投资教育系列:P2P众筹和股权众筹投资新趋势 (Alor Setar)

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
EntreVestors Space
302A, Level3A, Uptown 1, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

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由 CapitalBay, EntreVestors & Fundnel Malaysia 共同联办的投资教育系列2019正式开跑啦!
将和您分享如何运用另类投资(P2P & ECF) 最大化你的投资组合“

----- 2019 中文分享会详情-----
日期: 21th September 2019 (Saturday)
时间: 8.00pm – 10.00pm (8.00pm:报到,8.30pm:正式开始)
地点: Starcity Hotel Alor Setar (Sinar Room @ Mezzanine Floor)
(Kampung Lubok Peringg, 88, Jalan Pintu Sepuluh, 05100 Alor Setar, Kedah)
对象:投资者 Investors, 企业家 Entreprenuers, 中小企业主SMEs和对另类投资有兴趣的朋友们


1. Ang Xing Xian, CEO & Co-founder of Capital Bay
2. Chris Tan, Partner of Fundnel Malaysia 

10.00am: 开始报到
10.30am: P2P众筹主题分享 by Mr. Ang Xing Xian, CEO & Co-founder of Capital Bay
11.00am: ECF股权众筹主题分享 by Mr. Chris Tan, Partner of Fundnel Malaysia
11.30am: Q&A Section 问答环节
11.45am: Networking Section交流环节
12.00pm: End

关于Fundnel: https://fundnel.com/

关于CapitalBay: https://capitalbay.com.my/

欲知更多详情,可联系我们的客服专线 010 439 4993 或电邮至 [email protected]

Personal Data Collection Statement
The personal data collected through the application forms at this event is to be used by Bay Smart Capital Ventures Sdn Bhd (BSCV), EntreVestors Sdn Bhd and Fundnel Technologies Sdn Bhd, being the joint organisers for this event (“Organisers”), for the following purposes:

(a) to update you on developments and new offerings in the Organisers' activities, services and events;
(b) to assess and process any applications, requests and instructions for services offered by the Organisers;
(c) contacting you in relation to the above;
(d) for marketing and promotional activities of the Organisers, including educational events, proposals and collaterals; and
(e) any other purposes related to the above purposes.

The Organisers shall use, process and retain the personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010. Participants are entitled to access their personal data and rectify errors if there are any. The Organisers may transfer and share your personal data with its respective affiliated companies for the above purposes.

You also consent to your photos and videos being collected and consent to the Organisers using such photos and videos for its promotional, advertising and marketing materials.


EntreVestors Space
302A, Level3A, Uptown 1, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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EntreVestors Ecosystem

是一个集结了各领域企业家、投资者还有投融专才的生态圈平台,通过相互的连接、共享和汇资的理念下,实践投资和融资最大化的价值。 此专页将为您分享关于“股权投资”和“股权融资”的实战知识与趋势,通过专案分析及投融领域专才的经验分享,让您更了解投资和融资的秘诀和该如何去实践及应用。 创业者,企业家,投资者们敬请期待及关注企投融资生态圈,大家共同学习与成长!
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投资教育系列:P2P众筹和股权众筹投资新趋势 (Alor Setar)

EntreVestors Space
302A, Level3A, Uptown 1, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
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0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information

由 CapitalBay, EntreVestors & Fundnel Malaysia 共同联办的投资教育系列2019正式开跑啦!
将和您分享如何运用另类投资(P2P & ECF) 最大化你的投资组合“

----- 2019 中文分享会详情-----
日期: 21th September 2019 (Saturday)
时间: 8.00pm – 10.00pm (8.00pm:报到,8.30pm:正式开始)
地点: Starcity Hotel Alor Setar (Sinar Room @ Mezzanine Floor)
(Kampung Lubok Peringg, 88, Jalan Pintu Sepuluh, 05100 Alor Setar, Kedah)
对象:投资者 Investors, 企业家 Entreprenuers, 中小企业主SMEs和对另类投资有兴趣的朋友们


1. Ang Xing Xian, CEO & Co-founder of Capital Bay
2. Chris Tan, Partner of Fundnel Malaysia 

10.00am: 开始报到
10.30am: P2P众筹主题分享 by Mr. Ang Xing Xian, CEO & Co-founder of Capital Bay
11.00am: ECF股权众筹主题分享 by Mr. Chris Tan, Partner of Fundnel Malaysia
11.30am: Q&A Section 问答环节
11.45am: Networking Section交流环节
12.00pm: End

关于Fundnel: https://fundnel.com/

关于CapitalBay: https://capitalbay.com.my/

欲知更多详情,可联系我们的客服专线 010 439 4993 或电邮至 [email protected]

Personal Data Collection Statement
The personal data collected through the application forms at this event is to be used by Bay Smart Capital Ventures Sdn Bhd (BSCV), EntreVestors Sdn Bhd and Fundnel Technologies Sdn Bhd, being the joint organisers for this event (“Organisers”), for the following purposes:

(a) to update you on developments and new offerings in the Organisers' activities, services and events;
(b) to assess and process any applications, requests and instructions for services offered by the Organisers;
(c) contacting you in relation to the above;
(d) for marketing and promotional activities of the Organisers, including educational events, proposals and collaterals; and
(e) any other purposes related to the above purposes.

The Organisers shall use, process and retain the personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010. Participants are entitled to access their personal data and rectify errors if there are any. The Organisers may transfer and share your personal data with its respective affiliated companies for the above purposes.

You also consent to your photos and videos being collected and consent to the Organisers using such photos and videos for its promotional, advertising and marketing materials.


EntreVestors Space
302A, Level3A, Uptown 1, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
是一个集结了各领域企业家、投资者还有投融专才的生态圈平台,通过相互的连接、共享和汇资的理念下,实践投资和融资最大化的价值。 此专页将为您分享关于“股权投资”和“股权融资”的实战知识与趋势,通过专案分析及投融领域专才的经验分享,让您更了解投资和融资的秘诀和该如何去实践及应用。 创业者,企业家,投资者们敬请期待及关注企投融资生态圈,大家共同学习与成长!
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