Malaysia-China Film Screening and Forum 马中电影交流展【怡保站】

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Pi Hotel Ipoh
No.2 The Host, Jalan Veerasamy, 30300 ipoh, perak

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

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《马中电影交流展》Malaysia-China Film Screening and Forum


联办单位CO-ORGANIZER :栗宪庭电影基金 Li Xianting's Film Fund

宗旨 :马中电影交流提高本地观众的观影水平、与中国电影人交流推广电影文化艺术,进而提升本地的旅游业。

Improve the level of viewing of local audiences, interact among local and China filmmakers, promote film art and culture, and enhance
local tourism


4 days screening, screening of 4 Malaysian films, 4 Chinese films

马中电影交流展 怡保站

日期 Date:31.12.2018 (星期一)

时间 Time:10am - 4pm 

地点 Venue:Pi Hotel Ipoh (31/12/2018)

                          No.2 The Host, Jalan Veerasamy, 30300 ipoh, perak

日期 Date:1 - 3. 1. 2019  (星期二、三、四)

时间 Time:7pm-11pm

地点 Venue:Kompleks JKKN Perak

                          Lot 20561@20565 Jalan Cardwell, Off Jalan Raja Di Hilir, 30350 Ipoh Perak


座谈会嘉宾  Forum Speakers

 座谈会 嘉宾 王宏伟

Wang Hongwei is a Chinese actor. Wang is perhaps best known for his work with director Jia Zhangke. The two men were classmates at the Beijing Film Academy when they began their professional relationship, with Wang starring in Jia’s breakthrough short film Xiao Shan Going Home in 1995.

座谈会 嘉宾 赖锦坤

马来西亚电影导演,草民电影创办人,院线作品有《种生基》《网红女主播》《人间烟火》《超級神仙石》《灵毒》《旧街场》《玩COOL青春》《缺氧》等,近年来致力于推动本土电影,举办电影节、电影放映及交流会,同时也参与电影技术教育与培训人才工作。A Malaysian film director, founder of Cao Min Entertainment Sdn.Bhd. He has written and directed cimema films, including Lease of Life, Star Online, Impermanence Life, Super Stone, Road of Enlightment, Old Town Story, Glorifying Love, Too Much CO2 etc. In recent years, he has been dedicated to promoting local films, holding film festival or screening. He is also involved in film technology education and training for industry newcomers.


座谈会 嘉宾 郑阔

独立制片人、编剧、导演。1997年毕业于北京航空航太大学电子工程系,2009年毕业于“栗宪庭电影基金独立电影培训班”;曾策划电影放映活动,推动中国民间独立影像的交流。2008年于尤伦斯当代艺术中心策划798 艺术节独立电影单元“我的摄影机不撒谎,1990后中国独立电影回顾展”;2009年担任“2009北京798双年展” 影像单元“从工业技术到民间精神”策展人。作品有纪录片《798站》(2010)、剧情短片《晨曦》(2010)、纪录片《暖冬》(2011)、 剧情片《南风》(2013)、剧情片《黑咖啡》(2018),编剧作品《片甲不留》(2015)
Zheng Kuo, Independent Producer and Director, graduated from BUAA in 1997 graduated from Li Xianting Film School in 2009 . He planned and prepared the independent film unit of 2008 Beijing 798 Art Festival in UCCA. He was the Curator of independent film unit of 2009 Beijing 798 Biennial.  In 2010, he directed his first independent feature documentary “798 Station” and a short fictional film “Sound of the Silence”. His renowned feature documentary “The Cold Winter” describing the Beijing artists rallies was made in 2011. “Burned Wings” is his debut ficition feature film. “Black Coffee” is his latest ficition feature film. “Out of Frame” is his another ficition feature film as Writer & Screenplayer.


Pi Hotel Ipoh
No.2 The Host, Jalan Veerasamy, 30300 ipoh, perak

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

  • 电影入场券  RM100 通票看完所有电影,RM20 只能够看一部电影。Ticket Price RM100 for all movies, RM20 for one movie only.
  • 所有的入场券收入将作为活动经费, 包括中国导演团的旅费、住宿、交通、膳食。余款将纳入下一届电影节的经费。All admission ticket income will be used as activity funds, including the travel expenses, accommodation, transportation and meals of the directors and producers from China & Malaysia. The balance will be included in the funding for the next film festival.
  • 请观众提前半个小时到场。The audience are advised to arrive screening halll half an hour before movie start.
  • 电影导演将亲临现场与观众交流和分享。Film directors will attend the Q & A section.
  • 电影展 开幕礼将在2018年12月31日中午12点举行, 欢迎大众莅临,免费进场。Opening ceremony will held on 31/12/2018 at 12noon, welcome all honorable guest and public, free admission.
  • 所有已卖出电影入场券是不能退款的。All tickets purchased for the movie are not refundable.

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草民电影是一家本地电影制作公司,演员经纪,电影培训教育,策展电影展等等。电邮:[email protected]
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Malaysia-China Film Screening and Forum 马中电影交流展【怡保站】

Pi Hotel Ipoh
No.2 The Host, Jalan Veerasamy, 30300 ipoh, perak
0 Days
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Event Expired

Ticket Information

《马中电影交流展》Malaysia-China Film Screening and Forum


联办单位CO-ORGANIZER :栗宪庭电影基金 Li Xianting's Film Fund

宗旨 :马中电影交流提高本地观众的观影水平、与中国电影人交流推广电影文化艺术,进而提升本地的旅游业。

Improve the level of viewing of local audiences, interact among local and China filmmakers, promote film art and culture, and enhance
local tourism


4 days screening, screening of 4 Malaysian films, 4 Chinese films

马中电影交流展 怡保站

日期 Date:31.12.2018 (星期一)

时间 Time:10am - 4pm 

地点 Venue:Pi Hotel Ipoh (31/12/2018)

                          No.2 The Host, Jalan Veerasamy, 30300 ipoh, perak

日期 Date:1 - 3. 1. 2019  (星期二、三、四)

时间 Time:7pm-11pm

地点 Venue:Kompleks JKKN Perak

                          Lot 20561@20565 Jalan Cardwell, Off Jalan Raja Di Hilir, 30350 Ipoh Perak


座谈会嘉宾  Forum Speakers

 座谈会 嘉宾 王宏伟

Wang Hongwei is a Chinese actor. Wang is perhaps best known for his work with director Jia Zhangke. The two men were classmates at the Beijing Film Academy when they began their professional relationship, with Wang starring in Jia’s breakthrough short film Xiao Shan Going Home in 1995.

座谈会 嘉宾 赖锦坤

马来西亚电影导演,草民电影创办人,院线作品有《种生基》《网红女主播》《人间烟火》《超級神仙石》《灵毒》《旧街场》《玩COOL青春》《缺氧》等,近年来致力于推动本土电影,举办电影节、电影放映及交流会,同时也参与电影技术教育与培训人才工作。A Malaysian film director, founder of Cao Min Entertainment Sdn.Bhd. He has written and directed cimema films, including Lease of Life, Star Online, Impermanence Life, Super Stone, Road of Enlightment, Old Town Story, Glorifying Love, Too Much CO2 etc. In recent years, he has been dedicated to promoting local films, holding film festival or screening. He is also involved in film technology education and training for industry newcomers.


座谈会 嘉宾 郑阔

独立制片人、编剧、导演。1997年毕业于北京航空航太大学电子工程系,2009年毕业于“栗宪庭电影基金独立电影培训班”;曾策划电影放映活动,推动中国民间独立影像的交流。2008年于尤伦斯当代艺术中心策划798 艺术节独立电影单元“我的摄影机不撒谎,1990后中国独立电影回顾展”;2009年担任“2009北京798双年展” 影像单元“从工业技术到民间精神”策展人。作品有纪录片《798站》(2010)、剧情短片《晨曦》(2010)、纪录片《暖冬》(2011)、 剧情片《南风》(2013)、剧情片《黑咖啡》(2018),编剧作品《片甲不留》(2015)
Zheng Kuo, Independent Producer and Director, graduated from BUAA in 1997 graduated from Li Xianting Film School in 2009 . He planned and prepared the independent film unit of 2008 Beijing 798 Art Festival in UCCA. He was the Curator of independent film unit of 2009 Beijing 798 Biennial.  In 2010, he directed his first independent feature documentary “798 Station” and a short fictional film “Sound of the Silence”. His renowned feature documentary “The Cold Winter” describing the Beijing artists rallies was made in 2011. “Burned Wings” is his debut ficition feature film. “Black Coffee” is his latest ficition feature film. “Out of Frame” is his another ficition feature film as Writer & Screenplayer.


Pi Hotel Ipoh
No.2 The Host, Jalan Veerasamy, 30300 ipoh, perak

Terms and Condition

  • 电影入场券  RM100 通票看完所有电影,RM20 只能够看一部电影。Ticket Price RM100 for all movies, RM20 for one movie only.
  • 所有的入场券收入将作为活动经费, 包括中国导演团的旅费、住宿、交通、膳食。余款将纳入下一届电影节的经费。All admission ticket income will be used as activity funds, including the travel expenses, accommodation, transportation and meals of the directors and producers from China & Malaysia. The balance will be included in the funding for the next film festival.
  • 请观众提前半个小时到场。The audience are advised to arrive screening halll half an hour before movie start.
  • 电影导演将亲临现场与观众交流和分享。Film directors will attend the Q & A section.
  • 电影展 开幕礼将在2018年12月31日中午12点举行, 欢迎大众莅临,免费进场。Opening ceremony will held on 31/12/2018 at 12noon, welcome all honorable guest and public, free admission.
  • 所有已卖出电影入场券是不能退款的。All tickets purchased for the movie are not refundable.
草民电影是一家本地电影制作公司,演员经纪,电影培训教育,策展电影展等等。电邮:[email protected]
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