The agriculture sector in Malaysia is the third most important sector contributing to national income. In 2018, an amount of RM99.5 billion or equivalent to 7.3% was contributed to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the agriculture sector. Palm oil was the major contributor to the GDP of agriculture sector at 37.9% followed by other agriculture (25.1%), livestock (14.9%), fishery (12.5%), forestry and logging (6.9%) and rubber (2.8%).
To achieve national food security and guaranteed food supply, the agriculture sector requires a transformation to solve current issues such as inefficient data accessibility and traceability, scattered information across the food supply chain and aging farmers. Smart farming innovation and technology applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT), precision farming, robotics, big data analytics and block-chain are some of the technologies that can be implemented parallel to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). The upsurge in e-marketing implementation during the current Covid-19 crisis shows the importance of digital food supply chain to ensure the food supply is enough and easily available to the people throughout the crisis.
The aim of national Digital Agriculture Conference 2020 (DigAC 2020) is to gather experts in agriculture, ICT, finance, policy makers, academicians and all stakeholders in order to discuss and exchange ideas involving Digital Agriculture and its challenges in the IR4.0 era, thus empowering the nation’s agriculture sector.
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