Forum Pendididkan STEM & Bengkel Pembeljaran STEM Secara Inkuiri (Inquiry - Based STEM Education) IBSE

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{{$t("Scan and Share")}}
{{$t("Scan the qr to open and share in mobile, or")}} {{$t("Click Here")}} {{$t("to copy the shareable link")}}

Event {{$t("Expired")}}
L3-03, Da Men Mall USJ
Da Men Mall USJ. 1, Persiaran Kewajipan, Usj 1, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

{{$t("More info on this event")}}


Event Information

Event Name
Forum Pendididkan STEM & Bengkel Pembeljaran STEM Secara Inkuiri
(Inquiry - Based STEM Education) IBSE
14 Dec 2019, Saturday
10.00am - 3.30pm
L3-03, Da Men Mall
FeePara Pelajar RM 35
Guru & Ibu bapa RM 50


L3-03, Da Men Mall USJ
Da Men Mall USJ. 1, Persiaran Kewajipan, Usj 1, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

Terms and Conditions
1. Reg Fee is for one person only.
2. Reg Fee is non refundable and  non transferable.
4. The Organizer shall have the right to amend the Program if deemed necessary.    
5. The Organizers shall have the right to postpone the event due to any unforeseen circumstances.

{{$t("More events or promo by")}}
STEM4ALL Makerspace

The organizer did not describe themself much.
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Forum Pendididkan STEM & Bengkel Pembeljaran STEM Secara Inkuiri (Inquiry - Based STEM Education) IBSE

L3-03, Da Men Mall USJ
Da Men Mall USJ. 1, Persiaran Kewajipan, Usj 1, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information

Event Information

Event Name
Forum Pendididkan STEM & Bengkel Pembeljaran STEM Secara Inkuiri
(Inquiry - Based STEM Education) IBSE
14 Dec 2019, Saturday
10.00am - 3.30pm
L3-03, Da Men Mall
FeePara Pelajar RM 35
Guru & Ibu bapa RM 50


L3-03, Da Men Mall USJ
Da Men Mall USJ. 1, Persiaran Kewajipan, Usj 1, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

Terms and Conditions
1. Reg Fee is for one person only.
2. Reg Fee is non refundable and  non transferable.
4. The Organizer shall have the right to amend the Program if deemed necessary.    
5. The Organizers shall have the right to postpone the event due to any unforeseen circumstances.

The organizer did not describe themself much.
Event Links 

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{{$t("Key in your tracking number to check shipping status")}}