CampFire Holly Day Colouring Contest

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Atria Shopping Gallery
Jalan SS 22/23, Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

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Show us your creativity this Christmas session by participating in our CampFire Holly Day Colouring Contest!

Winners will stand a chance to walk away with prizes worth up to RM700!

Date                       : 5th December 2021 (Sunday) 

Location                : Centre Court, Ground Floor

Programme          : 12.30pm – Registration

                                 1.00pm – Drawing Contest Starts

                                 3.00pm – Drawing Contest Ends

  • Open for child aged 12 and below.
  • No coloring materials will be provided.


Atria Shopping Gallery
Jalan SS 22/23, Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

Eligibility & Contest Information 

  1. This Christmas "CampFire Holly Day" Colouring Contest (“the Contest”) will be held on 5 December 2021 (Sun), 1.00pm or such other period as Atria Shopping Gallery (“Management”) may in its absolute discretion determine (“the Contest Period”). 
  2. The Contest is only open to participants aged 12 years old and below. 
  3. One (1) A3 size art paper will be provided by the Management. 
  4. No colouring materials will be provided. 
  5. Participants may using any colouring tools (i.e. colour pencils, crayons, paint, etc.) and may add drawings of people and objects to the colouring sheet.
  6. The employees of the Management and their immediate family members, its advertising and promotional agents, shall not be eligible for the Contest. 
  7. With regard to the participation of the Contest: - 
    1. Please complete this registration form 24 November 2021 (Wednesday), 12pm. Registration will close by 3 December 2021 (Friday), 12pm it has reached thirty (30) participants, whichever comes first. 
    2. Only the first thirty (30) participants with duly completed contest entry form will be eligible to participate in the Contest (“the Eligible Participants”). All registration will be treated on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis. 
    3. A confirmation email (e-ticket) will be sent to all successful registrants.
    4. Participant with incomplete, illegible and/or any late submission of contest entry forms shall be disqualified. 
    5. All contest entry forms shall be retained and belong to the Management and shall be dealt with as the Management deem fit. 
    6. The Eligible Participants shall be judged based on Creativity (25%), Colour Scheme (25%), Technique (25%), and Overall Impact (25%). 
    7. In the event any of the Eligible Participants are late for more than ten (10) minutes after the Contest starts, the Eligible Participants may be disqualified by the Management. 
    8. The Eligible Participants will be judged by a pre-determined panel of judges and the decision of the judges is final and conclusive. 
    9. In case of any doubt, the decision made by the Management shall be final and conclusive and shall be binding on the Eligible Participants. 

Terms and Conditions of the Prizes 

  1. Ten (10) winners will be selected by judges in the Contest (“winners”). Each winner shall be eligible for one (1) prize only. 
  2. All prizes are presented to the winners on an “as is” basis and the Management shall not be responsible howsoever for the usability, suitability, warranty, quality and condition of the prizes. 
  3. All winners are to collect their respective prizes on 5 December 2021 (Sun) after the Contest. Any uncollected prizes will be forfeited. 
  4. All winners are responsible to collect their respective prizes at their own cost and expense at such time and place as may be notified by the Management. 
  5. The prizes do not include any accessories or items that are shown in any leaflets, posters or other promotional materials and the Management reserves the right to change the colour of the prizes. 

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Atria Shopping Gallery

Atria is a new and stylish shopping gallery, a total transformation of yesterday’s beloved iconic mall to cater to today’s more sophisticated and discerning tastes.Judged Best Retail Architecture for 2013–2014 and Best Commercial Redevelopment 2011–2012 at the Asia Pacific Property Awards, Atria is poised to make an indelible mark on the Malaysian retail scene.Atria has also been awarded the Singapore BCA Green Mark. Inspired by the natural beauty and exquisite forms found in our tropical rainforests, Atria Shopping Gallery delivers a sense of natural opulence within a contemporary retail setting.
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CampFire Holly Day Colouring Contest

Atria Shopping Gallery
Jalan SS 22/23, Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information

Show us your creativity this Christmas session by participating in our CampFire Holly Day Colouring Contest!

Winners will stand a chance to walk away with prizes worth up to RM700!

Date                       : 5th December 2021 (Sunday) 

Location                : Centre Court, Ground Floor

Programme          : 12.30pm – Registration

                                 1.00pm – Drawing Contest Starts

                                 3.00pm – Drawing Contest Ends

  • Open for child aged 12 and below.
  • No coloring materials will be provided.


Atria Shopping Gallery
Jalan SS 22/23, Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

Eligibility & Contest Information 

  1. This Christmas "CampFire Holly Day" Colouring Contest (“the Contest”) will be held on 5 December 2021 (Sun), 1.00pm or such other period as Atria Shopping Gallery (“Management”) may in its absolute discretion determine (“the Contest Period”). 
  2. The Contest is only open to participants aged 12 years old and below. 
  3. One (1) A3 size art paper will be provided by the Management. 
  4. No colouring materials will be provided. 
  5. Participants may using any colouring tools (i.e. colour pencils, crayons, paint, etc.) and may add drawings of people and objects to the colouring sheet.
  6. The employees of the Management and their immediate family members, its advertising and promotional agents, shall not be eligible for the Contest. 
  7. With regard to the participation of the Contest: - 
    1. Please complete this registration form 24 November 2021 (Wednesday), 12pm. Registration will close by 3 December 2021 (Friday), 12pm it has reached thirty (30) participants, whichever comes first. 
    2. Only the first thirty (30) participants with duly completed contest entry form will be eligible to participate in the Contest (“the Eligible Participants”). All registration will be treated on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis. 
    3. A confirmation email (e-ticket) will be sent to all successful registrants.
    4. Participant with incomplete, illegible and/or any late submission of contest entry forms shall be disqualified. 
    5. All contest entry forms shall be retained and belong to the Management and shall be dealt with as the Management deem fit. 
    6. The Eligible Participants shall be judged based on Creativity (25%), Colour Scheme (25%), Technique (25%), and Overall Impact (25%). 
    7. In the event any of the Eligible Participants are late for more than ten (10) minutes after the Contest starts, the Eligible Participants may be disqualified by the Management. 
    8. The Eligible Participants will be judged by a pre-determined panel of judges and the decision of the judges is final and conclusive. 
    9. In case of any doubt, the decision made by the Management shall be final and conclusive and shall be binding on the Eligible Participants. 

Terms and Conditions of the Prizes 

  1. Ten (10) winners will be selected by judges in the Contest (“winners”). Each winner shall be eligible for one (1) prize only. 
  2. All prizes are presented to the winners on an “as is” basis and the Management shall not be responsible howsoever for the usability, suitability, warranty, quality and condition of the prizes. 
  3. All winners are to collect their respective prizes on 5 December 2021 (Sun) after the Contest. Any uncollected prizes will be forfeited. 
  4. All winners are responsible to collect their respective prizes at their own cost and expense at such time and place as may be notified by the Management. 
  5. The prizes do not include any accessories or items that are shown in any leaflets, posters or other promotional materials and the Management reserves the right to change the colour of the prizes. 
Atria is a new and stylish shopping gallery, a total transformation of yesterday’s beloved iconic mall to cater to today’s more sophisticated and discerning tastes.Judged Best Retail Architecture for 2013–2014 and Best Commercial Redevelopment 2011–2012 at the Asia Pacific Property Awards, Atria is poised to make an indelible mark on the Malaysian retail scene.Atria has also been awarded the Singapore BCA Green Mark. Inspired by the natural beauty and exquisite forms found in our tropical rainforests, Atria Shopping Gallery delivers a sense of natural opulence within a contemporary retail setting.
Event Links 

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