Learning how to facilitate beyondPast Life Regression (PLR) into Life Between Lives (LBL)gives the practicing hypnotherapist all the tools to take your client on a spiritual journey, to answer: Who Am I, Why Am I Here, What lessons am I working through, who are my Soul Group & more..... Yes, LBL advances far beyond a Past Life session.Rather than doing a detailed review of the past life combined with interventions, we want to use the past life death scene as a doorway into spirit. Once the soul enters the spirit realm, the reviews, interventions and healings will be done in a most loving way by the guides and loved ones rather than by the therapist.
Life Between Lives is metaphysical work pioneered by great pioneer hypnotists such as Dr Michael Newton, Leo Bolduc, Dr Brian Weiss and his teacher Gerald Kein (Beryl’s teacher also).
This course is forthose that want to experience their own Between Lives session - and those therapists that wish to practice and expand into more Spiritual Hypnosis. And for those who want to work with a master; Beryl’s work is featured in Roy Hunter’s book “Spiritual Hypnosis”.
This course coversthe essential aspects of following your PLR with the important element of a Between Lives continuation. It is intense, in depth, hands on, and covers all aspects of everything you need to learn to confidently take your client into the Between Lives space. It is overflowing with Techniques & Healing Modalities.
Note: This workshop was jointly organized by Silva Method (M) Sdn Bhd and Health Essentials Asia