If you don't need bank loan or mortgage to buy property, how many properties can you buy?
Do you believe that you can now invest in property without mortgage and owe nothing but control everything?
Come to our Property Masterclass, learn how to invest in CREATIVE ways. This masterclass will give you a insight on how to make 2018 a fruitful year in property investment.
Register yourself now to save your sponsored seats at the Property Masterclass by Vincent Wong, the Father of Lease Options. To learn about what are the new rules to Make Extraordinary Profits in Property, learn how to breakthrough your current property portfolio:
Your lead trainer: Vincent Wong - Property Entrepreneur
Vincent will be teaching you how to acquire assets using the concept of OPM and leverage, so you can buy more houses and create passive income and retire early. He’s transacted hundreds of property deals and is now helping others do the same.
Vincent Wong is the co-founder and Chairman of Wealth Dragons Group PLC and author of Property Entrepreneur.
Vincent pioneered ground-breaking financing strategies by making history in the UK, Malaysia and the Netherlands where property deals were transacted without using mortgage finance and deposits. He is credited as the 'Father of Lease Options' in these countries.
His message is that "you can structure win-win deals in property by helping people and making a fortune for yourself".
For further information,
Call Emily @ 0129525546
Wealth Wolves Sdn Bhd