Walk With Malaysia 为国家“义”起走 |
日期 Date | 2018年8月25日 (星期六) 25th August 2018 (Sat) |
时间 Time | 8.00AM |
地点 Venue | Taman Seri Austin, JB (3KM) |
报名费 Registration Fees | RM 60.00 included Runner Tees, Medal, Goodies bag, Drinks and Snacks. 包括一件跑步衣,一枚奖牌,一个环保袋,饮用水和干粮 .
截止日期 Registration Closing Date | 2018年8月15日 15th August 2018 |

新山广西会馆青年团将主办一项慈善义走活动,主题为 '为国家义起来走' 并联合新山十一华青团为协办单位,以及新山各商团为支持单位,携手联合参与推动此义走活动。这次的活动将定于25-8-18 早上6:30am开始,没有年龄限制。主办方将现场分发小国旗给每一位参与者,全程挥着小国旗义走彰显爱国精神,使活动更具意义。活动报名费定于每人RM60,报名费包含特别设计的义走T桖,奖牌,小国旗,环保袋,饮品以及干粮。此活动所筹得款项扣除所有义走活动经费,余额将全数捐献给'国家希望基金TABUNG HARAPAN' ,主办单位预计将吸引至少1000人出席此活动。
Introduction of Charity Walk
Hello everyone,
The Youth Group of the Johor Bahru Guang Xi Association will host a charity walk, with the theme of “Walk with Malaysia” and joining the 11 other Johor Bahru Chinese Chamber as a co-organizer, as well as the Johor Bahru Business Association as a support unit. This event will be scheduled to start at 6:30 am, 25-8-18, no age limit. The organizer will distribute the small flag to each participant on the spot. The whole process of waving the small flag will show the patriotism and make the event more meaningful. The registration fee for the event is RM60 per person. The registration fee includes specially designed T-shirts, medals, small flags, green bags, drinks and biscuits. After deducted expenses for this event, the balance will be donated to the National Hope Fund or also known as TABUNG HARAPAN MALAYSIA. Organizer is expected to attract at least 1,000 participants to attend this event.
Walk With Malaysia
- Promote the National Health Campaign
- Promote the spirit of harmonious coexistence among all people
- Promote the spirit of unity and patriotism
- Promote family day, family participation in outdoor activities
- Assisting the Tabung Harapan to raise funds
- 提倡全民健康运动
- 提倡全民和谐共处精神
- 提倡全民团结爱国精神
- 提倡全民家庭日,举家参与户外活动
- 协助希望基金筹款
Event Highlights/活动摘要
1. Walk Distance (3km)
2. Target Donation Collected = RM50, 000.00( after less all expenses)
3. 5 food trucks will be invited to serve food for participants
- 义走距离( 3km)
- 目标捐款= RM50,000.00(扣除所有费用后)
- 将邀请5辆餐车为参与者提供食物
Program Rundown/节目流程
Participants Arrival | 6.30 am to 7.20 am |
G.O.H arrived | 7.20 am |
Welcome speech by Organiser Chairman | 7.25 am to 7.30 am |
Opening speech by G.O.H YB | 7.30 am to 7.40 am |
Warm up session | 7.40 am to 7.50 am |
Flag off ,charity walk start | 8.00 am to 9.00 am |
Rest time | 9.00 am to 9.15 am |
Speech by GuangXi Johor Bahru Chairman | 9.15 am to 9.20 am |
Speech by UMLAND Group Director of Township & CEO of Seri Austin | 9.20 am to 9.25 am |
Speech by Tiong Hua Johor Bahru Chairman | 9.25 am to 9.30 am |
Closing speech by G.O.H YB | 9.30 am to 9.40 am |
Present mock cheque to Tabung Harapan representative | 9.40 am to 9.55 am |
Group photo session | 9.55 am to 10.00 am |
END | 10.00am |
活动时间 | 时间 |
参赛者报到 | 上午5时30分 至7时20分 |
嘉宾莅临 | 上午7时20分 |
筹委会主席致欢迎词 | 上午7时25分 至上午7时30分 |
行政议员/嘉宾致开幕词 | 上午7时30分 至7时40分 |
热身运动 | 上午7时40分 至早上7时50分 |
义走开始 | 上午8时正 至 上午9时正 |
休息时间 | 上午9时正 至9时15分 |
新山广西会馆会长致词 | 上午9时15分至上午9时20分 |
联马置地集团董事(城镇)兼御景园首席执行员致词 | 上午9时20分至上午9时25分 |
新山中华公会会长致词 | 上午9时25分至上午9时30分 |
行政议员/嘉宾致闭幕词 | 上午9时正30分至上午9点40分 |
颁发支票给希望基金代表 | 上午9时40分至上午9时55分 |
集体大合照 | 上午9时55分至10时正 |
义走结束 | 上午10时正 |
Medal Design


Route Map
