Becoming a Certified Neuro Linguistic Practitioner is a decision that can transform your life in a fundamental way. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) involves the systemic study of human communication and how we create our reality. It is also the study of exceptional talent: how outstanding individuals get their results. With NLP training, you will develop talent, learn at an accelerated rate, and further your overall success.
How NLP helps you?
NLP can be used for a wide range of personal, business and sporting challenges. It can help with issues from changing negative self-limiting beliefs, to dealing with fears, phobias and unresolved grief.It is as powerful and effective when used for self-discovery as it is for business negotiations.
What will you learn?
Remain Emotionally Intelligent: Be your best in tough situations, all the time.
Turn problems and obstacles into spring boards for super success.
Speed up your learning in any field.
Make dramatic, positive changes in the way you think, feel and act.
Successfully get your message across, every time.
Detect patterns in human behaviour.
See and hear more efficiently as you improve sensory acuity.
Learn to model yourself based on characteristics common among high achievers.
Recognize how other people respond to you.
Defuse tense situations.
Note: This workshop was jointly organized by Silva Method (M) Sdn Bhd and Health Essentials Asia