.
2. Ticket purchased cannot be transferred and strictly not refundable after registration done.
3. Organizer reserve right to change the information without notification.
4. Kindly present the printed ticket or online e-ticket for verification purpose upon registration.

Auto Count Sdn Bhd (751600-A) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Autocount Dotcom Berhad, listed on the Ace market of Bursa Malaysia since May 9, 2023. We are a leading software development company with 27 years of experience, and its head office is located at Oasis Corporate Park, Ara Damansara, Selangor. We specialise in delivering high-quality accounting software and business applications designed to meet the unique needs of SMEs, multinational companies, and publicly listed organisations. Our comprehensive product suite encompasses AutoCount Accounting, Point of Sale, Cloud Accounting, Cloud Payroll and OneSales, which have gained trust of over 210,000 businesses and companies across diverse industries. To ensure our client's success, we maintain a strong network of approximately 250 authorised dealers who provide exceptional support and outstanding service.
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