1. 比赛赛制
1.1.游戏: 使用王者峡谷地图(征召模式)来进行的一局游戏,直到通过以下方式之一产生获胜方 (以首先发生的为准): (A) 摧毁对手水晶; (B) 对手投降; (C) 对手被剥夺参赛资格; (D) 裁判判定对手违规。
1.3 年龄: 参赛者年龄不可小于16岁 或大于35岁。
1.4 队伍: 每支队伍只允许5人参赛,不接受候补选手。若发现参赛者与报名资料不吻合,该队伍将直接被剥夺参赛资格。此外,参赛者不可曾经参与任何职业联赛 (KPLGT)。此比赛只限64支队伍,当报名人数到达上限,报名页面将会关闭。参赛队伍将会随机分配至A/B/C/D组,各组 不会多于16支队伍。
2. 游戏规则
2.1. 游戏中止:(线下)如果一名选手在没有通知裁判或者暂停的情况下故意断开连接,该局比赛将不会暂停。在游戏暂停或中断期间,未经过裁判的批准选手不得离开比赛区域。(线上)在比赛期间选手不可擅自暂停,否则将直接判定对手胜利。
2.2选择/禁用过程: 双方选手都进入游戏房间后,一名裁判将会确认双方队伍都已经准备好进入选择/禁用阶段(B/P)。一旦双方确认准备就绪,裁判通知房间管理员开始游戏。选择/禁用(B/P)流程&时间。
2.2.3. 综合/游戏设置 地图:王者峡谷(5V5) 常规游戏类型:征召模式
2.3. 选择阶段与选边
2.3.1. 选边:每支队伍的队长将会被邀请进入主办方创建的群组,比赛前双方队长将进行投骰子环节,以比大小决定蓝方或红方。
2.3.2. 选择失误:如果队伍出现错误的英雄选择或者禁用,比赛将继续进行。后果由队伍自行承担。
2.3.3. 英雄交换失误:队伍如果因自身原因导致交换出现错误,比赛将继续进行。不得交换手持设备。
3. 比赛资格
3.1.参赛条件 : 参赛者必须填写所需资料并支付报名订金,
报名订金在比赛结束后 (24th July 2021) 会归还给每支到场队伍。
4. 选手设备
4.1. 所有设备 : (线上)参赛者需确保网络顺畅,网卡/游戏不顺畅将由队伍自行承担。(线下)参赛者需自行准备手持设备,头戴式耳机/入耳式耳机/麦克风。
5. 场馆、比赛区域布局和日程安排
5.1. 比赛区域 : 在半决赛与决赛会继续进行线上比赛。
5.2 日程安排 :待报名完成后,主办单位将会通知参赛者所有比赛日期和时间。
6. 规则补充
6.1. 规则变动
图片所显示的是比赛队伍晋级方式 :

Rules and regulation of Honour of Kings
1. Competition System
1.1 Game: Using Horizon Valley (B/P mode) to carry out the match, and the winning conditions are: (A) Destroy enemy’s core; (B) Enemies surrender; (C) Enemies is disqualified; (D) Enemies break rules.
1.2 Competition: Preliminary match will be online match. The online preliminary matches will start at 24th June 2021 (7 p.m.). Every participant needs to be ready in 10 minutes earlier before the start of the matches and wait for the organizer to invite the leader of the team into the room. After that, leader will invite his/her teammates into the room. Each of the team will have a BO1 match. Semifinals and finals will be online match on 17th July 2021. Semifinals will also a BO1 match, but finals will be BO3 match.
1.3 Age: The player must be at least 16 years old and below 35 years old by the date of the first game.
1.4 Team: Every team will only be allowed 5-member maximum; substitution is not allowed. Participants must not participate in any other professional leagues (KPLGT) previously. Only 64 teams are allowed to participate in this tournament. Registration will close if the number is exceeded. Every team will randomly assign to group A/B/C/D, and each group contains maximum 16 teams.
2. Game Rules:
2.1 Presential Game: If the player did not inform the Tournament Officials for pausing or any intentional disconnect, the tournament will not time out. During time out the player must get the permission of the Tournament Officials to leaves the Tournament area.
Online Phase: During the tournament the players are not allowed to pause the game.
2.2 Ban/ Pick: During the Ban/Pick stage, one Tournament Official will get confirmation if the players are ready. Once the confirmation is done, the Ban/Pick stage will start.
2.2.3 Game Settings Map: Horizon Valley(5v5) Game Mode: B/P Mode.
2.3 Ban/Pick and sides
2.3.1 Sides: Each leader of the team will be invited into a group created by organizer. Before the tournament, each leader needs to “throw dice” to decide which side you are. The bigger will be blue side while smaller will be red side.
2.3.2 False Pick: If the player picks or ban a champion that is not intended the game will still continue.
2.3.3 False Swap: If the player mistakenly false swap the game will still continue.
3. Competition Qualification
3.1 Entry Conditions: Participants must fill up the details and pay the registration deposit. The registration deposit for each team is RM 50. Once all the entry conditions are completed, the registrations will be completed. For every member of the team must fulfil the entry conditions to enter the tournament.
The registration deposit will be refunded to the teams after the event ended on the 24th July 2021
4. Player Equipment
4.1 Setting: During the online phase it is the responsibility of each team and / or player to ensure the quality of their internet connection and the performance of their computer. And during the presential stage, the use of equipment in the categories below:
• Headsets and / or headphones and microphones.
5. Tournament Area and Schedule
5.1 Tournament Area: Semifinal and finals will be held online.
5.2 Schedule: After the registration, the organizers will inform the date and times of the tournament.
6.1 Rules Change
These rules may be amended, modified or supplemented by the organization of the event to ensure fair matches and the competitive integrity of the tournament.
Below is the image of the Group division
Preliminary matches

If you have any questions or enquiries, please contact
Northern Region (Penang, Perlis, Perak, Kedah) and East Cost Region (Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang) = Mr Low Rong Quan (016-551 9881)
Central Region (Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya) = Mr Oo Jia Hong at (010-8847263)
Southern Region (Negeri Sembilan, Malacca, Johor) = Miss Agnes Lai at (012-8002539)
Sabah & Sarawak = Mr Francis Lim at (016-8973907)