Hi Boss, do you want to expand your business through franchising? Here is a chance to answer your question at ipoh.
Topic: Business Transformation through Franchising
Fee : Free AdmissionDate : 27th July 2019 (Saturday)
Time : 2.30pm - 5.30pm
Location : Aristokratia Education Sdn Bhd
(google map: https://goo.gl/maps/5uCKgYfTMcnw5w9H8)
Digital Perak in collaboration with Aristokratia Education Sdn Bhd will be organizing DiP Talk on franchising.
This talk will be focusing on how you can grow your business through the means of franchising.
We are glad to have Ray Low from Intellect Franchising Sdn Bhd as our speaker for our talk.
He is a certified professional trainer under HRDF who specializes in franchising and licensing courses. With his adept guidance in the areas of business expansion, numerous franchise and license clients have successfully multiplied their business format not only in the local market but the international market as well.
Additionally, as a Franchise Consultant with Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (MDCTA), Ray has been assigned to educate and guide the conventional businesses in Malaysia to move towards the franchising path