Prof. Dr . Angela Amphawan will be sharing her insights on space division multiplexing as a pivotal technology for driving the data capacity of radio-over-fiber and radio-over-free space optics networks for 5G communications.
The Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Angela Amphawan is currently the Deputy Vice Chancellor of University Malaysia of Computer Science & Engineering (UNIMY).
She holds a PhD in optical communications from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
She was a recipient of the 2013 Fulbright Award at the Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has given keynote addresses at several Fulbright and IEEE events.
She is on the Editorial Board of the APL Photonics Journal with the American Institute of Physics. She was previously on the Editorial Board of Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Publicity Co-Chair for the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference International Conference (WCNC) 2016.
She currently serves as an executive committee member on the IEEE Joint Sensor and Nanotechnology Councils, Malaysian Chapter.
Her research focus is in optical fiber communications, free-space optics, radio-over free space optics, digital holography and photonic crystal fiber.