[2ND SHOW] fm180.1 Light & Easy House Concert by SAB A Cappella

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
1801 Space PJ
01, Jalan SS 25/35, Taman Mayang, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

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We're adding a 2nd show on 1st July 2018 (SUN). 

Only 60 seats available! Act fast now!

SAB A Cappella proudly presents you our 1st experimental house concert at #1801 SPACE

An hour of instrument-less light and easy music such as Fly Me to the Moon, When I Fall in Love, What a Wonderful World and many more classics. 

Come join us and be entertained by the beauty of harmonies with 100% pure vocals.

!! 我們加場啦 !!



2018年二季,SAB人声乐团首场实验性迷你音乐会 “fm180.1 Light & Easy”,亦是SAB在原创表演空间 #1801 SPACE 的首次阿卡公演哦!



Date | 日期: 01.07.2018 (Sun | 日)
Time | 時間: 3.00pm (Door opens/入場 2.30pm)
Venue | 地點: 1801 Space PJ
Admission | 入場: RM 35 (1 complimentary drink | 含一杯飲料)


1801 Space PJ
01, Jalan SS 25/35, Taman Mayang, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

1. Ticket prices shown are in MYR (Malaysian Ringgit). If you prefer to pay in SGD or USD, we will gladly accept it.

2. Come earlier at 2.30PM to get seat selection priority. We can't guarantee you'll get a good Insta story of us if you arrive at 3.00pm

3. Worried you'll be thirsty? Show your ticket QR code and get one free drink during admission.

4. We welcome family with kids as long as other audiences are able to enjoy the show too. Free admission for kids below 3 years old.

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SAB A Cappella

SAB A cappella Band (SAB), formerly known as The Summer’Singers since 2000, is a fully home grown A Cappella focused vocal ensemble consisting young professionals all over Malaysia. In 2013, we embarked on a transformation journey, refocusing our genre from classical music to culturally relevant pop songs as well as favourite classics using 100% purevocals with the inclusion of live human beat boxing, showcasing the art of mimicking drum machines with just mouth, lips, tongue and voice. We rebranded ourselves in 2014, and since then is commonly known to the public as SAB A Cappella. Over the years we have performed at various concerts, music festivals, corporate functions, festive specific events, corporate song and advertisement song recordings, artists’ back up vocals, and private parties and events.
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[2ND SHOW] fm180.1 Light & Easy House Concert by SAB A Cappella

1801 Space PJ
01, Jalan SS 25/35, Taman Mayang, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
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0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information


We're adding a 2nd show on 1st July 2018 (SUN). 

Only 60 seats available! Act fast now!

SAB A Cappella proudly presents you our 1st experimental house concert at #1801 SPACE

An hour of instrument-less light and easy music such as Fly Me to the Moon, When I Fall in Love, What a Wonderful World and many more classics. 

Come join us and be entertained by the beauty of harmonies with 100% pure vocals.

!! 我們加場啦 !!



2018年二季,SAB人声乐团首场实验性迷你音乐会 “fm180.1 Light & Easy”,亦是SAB在原创表演空间 #1801 SPACE 的首次阿卡公演哦!



Date | 日期: 01.07.2018 (Sun | 日)
Time | 時間: 3.00pm (Door opens/入場 2.30pm)
Venue | 地點: 1801 Space PJ
Admission | 入場: RM 35 (1 complimentary drink | 含一杯飲料)


1801 Space PJ
01, Jalan SS 25/35, Taman Mayang, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

1. Ticket prices shown are in MYR (Malaysian Ringgit). If you prefer to pay in SGD or USD, we will gladly accept it.

2. Come earlier at 2.30PM to get seat selection priority. We can't guarantee you'll get a good Insta story of us if you arrive at 3.00pm

3. Worried you'll be thirsty? Show your ticket QR code and get one free drink during admission.

4. We welcome family with kids as long as other audiences are able to enjoy the show too. Free admission for kids below 3 years old.

SAB A cappella Band (SAB), formerly known as The Summer’Singers since 2000, is a fully home grown A Cappella focused vocal ensemble consisting young professionals all over Malaysia. In 2013, we embarked on a transformation journey, refocusing our genre from classical music to culturally relevant pop songs as well as favourite classics using 100% purevocals with the inclusion of live human beat boxing, showcasing the art of mimicking drum machines with just mouth, lips, tongue and voice. We rebranded ourselves in 2014, and since then is commonly known to the public as SAB A Cappella. Over the years we have performed at various concerts, music festivals, corporate functions, festive specific events, corporate song and advertisement song recordings, artists’ back up vocals, and private parties and events.
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