2019 马来西亚国际珠宝展 (MIJF)

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1号厅, 马来西亚吉隆坡会议中心 (KL Convention Centre)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

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展会名称    : 2019 马来西亚国际珠宝展

日期       : 2019825

时间       : 上午11时至傍晚7

地点       : 马来西亚吉隆坡会议中心

观者      : 开放予珠宝业者珠宝买家预先登记的大众免费入场

马来西亚备受推崇的国珠宝盛事  2019马来西亚国际珠宝展 (MIJF 2019) 即将于2019825日隆重揭幕!MIJF 2019商机汇聚,每一年均吸引超过数以万计的海内外顶级珠宝业者珠宝买家珠宝收藏家和珠宝界决策者等共襄盛!来自超10个国家的国际展商将展示最新的华丽时尚珠宝饰品,样式繁多、应有尽有,绝对是您不容错过的珠宝飨宴!立即上网预先登记,全城最殷切期盼的一站式珠宝购物天堂只在MIJF 2019


  1. VIP贵宾室
  2. 赢取幸运抽
  3. 幸运购物大抽
  4. 珠宝免费清洗服务
  5. MIJF 珠宝设计大赛
  6. 时尚珠宝走秀
  7. 专业珠宝座谈会/工作坊




联络人: Mr.Koo (公关部)

Tel 603-5891 1157

Fax 603-5891 1147

Email[email protected]


1号厅, 马来西亚吉隆坡会议中心 (KL Convention Centre)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Elite Expo Sdn Bhd

Elite Expo opens its gateway in the year of 2003 and became the leading professional exhibition organiser (PEO) who offers solutions and services in conceptualising, organising, managing and executing world class exhibition for trade business and focus in fulfilling the need of industry professionals. Successfully handled more than fifty exhibitions with a total of more than 23 countries exhibitors for the luxurious Jewellery exhibitions and the most acclaimed Beauty exhibitions. With its success continues, in 2017 Elite Expo proudly acquired the 55% of the share of Malaysia E-commerce Expo which will be another milestone for Elite Expo.
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2019 马来西亚国际珠宝展 (MIJF)

1号厅, 马来西亚吉隆坡会议中心 (KL Convention Centre)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired

Ticket Information


展会名称    : 2019 马来西亚国际珠宝展

日期       : 2019825

时间       : 上午11时至傍晚7

地点       : 马来西亚吉隆坡会议中心

观者      : 开放予珠宝业者珠宝买家预先登记的大众免费入场

马来西亚备受推崇的国珠宝盛事  2019马来西亚国际珠宝展 (MIJF 2019) 即将于2019825日隆重揭幕!MIJF 2019商机汇聚,每一年均吸引超过数以万计的海内外顶级珠宝业者珠宝买家珠宝收藏家和珠宝界决策者等共襄盛!来自超10个国家的国际展商将展示最新的华丽时尚珠宝饰品,样式繁多、应有尽有,绝对是您不容错过的珠宝飨宴!立即上网预先登记,全城最殷切期盼的一站式珠宝购物天堂只在MIJF 2019


  1. VIP贵宾室
  2. 赢取幸运抽
  3. 幸运购物大抽
  4. 珠宝免费清洗服务
  5. MIJF 珠宝设计大赛
  6. 时尚珠宝走秀
  7. 专业珠宝座谈会/工作坊




联络人: Mr.Koo (公关部)

Tel 603-5891 1157

Fax 603-5891 1147

Email[email protected]


1号厅, 马来西亚吉隆坡会议中心 (KL Convention Centre)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Elite Expo opens its gateway in the year of 2003 and became the leading professional exhibition organiser (PEO) who offers solutions and services in conceptualising, organising, managing and executing world class exhibition for trade business and focus in fulfilling the need of industry professionals. Successfully handled more than fifty exhibitions with a total of more than 23 countries exhibitors for the luxurious Jewellery exhibitions and the most acclaimed Beauty exhibitions. With its success continues, in 2017 Elite Expo proudly acquired the 55% of the share of Malaysia E-commerce Expo which will be another milestone for Elite Expo.
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