In conjunction with the celebration of 80th Anniversary of Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) in championing nature conservation and wildlife protection through research and advocacy in Malaysia, we are proud to be the co-organiser of the Ecotrail Putrajaya 2019, in our quest to create greater awareness for all Malaysians in preserving our mother nature.
We invite all to participate in the MNS 5km category and together, we shall run for a greener tomorrow.
Event Information
Event Date
| 26th October 2019
Event Time
| 5.00 AM - 10.00 PM
Event Venue
| Taman Botani, Putrajaya ,Malaysia
Race Category and Fee
Race Category | Early Bird (Ends on 31st July 2019) | Normal Rate (1st August Onward) |
EcoTrail Putrajaya 80 KM | RM 250 (EUR 60) | RM 290 (EUR 65) |
EcoTrail Putrajaya 50 KM | RM 190 (EUR 42) | RM 230 (EUR 50) |
EcoTrail Putrajaya 30 KM | RM 150 (EUR 33) | RM 190 (EUR 42) |
EcoTrail Putrajaya 15 KM | RM 90 (EUR 20) | RM 130 (EUR 28) |
Eco Trail Putrajaya 5KM
| RM50
| RM50
** Fee Stated above exclusive of online transaction fee
** If you cannot attend for whatever reason, there will be NO REFUND policy
** However, we allow bib TRANSFER policy. You can transfer your bib to another runner with advance notice at least two weeks before the event’s date but there are no changes on finisher T-shirt size.
Participant Entitlement
| 80 KM
| 50 KM
| 30 KM
| 15 KM
| 5 KM
Race Bib with timing chip
| √
| √
| √
| √
| X
Finisher Tee (finish within cut off time) | √
| √
| √
| √
| X
Finisher Medal (finish within cut off time)
| √
| √
| √
| √
| √
| √
| √
| √
| √
| √
Refreshment Food
| √
| √
| √
| √
| √
Event Tee
| X
| X
| X
| X
| √
** Event Tee is not included, and is optional with additional cost RM25
** Finisher Items are only for participant who finish within cut off time
** Participants who had registered for Ecotrail Chiang Mai will be entitled a 10% discount. Please get your discount code before registration.
Race Pack Collection
Race Pack Collection Date
| 25th October 2019 (Friday)
Race Pack Collection Time
| 11:00AM - 8:00PM
Race Pack Collection Venue
| Taman Botani, Putrajaya ,Malaysia

5KM Event Tee

Add-On Event T-Shirt RM 25

Finisher T-Shirt Design
80 KM

50 KM

30 KM

15 KM

Sizing Chart

Finisher Medal Design

Mandatory Briefing Info
Briefing 30 mins before flag off (for 80 km & 50 km)
Race Timing Information
Race Category | Time | Time Limit |
80 KM | 5.00 AM - 10.00 PM 0500 - 2200 Hour | 17 Hours |
50 KM | 7.00 AM - 6.00 PM 0700 - 1800 Hour | 11 Hours |
30 KM | 7.30 AM - 3.30 PM 0730 - 1530 Hour | 8 Hours |
15 KM | 7.45 AM - 11.45 AM 0745 - 1145 Hour | 4 Hours |
5 KM
| 8.00 AM - 10.00 AM 0800 - 1000 Hour
| 2 Hours
*There are no cash prizes for this event
*Top three winners from each category (Male & Female) will earn winner's trophy
Registration Closing Date
30th September 2019 (23:59)
Route map
Drop Bag Service
For category 80 KM only
80 km - The only available date and time to check-in your bags is on Friday, 24th October 2019, 6 hours before flag off at the race venue during race kit collection. After race day, runners will be able to pick up their bags on Saturday, 25th October 2019 from 21:00 – 23:59 at the race venue.
1. Participants need to ensure that each luggage is labeled on the outside with their name and bib number before dropping it at the luggage storage point.
2. Using waterproof bags is recommended. Participants need to ensure that each luggage is securely closed.
3. Valuable items, such as cell phone and money, cannot be left at the luggage storage point, as we cannot guarantee security.