Building Mental Resilience At Work & Bolstering Productivity Using Silva Life System

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Mental Resilience can be your secret to success in leading a fulfilling, happy and prosperous life.

Mental resilience is important because it gives people the strength needed to withstand setbacks - past, present and in the future. Those lacking resilience will be easily overwhelmed; and may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

If you are currently struggling with your resilience, now is the time to make yourself stronger by using Silva Life System.

In this course you will learn how to:

•  Recover quickly from setbacks

•  Manage anxiety & stop overthinking

•  Beat overwhelm, stress and distraction

•  Train your mind to be stronger  than your emotions

•  Ground, heal and balance your energy levels

•  Take actionable steps to regroup & pivot

Real life stories:

To register:

HRDF SBL-Khasclaimable workshop

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  1. Silva Method Malaysia reserves the right to change schedule of event whenever deemed necessary.

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Silva Method (M) Sdn Bhd (197250-A)

Silva Method Malaysia is the official regional distributor since 1990 for Silva Method appointed by Silva International Inc.,USA. We offer a series of courses and workshops in scientifically tested and proven concepts and step-by-step “how to” techniques in stress management as well as harnessing our untapped mind potentials for all ages.You can connect with us in the following ways:Website : : [email protected] : +603 – 2282 9939 / 09Facebook :
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Building Mental Resilience At Work & Bolstering Productivity Using Silva Life System

Online Event
0 Days
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Event Expired

Ticket Information

Mental Resilience can be your secret to success in leading a fulfilling, happy and prosperous life.

Mental resilience is important because it gives people the strength needed to withstand setbacks - past, present and in the future. Those lacking resilience will be easily overwhelmed; and may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

If you are currently struggling with your resilience, now is the time to make yourself stronger by using Silva Life System.

In this course you will learn how to:

•  Recover quickly from setbacks

•  Manage anxiety & stop overthinking

•  Beat overwhelm, stress and distraction

•  Train your mind to be stronger  than your emotions

•  Ground, heal and balance your energy levels

•  Take actionable steps to regroup & pivot

Real life stories:

To register:

HRDF SBL-Khasclaimable workshop

Terms and Condition

  1. Silva Method Malaysia reserves the right to change schedule of event whenever deemed necessary.
Silva Method Malaysia is the official regional distributor since 1990 for Silva Method appointed by Silva International Inc.,USA. We offer a series of courses and workshops in scientifically tested and proven concepts and step-by-step “how to” techniques in stress management as well as harnessing our untapped mind potentials for all ages.You can connect with us in the following ways:Website : : [email protected] : +603 – 2282 9939 / 09Facebook :
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