Resorts World Genting officially presents “Secret” – a renowned Cantonese play starring famed Hong Kong actors from the hit TV series “Heart of Greed”. With an enticing storyline coupled with seasoned stage actors, audiences can expect an exciting 2-hour family drama shrouded in mystery and suspense.
After the passing of mysterious billionaire (Ren Renzhong), letters were sent secretly to his closest friends and relatives, informing them of the hefty inheritance he left behind. In it he states that the recipient should come forth to claim it within seven days.
Meanwhile, his son (Ren Tian Xiang), unaware of the recipients of the letters, hatches a plan to keep his father’s death a secret, as it leaves him the sole heir to the money. But unbeknownst to him, more and more people claim to be eligible recipients too, including evil wives and mistresses as well as a bankrupt and estranged uncle.
With tricks up their sleeves, Tian Xiang has to figure out the real recipients from the imposters. And even then, will he get his father’s inheritance or will it go to someone totally unexpected?
舞台剧《秘密》以香港神剧《溏心风暴》的核心演员夏雨、李司棋、米雪、阮兆祥领衔演出。一众资深演员每次演出,都以炉火纯青的演技较劲,磨擦出的火花令人拍案叫绝, 营造出震撼而又扎实的感染力,成为广大市民茶余饭后的话题。他们演绎的对白,更在互联网不断转载成为时下「潮语」。