Agile Leader Training

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Northpoint, Mid Valley City
B-10-1, Northpoint, Mid Valley City, No. 1, Medan Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur

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A new brand of leadership - Agile Leadership - has gained prominence. We all know leaders are frequently required to balance, lead, and navigate through many choices and challenges. However, what separates the mediocre or the good, from great leaders is the mindset and ability to keep growing, changing and adapting.

In our fast changing business environment, it is crucial to know how to keep getting better, and change with the environment. Great leaders are self-aware. They know it is important to regularly reflect on how to improve.

You can accelerate growth with our Agile Leadership System workshop. This program provides hands-on application of concepts and techniques derived from neuroscience and psychology to improve the performance of your team, your organization, and yourself. The right mind frame and methodology can create breakthroughs and generate growth - with speed and flexibility.

Find out more information at :

Note: This workshop was jointly organized by Silva Method (M) Sdn Bhd and Health Essentials Asia


Northpoint, Mid Valley City
B-10-1, Northpoint, Mid Valley City, No. 1, Medan Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

  1. Silva Method Malaysia/Health Essentials Asia reserves the right to change schedule/venue of event whenever deemed necessary.
  2. No cancellation; but we allow substitution if you are unable to attend.

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Silva Method (M) Sdn Bhd (197250-A)

Silva Method Malaysia is the official regional distributor since 1990 for Silva Method appointed by Silva International Inc.,USA. We offer a series of courses and workshops in scientifically tested and proven concepts and step-by-step “how to” techniques in stress management as well as harnessing our untapped mind potentials for all ages.You can connect with us in the following ways:Website : : [email protected] : +603 – 2282 9939 / 09Facebook :
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Agile Leader Training

Northpoint, Mid Valley City
B-10-1, Northpoint, Mid Valley City, No. 1, Medan Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
0 Days
0 Hours
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Event Expired

Ticket Information

A new brand of leadership - Agile Leadership - has gained prominence. We all know leaders are frequently required to balance, lead, and navigate through many choices and challenges. However, what separates the mediocre or the good, from great leaders is the mindset and ability to keep growing, changing and adapting.

In our fast changing business environment, it is crucial to know how to keep getting better, and change with the environment. Great leaders are self-aware. They know it is important to regularly reflect on how to improve.

You can accelerate growth with our Agile Leadership System workshop. This program provides hands-on application of concepts and techniques derived from neuroscience and psychology to improve the performance of your team, your organization, and yourself. The right mind frame and methodology can create breakthroughs and generate growth - with speed and flexibility.

Find out more information at :

Note: This workshop was jointly organized by Silva Method (M) Sdn Bhd and Health Essentials Asia


Northpoint, Mid Valley City
B-10-1, Northpoint, Mid Valley City, No. 1, Medan Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur

Terms and Condition

  1. Silva Method Malaysia/Health Essentials Asia reserves the right to change schedule/venue of event whenever deemed necessary.
  2. No cancellation; but we allow substitution if you are unable to attend.
Silva Method Malaysia is the official regional distributor since 1990 for Silva Method appointed by Silva International Inc.,USA. We offer a series of courses and workshops in scientifically tested and proven concepts and step-by-step “how to” techniques in stress management as well as harnessing our untapped mind potentials for all ages.You can connect with us in the following ways:Website : : [email protected] : +603 – 2282 9939 / 09Facebook :
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