风生水起好运来——财富密码 (槟城站)

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Wealth Mastery Academy Sdn. Bhd. (WMA - Penang)
Unit 51-6-C, Menara BHL, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Georgetown, 10050 George Town, Penang, Malaysia

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1. 居家风水

2. 名片风水
《易经》告诉我们:万物类像,相应共振名片不仅需符合九宫八卦的先天智慧,也讲究五行的相生相克,名片的风水不对, 企业也自然好不了




Wealth Mastery Academy Sdn. Bhd. (WMA - Penang)
Unit 51-6-C, Menara BHL, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Georgetown, 10050 George Town, Penang, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

we reserve the right to make changes without prior notice

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Wealth Mastery Academy Sdn. Bhd.

Wealth Mastery Academy - WMA an organization that committed in empowering people with the right financial education, knowledge and proven skills in order for individuals to attain financial freedom. Over the years, WMA has coached thousands of individuals from all walks of life and have guided them with powerful knowledge and proven skills and strategies towards the path of financial freedom. WMA will continue to grow and remain committed with our aim to assist people towards their dreams.
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风生水起好运来——财富密码 (槟城站)

Wealth Mastery Academy Sdn. Bhd. (WMA - Penang)
Unit 51-6-C, Menara BHL, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Georgetown, 10050 George Town, Penang, Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired

Ticket Information



1. 居家风水

2. 名片风水
《易经》告诉我们:万物类像,相应共振名片不仅需符合九宫八卦的先天智慧,也讲究五行的相生相克,名片的风水不对, 企业也自然好不了




Wealth Mastery Academy Sdn. Bhd. (WMA - Penang)
Unit 51-6-C, Menara BHL, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Georgetown, 10050 George Town, Penang, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

we reserve the right to make changes without prior notice

Wealth Mastery Academy - WMA an organization that committed in empowering people with the right financial education, knowledge and proven skills in order for individuals to attain financial freedom. Over the years, WMA has coached thousands of individuals from all walks of life and have guided them with powerful knowledge and proven skills and strategies towards the path of financial freedom. WMA will continue to grow and remain committed with our aim to assist people towards their dreams.
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