Atomy Malaysia Success Academy (May 2018)

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Dorsett Grand Subang
Jalan SS 12/1, Ss 12, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

{{$t("More info on this event")}}


Atomy Success Academy preaches Atomy’s vision for fulfilling customer success and masstalism (mass-capitalism), while celebrating mastership promotion, and writing out the life scenario to help leading people to success.

We would like to invite you to our Atomy Malaysia 2 Days 1 Night Success Academy


The next Atomy Success Academy
Date: 18 & 19 May (2days 1night)
Venue:  Dorsett Grand Hotel, Subang Jaya
Address: Jalan SS 12/1, Ss 12, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Location Map:

Time: Registration Start at 10:30 am, 18 May 2018 (上午10.30点开始登记)

Success Academy conducted in English, Bahasa Chinese. 成功学院将以三语交互进行。

Translate service will be provided, please along your smart phone, earphone, power bank.

成功学院将提供翻译服务,请自备智慧型手机, 耳机, 移动电源。


Dorsett Grand Subang
Jalan SS 12/1, Ss 12, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

  • Success Academy first day 18th May registration starts at 10:30 AM, program start at 02:00 PM.
  • Kindly print and bring along the e-ticket for verification purpose.
  • Ticket A: Entrance ticket, with accommodation & include 18th Dinner, 19th Breakfast
  • Ticket B: Entrance ticket without accommodation & include 18th  Dinner.
  • Bedding type will be assigned randomly.

  • Hari pertama Success Academy pada 18th May. Pendaftaran bermula pada pukul 10:30 pagi, dan program akan berlangsung pada pukul 02:00 petang.
  • Sila cetak dan bawa sekali e-tiket anda, untuk tujuan pengesahan.
  • Ticket A: Dengan tempat penginapan & makan malam pada 18th, sarapan pada 19th.
  • Ticket B: Tanpa tempat penginapan & makan malam pada 18th.
  • Jenis katil akan disediakan secara rawak.

  • 成功学院第一天 5月18日登记处将会在在上10.30点开始,课程将会在下午2点钟正式开始
  • 请记得把成功购买后收到的电子票一同带到会场以便登记
  • 入场票A (包含饭店住宿) 含18th 晚餐+ 19th 早餐
  • 入场票B (不包含饭店住宿) 含18th 晚餐
  • 床型将以随机式安排

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Atomy Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

Expansion of masstige products reflect the trend in consumer consumption preference. Changing consumption patterns for premium and diversified products open up vast market growth opportunities.As the world market is more globalized and united to a single market, Atomy’s Masstige brand is positioned to gain momentum and growth.Established in 2009, Atomy has expanded globally beginning with USA, followed by Japan, Canada, Taiwan, Singapore, Cambodia, Philippine and Malaysia. As a result of steadily pioneering overseas markets with Masstige strategy, it has shown remarkable achievement in global business. In December 2016, Atomy Mexico opened, which will become a bridgehead for Latin American market. Atomy will keep pursuing its management goal of becoming a global distribution hub by further expanding into Southeast Asian markets and pioneering into china.Since establishment, our objective has not been competition with other network marketing companies.Alternatively, we compete with mass merchandisers such as supermarkets, department stores, home shopping, and online retailers to reshape and transform the way in purchasing goods. Henceforth, Atomy will rewrite the history of Network Marketing.Built on a foundation of principles, Atomy will lead the industry to reshape recognition and reputation.Atomy’s Culture: 1. Principle Centered 2. Accompanied Growth 3. Distribution & SharingOur objective is beyond consumer satisfaction; rather it is centered for success.A corporation that cherishes the spirit! We believe that valuing individuals is our priority. Be our partner in faith and believe in your own success through Atomy. We will always serve you with the utmost humble heart. Enjoy a beautiful life with Atomy and make your dreams come true.
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Atomy Malaysia Success Academy (May 2018)

Dorsett Grand Subang
Jalan SS 12/1, Ss 12, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information

Atomy Success Academy preaches Atomy’s vision for fulfilling customer success and masstalism (mass-capitalism), while celebrating mastership promotion, and writing out the life scenario to help leading people to success.

We would like to invite you to our Atomy Malaysia 2 Days 1 Night Success Academy


The next Atomy Success Academy
Date: 18 & 19 May (2days 1night)
Venue:  Dorsett Grand Hotel, Subang Jaya
Address: Jalan SS 12/1, Ss 12, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Location Map:

Time: Registration Start at 10:30 am, 18 May 2018 (上午10.30点开始登记)

Success Academy conducted in English, Bahasa Chinese. 成功学院将以三语交互进行。

Translate service will be provided, please along your smart phone, earphone, power bank.

成功学院将提供翻译服务,请自备智慧型手机, 耳机, 移动电源。


Dorsett Grand Subang
Jalan SS 12/1, Ss 12, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

  • Success Academy first day 18th May registration starts at 10:30 AM, program start at 02:00 PM.
  • Kindly print and bring along the e-ticket for verification purpose.
  • Ticket A: Entrance ticket, with accommodation & include 18th Dinner, 19th Breakfast
  • Ticket B: Entrance ticket without accommodation & include 18th  Dinner.
  • Bedding type will be assigned randomly.

  • Hari pertama Success Academy pada 18th May. Pendaftaran bermula pada pukul 10:30 pagi, dan program akan berlangsung pada pukul 02:00 petang.
  • Sila cetak dan bawa sekali e-tiket anda, untuk tujuan pengesahan.
  • Ticket A: Dengan tempat penginapan & makan malam pada 18th, sarapan pada 19th.
  • Ticket B: Tanpa tempat penginapan & makan malam pada 18th.
  • Jenis katil akan disediakan secara rawak.

  • 成功学院第一天 5月18日登记处将会在在上10.30点开始,课程将会在下午2点钟正式开始
  • 请记得把成功购买后收到的电子票一同带到会场以便登记
  • 入场票A (包含饭店住宿) 含18th 晚餐+ 19th 早餐
  • 入场票B (不包含饭店住宿) 含18th 晚餐
  • 床型将以随机式安排

Expansion of masstige products reflect the trend in consumer consumption preference. Changing consumption patterns for premium and diversified products open up vast market growth opportunities.As the world market is more globalized and united to a single market, Atomy’s Masstige brand is positioned to gain momentum and growth.Established in 2009, Atomy has expanded globally beginning with USA, followed by Japan, Canada, Taiwan, Singapore, Cambodia, Philippine and Malaysia. As a result of steadily pioneering overseas markets with Masstige strategy, it has shown remarkable achievement in global business. In December 2016, Atomy Mexico opened, which will become a bridgehead for Latin American market. Atomy will keep pursuing its management goal of becoming a global distribution hub by further expanding into Southeast Asian markets and pioneering into china.Since establishment, our objective has not been competition with other network marketing companies.Alternatively, we compete with mass merchandisers such as supermarkets, department stores, home shopping, and online retailers to reshape and transform the way in purchasing goods. Henceforth, Atomy will rewrite the history of Network Marketing.Built on a foundation of principles, Atomy will lead the industry to reshape recognition and reputation.Atomy’s Culture: 1. Principle Centered 2. Accompanied Growth 3. Distribution & SharingOur objective is beyond consumer satisfaction; rather it is centered for success.A corporation that cherishes the spirit! We believe that valuing individuals is our priority. Be our partner in faith and believe in your own success through Atomy. We will always serve you with the utmost humble heart. Enjoy a beautiful life with Atomy and make your dreams come true.
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