Asia Pacific Master Games Road Race

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Padang Kota Lama
1, Light St, Georgetown, 10450 George Town, Penang, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

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 What is Asia Pacific Masters Games (APMG)?

Before you understand what is APMG, we need to know what is World Masters Games. 

The World Masters Games is an international multi-sport event held every four years which, in terms of competitor numbers, has developed into the largest of its kind. Governed by the International Masters Games Association (IMGA), the World Masters Games is open to sports people of all abilities, anyone can participate in the games so long as they are over the age of 30 though some sports will allow athletes who are younger than that. Participants compete for themselves – there are no country delegations. Beyond the age requirement and membership in that sport’s governing body, there are no competition qualification requirements.


The first World Masters Games started on 1985 in Toronto. The Games has been popular with retired professional athletes and former Olympic competitors, with over 230 past Olympians taking part in the Sydney 2009 World Masters Games edition which attracted a record 28,676 competitors. (source from


The 1st Asia Pacific Masters Games (APMG) Penang 2018, Penang has the honor to be the host for the inaugural Asia Pacific Masters Games from 7th to 15th of September 2018.


Now, we are offered with a Special Deal for all Actife Style Concept members, Penang Run and Penang Ultra participants on the Asia Pacific Masters Games 10km and 21km Road Race with RM100.00 registration fees for Malaysian. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to race with the Masters on 9th September, 2018.


What you entitle with RM100.00 registration fee?

  1. A Limited Edition of Asia Pacific Masters Games T-Shirts.
  2. A Finisher medal for those completed within the cut-off time.
  3. Podium Medals for Top 3 in each age group.
  4. The invaluable experience to participate in a Masters Games especially the first of its kind, furthermore in our home ground.

The 1st-ever Masters Games in the Asia Pacific!

An estimated 5,000 participants from the Asia Pacific region are expected to participate in this nine days of sporting challenge and excitement featuring 22 sports played in one of South East Asia’s top island destination.

OPEN to EVERYONE & ANYONE with NO qualifying or selection process involved!

Just like the Olympics, there are opening and closing ceremonies, and medals are awarded for the podium finishers in all events.

Register now and be part of this historic event!


Padang Kota Lama
1, Light St, Georgetown, 10450 George Town, Penang, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

SPORTS INFORMATION GUIDE 申明:此为中文翻译版本,如有任何出入,以英文版本为依据

1. Athletics competition for this special package Asia Pacific Masters Games 2018 (APMG2018) offers each athlete the opportunity to compete in ONLY 1 disciplines at the Games, either 10km road race or 21km road race. 2018年亚太大师运动会半马或十公里跑赛项目让参赛者参加。

2. The provisional Athletics competition schedule for APMG2018 10km and 21km road race will be held on 9 September, 2018 (Sunday). 2018年亚太大师运动会里,将以2018年9月9日(星期天)进行赛事。 

Collection of event T-Shirts shall be held on 7th September, 2018 (Friday) from 2:00pm to 6:00pm. 8th September, 2018 (Saturday) from 10:00am to 2:30pm. Venue: BSG The Galleria, 52 Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Georgetown, Penang. Tel: +60 4-229 6288.

领活动T恤和比赛号码将举行 2018年9月7日(星期五)下午2:00至6:00。 2018年9月8日(星期六)上午10:00至下午2:30。 地点:BSG The Galleria,52 Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah,槟城乔治城。 电话:+60 4-229 6288。

3. In line with the sport specific rules, an athlete must compete in their actual age group, with your age determined as at 7th September 2018. 根据大会的规定,参赛者必须参加根据自己的真实年龄的组别,既是2018年9月7日为根据。

If there are insufficient entries in an age category, categories may be combined in order to conduct a viable competition. The awarding of medals will not be affected, that is, individuals will still be awarded medals in the age category in which they originally entered. 主办单位将以参赛者报名时所提供的最佳时间来编排比赛时间表,并有可能将相同的项目合并以节省比赛时间,比赛排名并不会因为项目合并而受影响的。比赛前三名最快的参赛者将获得奖牌。

The age categories for Athletics at APMG2018 are as follows: 

Male 男子

  • M30 (30-34) M35 (35-39) M40 (40-44) M45 (45-49) M50 (50-54)
  • M55 (55-59) M60 (60-64) M65 (65-69) M70 (70-74) M75 (75-79)
  • M80 (80-84), M85 (85-89) M90 (90-94) M95 (95-99) M100 (100+)

Female 女子

  • W30 (30-34) W35 (35-39) W40 (40-44) W45 (45-49) W50 (50-54)
  • W55 (55-59) W60 (60-64) W65 (65-69) W70 (70-74) W75 (75-79)
  • W80 (80-84), W85 (85-89) W90 (90-94) W95 (95-99) W100 (100+)

It is possible to register with the intention to walk in the Road events; however, as the event is conducted on public roads and permission is provided to close all or parts of those roads, there are certain time restrictions after which athletes will be required to continue the event on the footpath, or for safety reasons, may be withdrawn from the event.

4. Race Information 比赛详情

a. Asia Pacific Masters Games athletics competition shall be conducted in accordance with the technical rules of IAAF except as modified by By-Laws and /or Rules of Competitions. The rule changes shall require endorsement by the Malaysian Athletic Federation Technical Committee before being introduced into competition. 这次的田径赛将根据国际田径协会联合会的规则进行,除了一些更改将列明在此手册。任何的规则更改及运用在比赛前都必须经过马来西亚田径联合会核准。

b. The Malaysian Athletic Federation shall define the roles of International Officials with regard to the specific needs of a master athletics championship. 马来西亚田径联合会必须说明国际官员在这次的运动会所扮演的角色和责任。 

c. In the Championships, all competitors must wear appropriate sporting attires. 所有的运动员都必须穿上适当的运动服装。 

d. The Organizing Committee shall appoint a Safety Judge with authority to withdraw from competition any athlete who is improperly performing the event whose continued participation in the competition would in the opinion of the Safety Judge endanger the athletes health or the progress of other competitors. The Safety Judge may exercise his authority through deputies, and both the Safety Judge and any deputies shall be clearly identifiable as such. 主办单位将委任一名检录裁判长在比赛期间进行协调。裁判长有权取消任何行为不当,间接危害其他运动员的人身安全或影响比赛进行的选手比赛的资格。 

e. Competitors shall be advised, preferably in the program, of the reporting time for each event. No round or stage of any event will commence at a time earlier than that shown in the printed programme. 赛程表仅供运动员参考,所有项目的报到时间已列明在赛程表里。所有项目都会根据赛程表里列明的时间进行,不会提早。

5. 技术手册

The Technical Hand book shall be prepared by the Organizing Committee in consultation with the Technical Delegate appointed by the Malaysian Athletics Federation (MAF). 相关的技术手册将由马来西亚田径联合会所委任技术代表协助,及主办单位准备。 

The Technical Hand Book will be prepared prior to the start of the Championship 技术手册将于比赛前颁发。

6. 技术人员

For the Championship: 在这次的比赛:

a. Officials of the competition shall be appointed by the MAF.技术人员必须又马来西亚田径联合会委任的。

b. Two International Race walking judges shall be appointed by the MAF in consultation with the Technical Delegate. 马来西亚田径联合会也会征询技术代表的意见,同时委任2名国际竞走裁判。

c. Up to a maximum of five qualified International Technical Officials may be appointed by the MAF in consultation with the Technical Delegate. 马来西亚田径联合会也会征询技术代表的意见,同时委任最多5名受国际认证的技术人员。

7. 场地考察和简报

a. The Technical Delegate and member of the MAF Technical Committee shall visit the sites and make preparation for the Championships including the availability of suitable tracks, throwing and jumping area, warm up facilities and equipment. 技术代表和马来西亚田径联合会技术人员将会在赛前做场地考察及准备,包括径赛跑道,田赛和跳跃区,暖身设备及工具。

b. All officials of the meeting shall be briefed on their duties and responsibilities before the commencement of the Championships by the Technical Delegate. 所有的技术人员在赛前都必须了解自己的岗位和责任,技术代表将会一一向每位人员简报。

8. 颁奖仪式

Medal ceremonies will be held at the competition venue within a reasonable time after the completion of the event. For this purpose, a schedule will be made available in the Technical Hand Book. 颁奖仪式会在决赛后进行颁发。相关的资料将会列明在技术手册。

9. 技术代表

The MAF has endorsed the appointment of MR S. MURUGESU (MAS) to act in the role of Technical Delegate for the APMG2018 Athletics competition. The Technical Delegate will oversee the implementation of all sport specific rules and requirements at the Games. 马来西亚田径联合会已经委任 S. MURUGESU (MAS)为这次赛事的技术代表。技术代表将会监督运动规则的履行和赛事的要求。

10. 住宿

The APMG 2018 organisers recommend the following selected hotels for athletics participants based on location and accessibility to the competition venue: APMG 2018 主办方根据参赛场馆的位置和可达性向田径参赛者推荐以下选定的酒店:

  • - Sunway Hotel Georgetown
  • - Hotel Neo Penang
  • - Hotel Jen Penang
  • - Cititel Hotel Penang

However, participants are free to select own accommodation according to own preference.

To assist participants, an accommodation booking section offering special room rates for the Games is made available on the official website 但是, 参与者可以根据自己的喜好自由选择住宿。为了帮助参与者, 在官方网站 上提供了一个提供特殊房价的住宿预订部分。

11. 更多信息

Planning for the APMG2018 Athletics competition will continue throughout 2017 and early 2018. Additional sport specific operational information will be communicated to registered participants and updated in future additions of this Sports Information Guide. 规划 APMG2018 羽毛球比赛将持续到 2017 年和 2018 年初。其他体育运动的具体操作信息将传达给注册参与者,并在未来增加本体育信息指南和更新。

All participants are encouraged to monitor the APMG2018 website at and other Games communication channels to find out all of the latest information. 鼓励所有参与者通过 和其他通讯渠道监测 APMG2018 网站,了解所有最新信息。 

If you have any further sport specific questions, please send an email to [email protected]. 如果您有任何进问题,请发送电子邮件至 [email protected]

I confirm that I am of adequate health condition to participate in the Asia Pacific Masters Games Penang 2018. I am aware of the risks associated with participating in the Asia Pacific Masters Games Penang 2018 and will not hold the Games organisers, and/or their employees, officials, volunteers and agents, liable or responsible for risks, which include but are not limited to physical or psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, disfigurement, temporary or permanent disability (PLEASE SELECT including paralysis), economic or emotional loss, and/or death. I am aware and understand that I should make my own arrangement for health insurance prior to taking part in the Asia Pacific Masters Games Penang 2018.

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Actife Style Concept Sdn Bhd

Vision Statement We aspire to make active and healthy living a mainstream lifestyle by promoting competitive and non-competitive sports as well as meaningful and fun-filled fellowship and bonding activities. Mission Statement * Strive to be the preferred event organizer providing excellent services and leading-edge innovations. * Build strong relationships with our valued clients to forge meaningful long-term partnerships. * Continuously improve and fine-tune our services through creative ideas to better connect with our valued fellow runners and clients. * Be a preferred business partner and provide flexible and best-in-class services.
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Asia Pacific Master Games Road Race

Padang Kota Lama
1, Light St, Georgetown, 10450 George Town, Penang, Malaysia
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Event Expired

Ticket Information

 What is Asia Pacific Masters Games (APMG)?

Before you understand what is APMG, we need to know what is World Masters Games. 

The World Masters Games is an international multi-sport event held every four years which, in terms of competitor numbers, has developed into the largest of its kind. Governed by the International Masters Games Association (IMGA), the World Masters Games is open to sports people of all abilities, anyone can participate in the games so long as they are over the age of 30 though some sports will allow athletes who are younger than that. Participants compete for themselves – there are no country delegations. Beyond the age requirement and membership in that sport’s governing body, there are no competition qualification requirements.


The first World Masters Games started on 1985 in Toronto. The Games has been popular with retired professional athletes and former Olympic competitors, with over 230 past Olympians taking part in the Sydney 2009 World Masters Games edition which attracted a record 28,676 competitors. (source from


The 1st Asia Pacific Masters Games (APMG) Penang 2018, Penang has the honor to be the host for the inaugural Asia Pacific Masters Games from 7th to 15th of September 2018.


Now, we are offered with a Special Deal for all Actife Style Concept members, Penang Run and Penang Ultra participants on the Asia Pacific Masters Games 10km and 21km Road Race with RM100.00 registration fees for Malaysian. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to race with the Masters on 9th September, 2018.


What you entitle with RM100.00 registration fee?

  1. A Limited Edition of Asia Pacific Masters Games T-Shirts.
  2. A Finisher medal for those completed within the cut-off time.
  3. Podium Medals for Top 3 in each age group.
  4. The invaluable experience to participate in a Masters Games especially the first of its kind, furthermore in our home ground.

The 1st-ever Masters Games in the Asia Pacific!

An estimated 5,000 participants from the Asia Pacific region are expected to participate in this nine days of sporting challenge and excitement featuring 22 sports played in one of South East Asia’s top island destination.

OPEN to EVERYONE & ANYONE with NO qualifying or selection process involved!

Just like the Olympics, there are opening and closing ceremonies, and medals are awarded for the podium finishers in all events.

Register now and be part of this historic event!


Padang Kota Lama
1, Light St, Georgetown, 10450 George Town, Penang, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

SPORTS INFORMATION GUIDE 申明:此为中文翻译版本,如有任何出入,以英文版本为依据

1. Athletics competition for this special package Asia Pacific Masters Games 2018 (APMG2018) offers each athlete the opportunity to compete in ONLY 1 disciplines at the Games, either 10km road race or 21km road race. 2018年亚太大师运动会半马或十公里跑赛项目让参赛者参加。

2. The provisional Athletics competition schedule for APMG2018 10km and 21km road race will be held on 9 September, 2018 (Sunday). 2018年亚太大师运动会里,将以2018年9月9日(星期天)进行赛事。 

Collection of event T-Shirts shall be held on 7th September, 2018 (Friday) from 2:00pm to 6:00pm. 8th September, 2018 (Saturday) from 10:00am to 2:30pm. Venue: BSG The Galleria, 52 Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Georgetown, Penang. Tel: +60 4-229 6288.

领活动T恤和比赛号码将举行 2018年9月7日(星期五)下午2:00至6:00。 2018年9月8日(星期六)上午10:00至下午2:30。 地点:BSG The Galleria,52 Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah,槟城乔治城。 电话:+60 4-229 6288。

3. In line with the sport specific rules, an athlete must compete in their actual age group, with your age determined as at 7th September 2018. 根据大会的规定,参赛者必须参加根据自己的真实年龄的组别,既是2018年9月7日为根据。

If there are insufficient entries in an age category, categories may be combined in order to conduct a viable competition. The awarding of medals will not be affected, that is, individuals will still be awarded medals in the age category in which they originally entered. 主办单位将以参赛者报名时所提供的最佳时间来编排比赛时间表,并有可能将相同的项目合并以节省比赛时间,比赛排名并不会因为项目合并而受影响的。比赛前三名最快的参赛者将获得奖牌。

The age categories for Athletics at APMG2018 are as follows: 

Male 男子

  • M30 (30-34) M35 (35-39) M40 (40-44) M45 (45-49) M50 (50-54)
  • M55 (55-59) M60 (60-64) M65 (65-69) M70 (70-74) M75 (75-79)
  • M80 (80-84), M85 (85-89) M90 (90-94) M95 (95-99) M100 (100+)

Female 女子

  • W30 (30-34) W35 (35-39) W40 (40-44) W45 (45-49) W50 (50-54)
  • W55 (55-59) W60 (60-64) W65 (65-69) W70 (70-74) W75 (75-79)
  • W80 (80-84), W85 (85-89) W90 (90-94) W95 (95-99) W100 (100+)

It is possible to register with the intention to walk in the Road events; however, as the event is conducted on public roads and permission is provided to close all or parts of those roads, there are certain time restrictions after which athletes will be required to continue the event on the footpath, or for safety reasons, may be withdrawn from the event.

4. Race Information 比赛详情

a. Asia Pacific Masters Games athletics competition shall be conducted in accordance with the technical rules of IAAF except as modified by By-Laws and /or Rules of Competitions. The rule changes shall require endorsement by the Malaysian Athletic Federation Technical Committee before being introduced into competition. 这次的田径赛将根据国际田径协会联合会的规则进行,除了一些更改将列明在此手册。任何的规则更改及运用在比赛前都必须经过马来西亚田径联合会核准。

b. The Malaysian Athletic Federation shall define the roles of International Officials with regard to the specific needs of a master athletics championship. 马来西亚田径联合会必须说明国际官员在这次的运动会所扮演的角色和责任。 

c. In the Championships, all competitors must wear appropriate sporting attires. 所有的运动员都必须穿上适当的运动服装。 

d. The Organizing Committee shall appoint a Safety Judge with authority to withdraw from competition any athlete who is improperly performing the event whose continued participation in the competition would in the opinion of the Safety Judge endanger the athletes health or the progress of other competitors. The Safety Judge may exercise his authority through deputies, and both the Safety Judge and any deputies shall be clearly identifiable as such. 主办单位将委任一名检录裁判长在比赛期间进行协调。裁判长有权取消任何行为不当,间接危害其他运动员的人身安全或影响比赛进行的选手比赛的资格。 

e. Competitors shall be advised, preferably in the program, of the reporting time for each event. No round or stage of any event will commence at a time earlier than that shown in the printed programme. 赛程表仅供运动员参考,所有项目的报到时间已列明在赛程表里。所有项目都会根据赛程表里列明的时间进行,不会提早。

5. 技术手册

The Technical Hand book shall be prepared by the Organizing Committee in consultation with the Technical Delegate appointed by the Malaysian Athletics Federation (MAF). 相关的技术手册将由马来西亚田径联合会所委任技术代表协助,及主办单位准备。 

The Technical Hand Book will be prepared prior to the start of the Championship 技术手册将于比赛前颁发。

6. 技术人员

For the Championship: 在这次的比赛:

a. Officials of the competition shall be appointed by the MAF.技术人员必须又马来西亚田径联合会委任的。

b. Two International Race walking judges shall be appointed by the MAF in consultation with the Technical Delegate. 马来西亚田径联合会也会征询技术代表的意见,同时委任2名国际竞走裁判。

c. Up to a maximum of five qualified International Technical Officials may be appointed by the MAF in consultation with the Technical Delegate. 马来西亚田径联合会也会征询技术代表的意见,同时委任最多5名受国际认证的技术人员。

7. 场地考察和简报

a. The Technical Delegate and member of the MAF Technical Committee shall visit the sites and make preparation for the Championships including the availability of suitable tracks, throwing and jumping area, warm up facilities and equipment. 技术代表和马来西亚田径联合会技术人员将会在赛前做场地考察及准备,包括径赛跑道,田赛和跳跃区,暖身设备及工具。

b. All officials of the meeting shall be briefed on their duties and responsibilities before the commencement of the Championships by the Technical Delegate. 所有的技术人员在赛前都必须了解自己的岗位和责任,技术代表将会一一向每位人员简报。

8. 颁奖仪式

Medal ceremonies will be held at the competition venue within a reasonable time after the completion of the event. For this purpose, a schedule will be made available in the Technical Hand Book. 颁奖仪式会在决赛后进行颁发。相关的资料将会列明在技术手册。

9. 技术代表

The MAF has endorsed the appointment of MR S. MURUGESU (MAS) to act in the role of Technical Delegate for the APMG2018 Athletics competition. The Technical Delegate will oversee the implementation of all sport specific rules and requirements at the Games. 马来西亚田径联合会已经委任 S. MURUGESU (MAS)为这次赛事的技术代表。技术代表将会监督运动规则的履行和赛事的要求。

10. 住宿

The APMG 2018 organisers recommend the following selected hotels for athletics participants based on location and accessibility to the competition venue: APMG 2018 主办方根据参赛场馆的位置和可达性向田径参赛者推荐以下选定的酒店:

  • - Sunway Hotel Georgetown
  • - Hotel Neo Penang
  • - Hotel Jen Penang
  • - Cititel Hotel Penang

However, participants are free to select own accommodation according to own preference.

To assist participants, an accommodation booking section offering special room rates for the Games is made available on the official website 但是, 参与者可以根据自己的喜好自由选择住宿。为了帮助参与者, 在官方网站 上提供了一个提供特殊房价的住宿预订部分。

11. 更多信息

Planning for the APMG2018 Athletics competition will continue throughout 2017 and early 2018. Additional sport specific operational information will be communicated to registered participants and updated in future additions of this Sports Information Guide. 规划 APMG2018 羽毛球比赛将持续到 2017 年和 2018 年初。其他体育运动的具体操作信息将传达给注册参与者,并在未来增加本体育信息指南和更新。

All participants are encouraged to monitor the APMG2018 website at and other Games communication channels to find out all of the latest information. 鼓励所有参与者通过 和其他通讯渠道监测 APMG2018 网站,了解所有最新信息。 

If you have any further sport specific questions, please send an email to [email protected]. 如果您有任何进问题,请发送电子邮件至 [email protected]

I confirm that I am of adequate health condition to participate in the Asia Pacific Masters Games Penang 2018. I am aware of the risks associated with participating in the Asia Pacific Masters Games Penang 2018 and will not hold the Games organisers, and/or their employees, officials, volunteers and agents, liable or responsible for risks, which include but are not limited to physical or psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, disfigurement, temporary or permanent disability (PLEASE SELECT including paralysis), economic or emotional loss, and/or death. I am aware and understand that I should make my own arrangement for health insurance prior to taking part in the Asia Pacific Masters Games Penang 2018.

Vision Statement We aspire to make active and healthy living a mainstream lifestyle by promoting competitive and non-competitive sports as well as meaningful and fun-filled fellowship and bonding activities. Mission Statement * Strive to be the preferred event organizer providing excellent services and leading-edge innovations. * Build strong relationships with our valued clients to forge meaningful long-term partnerships. * Continuously improve and fine-tune our services through creative ideas to better connect with our valued fellow runners and clients. * Be a preferred business partner and provide flexible and best-in-class services.
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