COACHING PEOPLE FOR MULTIPLE SOURCES OF INCOMEWe’re a global coaching & mentoring organization that is fully dedicated to helping our members to achieve financial independence through our unique results based on coaching & mentoring. Established in 1997, we have trained and impacted over 300,000 members all around the world from South East Asia, Hong Kong, China, Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa to Europe & North America. Through our unique customization program, we’re dedicated to helping our members to start seeing REAL RESULTS in less than 6 months after attending the workshop to get continuous support and coaching. MasteryAsia has now coached & mentored hundreds of thousands of individuals from all walks of life in the achievement of their financial independence and business success. We have also risen through the ranks of self-development corporations by achieving real-life results with our members. Being dedicated to financial independence and business success through education, coaching & mentoring is more than just our mission statement. It is a reflection of our commitment to assist individuals in the actualization of their dreams.