SEGi College Penang - E-sports Experience Zone 2019 (Mini Teen Cup Tournament for Nintendo Switch)

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
SEGi College Penang
Wisma Greenhall, 43, Jalan Green Hall, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

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Calling All Champions!! 

On the 23rd March 2019, SEGi College Penang will be organising the Open Day 2019. There will be lots of activities held including the E-Sports Experience Zone. It will be a Mini Teen Cup Tournament for Nintendo Switch Lovers as we will be having two Mini Competitions featuring Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. Attractive Prizes are to be won too. 

So, if you are between 16  to 23 years old, come and join us to win some big prizes.  

Mario Kart will be the first game during the Teen Tournament. It will start at 10a.m. 

The Super Smash Bros will follow thereafter at 2p.m. The Prize Giving Ceremony will be at 4.30p.m 

So why wait! See you there!


SEGi College Penang
Wisma Greenhall, 43, Jalan Green Hall, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

1. The Participants must be aged between 16- 23. 

2. Nintendo Switch Consoles are prepared for the competitions 

3. Please keep the place clean 

4. Any damage to the consoles/joy-con controllers are fully the participants responsibilities

5. Have Fun! 

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Information Technology School of SEGi College Penang Student Representative Body.
Scan & Share 

SEGi College Penang - E-sports Experience Zone 2019 (Mini Teen Cup Tournament for Nintendo Switch)

SEGi College Penang
Wisma Greenhall, 43, Jalan Green Hall, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information

Calling All Champions!! 

On the 23rd March 2019, SEGi College Penang will be organising the Open Day 2019. There will be lots of activities held including the E-Sports Experience Zone. It will be a Mini Teen Cup Tournament for Nintendo Switch Lovers as we will be having two Mini Competitions featuring Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. Attractive Prizes are to be won too. 

So, if you are between 16  to 23 years old, come and join us to win some big prizes.  

Mario Kart will be the first game during the Teen Tournament. It will start at 10a.m. 

The Super Smash Bros will follow thereafter at 2p.m. The Prize Giving Ceremony will be at 4.30p.m 

So why wait! See you there!


SEGi College Penang
Wisma Greenhall, 43, Jalan Green Hall, George Town, 10200 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

1. The Participants must be aged between 16- 23. 

2. Nintendo Switch Consoles are prepared for the competitions 

3. Please keep the place clean 

4. Any damage to the consoles/joy-con controllers are fully the participants responsibilities

5. Have Fun! 

Information Technology School of SEGi College Penang Student Representative Body.
Event Links 

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