Kerian Incredible Duathlon (KiD)

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Dewan Dato' Zainal Abidin Zin
Jalan Alor Pongsu - Bagan Serai, Kampung Alor Senggut, 34300 Bagan Serai, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

{{$t("More info on this event")}}


Event Detail 

Event Race Date
8 September 2019 (Sunday)
Event Time
7.00 AM
Event Venue
Dewan Dato' Zainal Abidin Zin, Bagan Serai
Race Distance
5KM Run - 50KM Bike - 10KM Run

Race Distance

5KM Run - 50KM Bike - 10KM Run

Event Category & Fee

Early Bird Fee
Normal Rate
Late Entry
18 - 29
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
30 - 39
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
40 - 49
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
50 & above
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
18 - 29
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
30 - 39
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
40 & above
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200

Early bird Fee(by 30/4/19)

Normal Rate (1/5/19 - 30/6/19) 

Late Entry (1/7/19 - 31/7/19)

** Price show in table exclusive of online processing fee

Event Entitlement 

Event Entitlement
Goodies bag

Personalised Race Bib

Event T-shirt

Finisher Tee

Finisher Medal

Light Refreshment (after race)

Collection date & Venue:

Race kit Collection Date
7th September 2019 ( Saturday)
Race kit Collection Time
10.00 AM - 6.00 PM
Race Kit Collection Venue
Dewan Dato' Zainal Abidin Zin, Bagan Serai (

Event Tee Design

Finisher Tee Design

Finisher Medal Design

Prize money for each category: 

1st place: RM1000 + Trophy

2nd place: RM800 + Trophy

3rd place: RM600 + Trophy

4th place: RM400 + Trophy

5th place: RM200 + Trophy

6th - 10th places: Trophy  

Overall champion: 

Male: RM1000

Female: RM1000

Participants list:

Check list: 

Parking Guide on Race Day:

Event Schedule:

Due to certain emergency condition, the cut off time is now 4.30hours



Dewan Dato' Zainal Abidin Zin
Jalan Alor Pongsu - Bagan Serai, Kampung Alor Senggut, 34300 Bagan Serai, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

Rules & Regulations 


1. During registration, all participants must complete the Online Registration form with correct information. 

2. Participants who completed the Online Registration means agree to rules and regulations. 

3. Once the registration is being processed, there will be no refund for those who did not start (DNS), did not finish (DNF) and/or withdraw from it. 

4. The Organizer reserves the right to use any photos and/or videos of the participants for advertising purposes without prior notice. 

5. The Organizer reserves the right to combine the race categories (age groups and/or gender) without prior notice. 

6. The Race Director/Organizing Committee decision is final. 

7. All participants should collect their Race pack on designated date and venue. Those who are unable to collect please ask your friends to help. 

8. All participants must make sure that their race numbers are clearly visible. 

9. A participant may be disqualified for failing to follow the rules and regulations. 

10. Participants who decided to withdraw from the race should report to the Race Officials. 

11. No refund will be given after successful purchase. 


1. All runners must make sure their race numbers are clearly visible. 

2. Support vehicles or pacers are not allowed. 


1. All cyclists must wear cycling helmet during the entire cycling course. 

2. All cyclists must make sure their helmets are securely fastened. 

3. All cyclist must make sure their race numbers are clearly visible. 

4. Participant may walk or run with their bicycles. 

5. Support vehicles and crews are not permitted, with exception of medical aid. 

6. All cyclists please keep to the left side of the road. 

7. All cyclists should perform their own repairs if their bicycles breakdown. 

8. All participants must place their bicycles at the designated bicycle rack with their race numbers. 


1. All bicycles racks are numbered according to the race numbers for every participant. 

2. All participants must place their bicycles at the designated bicycle rack with their race numbers. 

3. Participants must not interfere with other participants belongings. 

4. Cycling is not permitted in the Transition Area. 


1. In case of inclement weather, the Organizer reserves the right to delay the race. 

2. Should the inclement weather persist, the Organizer reserve the right to further delay or postpone the race without any refund of registration fees. 


1. Duathlon is physically demanding sport, if you are unsure of your physical health condition, please seek medical advice from a medical professional. 

2. Participants are to ensure they are physically prepared, well-rested and well-hydrated on the race day. 

3. Should a participant feel unwell during the race, he/she should stop and seek medical attention immediately. 

4. If a participant is deemed to be physically incapable of continuing the race (for examples: severe dehydration, dizziness, fainting, etc.); the Race Officials and/or Medical Practitioner has the rights to remove him/her from continuing the race. 

Please like and follow KiD Facebook:

- Please like our Facebook page, we will update eace info and race photos in FB

The organizer did not describe themself much.
Scan & Share 

Kerian Incredible Duathlon (KiD)

Dewan Dato' Zainal Abidin Zin
Jalan Alor Pongsu - Bagan Serai, Kampung Alor Senggut, 34300 Bagan Serai, Negeri Perak, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information

Event Detail 

Event Race Date
8 September 2019 (Sunday)
Event Time
7.00 AM
Event Venue
Dewan Dato' Zainal Abidin Zin, Bagan Serai
Race Distance
5KM Run - 50KM Bike - 10KM Run

Race Distance

5KM Run - 50KM Bike - 10KM Run

Event Category & Fee

Early Bird Fee
Normal Rate
Late Entry
18 - 29
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
30 - 39
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
40 - 49
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
50 & above
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
18 - 29
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
30 - 39
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200
40 & above
RM 170
RM 180
RM 200

Early bird Fee(by 30/4/19)

Normal Rate (1/5/19 - 30/6/19) 

Late Entry (1/7/19 - 31/7/19)

** Price show in table exclusive of online processing fee

Event Entitlement 

Event Entitlement
Goodies bag

Personalised Race Bib

Event T-shirt

Finisher Tee

Finisher Medal

Light Refreshment (after race)

Collection date & Venue:

Race kit Collection Date
7th September 2019 ( Saturday)
Race kit Collection Time
10.00 AM - 6.00 PM
Race Kit Collection Venue
Dewan Dato' Zainal Abidin Zin, Bagan Serai (

Event Tee Design

Finisher Tee Design

Finisher Medal Design

Prize money for each category: 

1st place: RM1000 + Trophy

2nd place: RM800 + Trophy

3rd place: RM600 + Trophy

4th place: RM400 + Trophy

5th place: RM200 + Trophy

6th - 10th places: Trophy  

Overall champion: 

Male: RM1000

Female: RM1000

Participants list:

Check list: 

Parking Guide on Race Day:

Event Schedule:

Due to certain emergency condition, the cut off time is now 4.30hours



Dewan Dato' Zainal Abidin Zin
Jalan Alor Pongsu - Bagan Serai, Kampung Alor Senggut, 34300 Bagan Serai, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

Rules & Regulations 


1. During registration, all participants must complete the Online Registration form with correct information. 

2. Participants who completed the Online Registration means agree to rules and regulations. 

3. Once the registration is being processed, there will be no refund for those who did not start (DNS), did not finish (DNF) and/or withdraw from it. 

4. The Organizer reserves the right to use any photos and/or videos of the participants for advertising purposes without prior notice. 

5. The Organizer reserves the right to combine the race categories (age groups and/or gender) without prior notice. 

6. The Race Director/Organizing Committee decision is final. 

7. All participants should collect their Race pack on designated date and venue. Those who are unable to collect please ask your friends to help. 

8. All participants must make sure that their race numbers are clearly visible. 

9. A participant may be disqualified for failing to follow the rules and regulations. 

10. Participants who decided to withdraw from the race should report to the Race Officials. 

11. No refund will be given after successful purchase. 


1. All runners must make sure their race numbers are clearly visible. 

2. Support vehicles or pacers are not allowed. 


1. All cyclists must wear cycling helmet during the entire cycling course. 

2. All cyclists must make sure their helmets are securely fastened. 

3. All cyclist must make sure their race numbers are clearly visible. 

4. Participant may walk or run with their bicycles. 

5. Support vehicles and crews are not permitted, with exception of medical aid. 

6. All cyclists please keep to the left side of the road. 

7. All cyclists should perform their own repairs if their bicycles breakdown. 

8. All participants must place their bicycles at the designated bicycle rack with their race numbers. 


1. All bicycles racks are numbered according to the race numbers for every participant. 

2. All participants must place their bicycles at the designated bicycle rack with their race numbers. 

3. Participants must not interfere with other participants belongings. 

4. Cycling is not permitted in the Transition Area. 


1. In case of inclement weather, the Organizer reserves the right to delay the race. 

2. Should the inclement weather persist, the Organizer reserve the right to further delay or postpone the race without any refund of registration fees. 


1. Duathlon is physically demanding sport, if you are unsure of your physical health condition, please seek medical advice from a medical professional. 

2. Participants are to ensure they are physically prepared, well-rested and well-hydrated on the race day. 

3. Should a participant feel unwell during the race, he/she should stop and seek medical attention immediately. 

4. If a participant is deemed to be physically incapable of continuing the race (for examples: severe dehydration, dizziness, fainting, etc.); the Race Officials and/or Medical Practitioner has the rights to remove him/her from continuing the race. 

Please like and follow KiD Facebook:

- Please like our Facebook page, we will update eace info and race photos in FB

The organizer did not describe themself much.
Event Links 
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