Mastering Lazada & Shopee Data with Excel

0 Days
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0 Minutes
0 Seconds
{{$t("Scan and Share")}}
{{$t("Scan the qr to open and share in mobile, or")}} {{$t("Click Here")}} {{$t("to copy the shareable link")}}

Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Plaza VADS, Level 9 Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad, Taman Tun Dr Ismail Kuala Lumpur 6000 Malaysia
Plaza VADS

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

{{$t("More info on this event")}}


Are you having this issues selling in Lazada & Shopee?

1) Tracking shipping charge and discrepancies takes up hours of your time. 

2) After submit claims, tracking refunds also make your head spins.

3) Pay for services or software or programs, but get more problems

4) Don't know how to identify your potential STAR Skus, or how many you should order

5) Don't know exactly how much you are earning. 

If you are having this issues, then you cannot miss this Class by myself.

I provided similar training once in Oct 2018. In that training, 2 top sellers came all the way from KL to Ipoh. Sattish from Russel Taylor (Top sellers in Lazada and Shopee) and Jason from Ibeli (Top seller in shopee with more than 40k followers).

After the training, they had kept asking more from me.

In fact, 1 year after the training, they could not find anybody in the field having this One of a Kind expertise. So after being bug by them for near to a year, I gave in and hold this class, right in KL on Sept 24th.

If you miss this, You might have to wait for another year :)


You must know some basic excel. I cannot train you to know excel from zero in one day. Bring your laptop with excel in it, as it is an intensive practical workshop. You can actually buy the most recent Microsoft office authorization key on Shopee or Lazada for less than RM30. 


Plaza VADS, Level 9 Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad, Taman Tun Dr Ismail Kuala Lumpur 6000 Malaysia
Plaza VADS

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

All tickets is refundable 48 hours from the event. 

After attending the class, no refund is possible. 

{{$t("More events or promo by")}}

The organizer did not describe themself much.
Scan & Share 

Mastering Lazada & Shopee Data with Excel

Plaza VADS, Level 9 Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad, Taman Tun Dr Ismail Kuala Lumpur 6000 Malaysia
Plaza VADS
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information

Are you having this issues selling in Lazada & Shopee?

1) Tracking shipping charge and discrepancies takes up hours of your time. 

2) After submit claims, tracking refunds also make your head spins.

3) Pay for services or software or programs, but get more problems

4) Don't know how to identify your potential STAR Skus, or how many you should order

5) Don't know exactly how much you are earning. 

If you are having this issues, then you cannot miss this Class by myself.

I provided similar training once in Oct 2018. In that training, 2 top sellers came all the way from KL to Ipoh. Sattish from Russel Taylor (Top sellers in Lazada and Shopee) and Jason from Ibeli (Top seller in shopee with more than 40k followers).

After the training, they had kept asking more from me.

In fact, 1 year after the training, they could not find anybody in the field having this One of a Kind expertise. So after being bug by them for near to a year, I gave in and hold this class, right in KL on Sept 24th.

If you miss this, You might have to wait for another year :)


You must know some basic excel. I cannot train you to know excel from zero in one day. Bring your laptop with excel in it, as it is an intensive practical workshop. You can actually buy the most recent Microsoft office authorization key on Shopee or Lazada for less than RM30. 


Plaza VADS, Level 9 Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad, Taman Tun Dr Ismail Kuala Lumpur 6000 Malaysia
Plaza VADS

Terms and Condition

All tickets is refundable 48 hours from the event. 

After attending the class, no refund is possible. 

The organizer did not describe themself much.
Event Links 

{{$t("Check Shipping Status")}}

{{$t("Key in your tracking number to check shipping status")}}