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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Hotel Mercure Penang Beach
505, Jalan Tanjung Bungah, 11200 Tanjung Bungah, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

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Date 27th and 28th July 2019
Time 9.00am-10.00pm (First Day), 9.00am-6.00pm (Second Day)
Venue Mercure Hotel, Penang
FeesRm2888.00 (HRDF claimable) - inclusive of 1-night stay, t-shirt, meals, water tumbler and certificates

The ‘SUPER” Leadership modules was developed through many improvisation of our Personal effectiveness and Peak Performance programs over the years. Amazingly, the five alphabets S.U.P.E.R comprehensively represent ten aspects of practical leadership. 

Self-management is the starting block of all other forms of management, in particular, people management. You can’t manage others, if you can’t even manage yourself.

The same goes for leadership. 
Self-leadership entails proactivity and taking initiatives. It also enables self-motivation – the source of endless energy.

Peak performers Utilize resources masterfully, including own talents/resources and that of others. With mastery of the mind, exploring boundless possibilities, one can have access to 

Unlimited resources and achieve unlimited success. 

The next alphabet represent the use of 
PDCA methodology, the basics of all planning and control mechanism, to be prepared as a Professional Executive. 

When we look at all the ten aspects as a system, we realised their inter-relationship. When all are functioning well, the entire flow is sustainable and it resemble the human immune System! Central to it, at the heart is 
Energy which trigger Execution and enable the other aspects. Leaders inspire others through positive energy and enable execution efficiently and effectively.

The final alphabet R reminds us to plan and focus on getting the Results we want. In corporate terms, setting and achieving the right KPIs. 

However, past results do not guarantee future success. Hence, the continuous needs in ensuring Renewal for sustainable growth.

Towards peak performance, let’s start with Personal Mastery and unleash the SUPER” in you!


Hotel Mercure Penang Beach
505, Jalan Tanjung Bungah, 11200 Tanjung Bungah, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

No refund after successful purchase of ticket

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VA Learning Sdn Bhd

Training and Consultancy Company
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Hotel Mercure Penang Beach
505, Jalan Tanjung Bungah, 11200 Tanjung Bungah, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired

Ticket Information

Ticket Sales Application - Rejected
Date 27th and 28th July 2019
Time 9.00am-10.00pm (First Day), 9.00am-6.00pm (Second Day)
Venue Mercure Hotel, Penang
FeesRm2888.00 (HRDF claimable) - inclusive of 1-night stay, t-shirt, meals, water tumbler and certificates

The ‘SUPER” Leadership modules was developed through many improvisation of our Personal effectiveness and Peak Performance programs over the years. Amazingly, the five alphabets S.U.P.E.R comprehensively represent ten aspects of practical leadership. 

Self-management is the starting block of all other forms of management, in particular, people management. You can’t manage others, if you can’t even manage yourself.

The same goes for leadership. 
Self-leadership entails proactivity and taking initiatives. It also enables self-motivation – the source of endless energy.

Peak performers Utilize resources masterfully, including own talents/resources and that of others. With mastery of the mind, exploring boundless possibilities, one can have access to 

Unlimited resources and achieve unlimited success. 

The next alphabet represent the use of 
PDCA methodology, the basics of all planning and control mechanism, to be prepared as a Professional Executive. 

When we look at all the ten aspects as a system, we realised their inter-relationship. When all are functioning well, the entire flow is sustainable and it resemble the human immune System! Central to it, at the heart is 
Energy which trigger Execution and enable the other aspects. Leaders inspire others through positive energy and enable execution efficiently and effectively.

The final alphabet R reminds us to plan and focus on getting the Results we want. In corporate terms, setting and achieving the right KPIs. 

However, past results do not guarantee future success. Hence, the continuous needs in ensuring Renewal for sustainable growth.

Towards peak performance, let’s start with Personal Mastery and unleash the SUPER” in you!


Hotel Mercure Penang Beach
505, Jalan Tanjung Bungah, 11200 Tanjung Bungah, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

No refund after successful purchase of ticket

Training and Consultancy Company
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