年龄以2019 年计算为准 Age stated should be based on year 2019.
年龄低于18 岁参赛者其参赛表格必须由其家属或监护人签署 Participants below 18 years old must have their entry form
signed by a parent / guardian.
竞赛 编号布必须从比赛开始至结束都挂在衣服胸前 Number bib must be worn at all times during the race and should be
pinned in front of your t-shirt.
对于竞赛成绩有任何异议请於30 分钟内向主办当局呈报 All protests related to the results must be made to the organizer
within 30 minutes before the official announcement of winners.
本赛会细节有未尽善之处主办当局有权增删之 The organizer reserves the right to make the final decision and judgement.
All tickets sold are Non-Refundable.
地点/ Venue :曼绒南华独立中学Nan Hwa High School
地址/ Address :Lot 2446, Kampung Sungai Wangi, 32400 Ayer Tawar, Perak.
电话 Contact No. : 05-691 3457,691 1442 (教务处) 电邮/ Email :[email protected]
WhatsApp : 012-3840678 林老师