Event Cancellation Notice

Event Description:
- Penang 2030 Video Making Competition is organised by the Penang State Government. The closing date for submission is by 5th April 2020. Entries received after 11.59pm on 5th April 2020 or are damaged, corrupted, incomplete or illegible will not be accepted and will be disqualified.
- The theme of the competition is based on Penang 2030: A Family-Focused Green and Smart State that Inspires the Nation. All entries shall involve important Penang 2030 themes.
- Different elements such as family oriented, women’s development, community welfare, digital infrastructure improvement, tourism and cultural, housing and safer thus smart and green technology are recommended to be included in the video.
- For more information regarding Penang 2030, please refer to the official website:-
- This competition is open to all Malaysian.
- Members and judges of the organiser, its affiliates and/or related companies and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate in the competition.
- The age limit is not restricted.
- Submissions from both individuals and teams are accepted.
SEGi College Penang Student Representative Council
Categories and fees
Youth (Rm50), Public (Rm80)
Registration period
1st of February to 8th March 2020
- Each entry must not be more than 5 minutes duration, 5 points will be deducted after every 30 seconds (excluding credits). Any video entry with the duration length of 7 minutes and above will be disqualified.
- Eligible Participants MUST provide their Full Name, Identity Card number (Malaysia NRIC), Valid Contact Number and Email address (Incomplete entries will not be considered).
- Participants must register at ticket2u website, registration fee is RM50 for youth & RM80 for public. No refund once payment has been made by the participant.
- Each submission will be tied to ONE Eligible Participant. In the event that a group is working together on a submission, the submission will be entered under the name of a primary participant. Every participant may choose to enter a group name or not as it is not mandatory. Every group member’s name, Identity Card number and phone number must be registered together.
- Entries must not have been submitted to any other contests/competition/film festival before.
- All entries must be the eligible participants’ original works and no part or component thereof is copied from any other work or material.
- All entries can be of any genre, i.e. You can submit a work that features elements of documentary, drama, horror, musical, sci-fi, etc. Entries may be live-action, animation or a combination of both.
- The dialogue may be in any languages spoken in Malaysia or none. English subtitles are compulsory but participants are advised to have subtitles consisting of different languages.
- By submitting a video entry to the competition, eligible participants confirm that they are the legal and/or beneficial owner or otherwise have the intellectual property rights to submit such materials; and therefore warrant that they have obtained rights in incorporating copyrighted materials i.e. music, soundtrack, audio, graphics, images and video clips in their video entry. Each entry and any part thereof shall not at any time infringe or violate any laws or the rights of third party.
- Entries must not contain or have reference to any names, products or services of any company or entity or any third party trademarks, logos, trade dress or promotion of any brand, product or services (other than the organiser’s and event sponsor’s).
- Entries that are lewd, obscene, sexually explicit, pornographic, disparaging, defamatory, libellous, illegal, offensive, or otherwise contain inappropriate content or objectionable material should not be submitted and the organiser reserves the right to remove or demand the eligible participant to remove such entry at any time in the organiser’s sole discretion.
- By submitting the entries, the producers and owners of the entries are to grant the organiser exclusive rights of the copyright to use the entries or material submitted for library, promotional, or commercial use globally.
- All costs and expenses in connection with the production of the entry and the participation of this contest shall be fully borne by the eligible participants
- Every entry video should consist of the following:-
- Title – ‘Penang 2030 Video Making Competition’ followed by title of video
- The video must be in one of the following formats:-
MP4 or MOV
- Audio quality must be clear – on site audio feed or narration is allowed.
- Eligible Participants are required to submit the finished video to [email protected] (Incomplete entries will not be considered).
- All complete entries are to be submitted by 11:59pm, 5th April 2020.
The winners will receive the following:
Group | Champion |
Youth | RM1500 |
Public | RM3000 |
- The organiser reserves the right at its absolute discretion to substitute any of the prizes with alternative prizes of similar value, at any time without prior notice. All prizes are given on an “as is” basis and are non-transferable to any other person.
- Prize money will be given directly to the primary contact to be divided by participants on their own terms. The organiser is not responsible for allocating prize money among individual participants.
- The eligibility to win the competition is on the condition that eligible participants fully comply with the Terms and Conditions as stated herein.
- Incomplete entries and/or the failure to fulfil all or any of the Terms and Conditions will automatically disqualify the eligible participants from the competition without prior notice.
- Judges’ decision is final, conclusive and binding. No further appeal, enquiry and/or correspondence will be entertained.
- In the event that a submission created by a group (and submitted by a primary entrant) is declared the winner in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, the prize will be awarded to the primary participant and it will be the responsibility of the primary participant to distribute the prize.
- The winners are fully responsible for any injuries, damages or claims as a result of or arising from their participation in the competition, usage of their prize and/or collection of their prize. All transportation, accommodation, personal costs and/or any other costs and/or any other related expenses that are incurred to participate in this competition and/or to redeem the prize are the sole responsibility of the eligible participants and winners.