Asia’s leading Education and Capital Platform with operations in Malaysia, Singapore and China. Driving the growth of high-impact businesses through our 3 main components: Education, Accelerator and Capital.With 20 years expertise in Business, Branding and Strategy, we have worked with business owners and brands from Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Brunei, Japan, India, Philippines, China and Canada across various industries.The Duality Strategy™ is exclusively developed by our award-winning founder, International Brand & Capital Strategy Master Matthew Chong.We empower local businesses to build world class brands by leveraging on Brand Capital Strategy.Be Achiever, Be Difference, Be Influencer, #BeBRANDKER!亚洲领先的教育和资本平台,业务遍布马来西亚,新加坡与中国。三大部门为教育,加速和资本平台,扶持具有影响力的新兴企业 。我们拥有20年的商业,品牌和企业策略专业资历,辅助来自马来西亚,新加坡,台湾,文莱,日本,印度,菲律宾,中国和加拿大不同领域的企业家。二元性策略Duality Strategy™是我们的创办人国际品牌与资本策略大师钟智树所研发的独家策略。我们致力资助当地企业运用品牌资本打造世界级的高利润品牌。