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{{$t("Scan and Share")}}
{{$t("Scan the qr to open and share in mobile, or")}} {{$t("Click Here")}} {{$t("to copy the shareable link")}} http://t2u.asia/e/15172

Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Hoken Business Advisory Office
41, Laluan Pinji Seni 4, Taman Pinji Seni, 30250 Ipoh, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

{{$t("More info on this event")}}



Please bring your laptop to the cost.

Topics covered:

1)Why eBay seller need to apply for Matrade Incentive and how to utilize the Matrade Incentive effectively.

2)Step by step guide on settingeBay Account and Paypal correctly. This will be share before training class so that participants have a ready account in eBay.

3)The reasons for business to register with eBay Malaysia – www.ebay.com.my.

4)How to use your eBay Malaysia account to start listing in global markets seamlessly such as US market (www.ebay.com), UK market (www.ebay.co.uk) , Australia market (www.ebay.com.au) and other western countries.

5)Understand the method to select the right category and design top selling listing title.

6)Learn how to use market anlaysis tool to reseach competitor listing for ideas.

7)Avoid expensive photography cost by 3rd party, and do it yourself with KK Ecommerce Photo Booth with your own smartphone.

8)Experience how you can remove and process the photo backgound easilly.

9)Understand the costing of eBay and utilize KK ecommerce tools to generate selling price effortlessly.

10)See how suitable eBay store can help you save listing charge and enjoy free marketing and research tools.

11)Learn eBay important tips and policies in product listing.

12)Understand the return policy and why you should always put customer first in achieving eBay Top Seller status.

13)Learn How to setup Shipping Policies, so that you can ship to worldwide customers.

14)Connect to eBay recommended Forwarder to reeive attractive shipping rates and learn how to use one of the service provider platform to arrange your shipment.

15)Increase your selling limit and learn how to avoid suspension by submitting you business info to eBay.


Hoken Business Advisory Office
41, Laluan Pinji Seni 4, Taman Pinji Seni, 30250 Ipoh, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

Money paid are refundable 1 day before the training day, after deducting ticket2u.com,my cost. 

The free photo studio is only provided to student who had paid the full RM500 class fee. 

{{$t("More events or promo by")}}

The organizer did not describe themself much.
Scan & Share


Hoken Business Advisory Office
41, Laluan Pinji Seni 4, Taman Pinji Seni, 30250 Ipoh, Negeri Perak, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information


Please bring your laptop to the cost.

Topics covered:

1)Why eBay seller need to apply for Matrade Incentive and how to utilize the Matrade Incentive effectively.

2)Step by step guide on settingeBay Account and Paypal correctly. This will be share before training class so that participants have a ready account in eBay.

3)The reasons for business to register with eBay Malaysia – www.ebay.com.my.

4)How to use your eBay Malaysia account to start listing in global markets seamlessly such as US market (www.ebay.com), UK market (www.ebay.co.uk) , Australia market (www.ebay.com.au) and other western countries.

5)Understand the method to select the right category and design top selling listing title.

6)Learn how to use market anlaysis tool to reseach competitor listing for ideas.

7)Avoid expensive photography cost by 3rd party, and do it yourself with KK Ecommerce Photo Booth with your own smartphone.

8)Experience how you can remove and process the photo backgound easilly.

9)Understand the costing of eBay and utilize KK ecommerce tools to generate selling price effortlessly.

10)See how suitable eBay store can help you save listing charge and enjoy free marketing and research tools.

11)Learn eBay important tips and policies in product listing.

12)Understand the return policy and why you should always put customer first in achieving eBay Top Seller status.

13)Learn How to setup Shipping Policies, so that you can ship to worldwide customers.

14)Connect to eBay recommended Forwarder to reeive attractive shipping rates and learn how to use one of the service provider platform to arrange your shipment.

15)Increase your selling limit and learn how to avoid suspension by submitting you business info to eBay.


Hoken Business Advisory Office
41, Laluan Pinji Seni 4, Taman Pinji Seni, 30250 Ipoh, Negeri Perak, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

Money paid are refundable 1 day before the training day, after deducting ticket2u.com,my cost. 

The free photo studio is only provided to student who had paid the full RM500 class fee. 

The organizer did not describe themself much.
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