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Dewan Canselor Tun Abdul Razak (DECTAR)
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

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TEDxUKM 2022 RE: Imagine

A lot has changed since we last gathered. We now return to celebrate a new time, to celebrate the ability to imagine. At TEDxUKM 2022, we joined to search for deeper meaning, exploring technologies that evoke wonder, mind-bending science, awe-inspiring creativity and, most of all, the possibilities that happen when we ask what ideas are truly worth sharing. 

Come and be part of something extraordinary!

Your Conference Experience

Here's what you can expect at TEDxUKM 2022:

  • Full day program extracted from 10-months curations of ideas

       Four Sessions with more than 13 carefully curated speakers and performers.

  • Discovery sessions x 3

       Exploring compelling topics with leading experts, debate the ideas shaping our world where you and your TEDsters help shape the program with your questions in real time.

  • RE: Imagine Exclusive T-Shirt x 1
  • TEDxUKM Totebag x 1
  • TEDxUKM 2022 Book Collectibles* x 1
  • TEDxUKM 2022 Ticket Collectibles x 1
  • Doorgifts from TEDxUKM Partners
  • Brunch, Lunch and Tea Time
  • Social spaces and gatherings
  • Activities include: Photobooths, Techbooths, TEDx Salon Series x 3, Interactive Activities, Freebies, Tour at UKM Bangi Campus and many more

*Limited Stocks available, priority to early bookings.

RE: Imagine

Humans are inherently imaginative. In fact, it is arguably the essential trait in surviving the wilds. Not so long ago, our forefathers gathered by the fireside telling stories with just shadows. Some stories are exaggerated, yes; but some are ingenious ways to model powerful life lessons for the future generation. From the stories, we know not to swim in river with current too strong and to settle at highland away from flood. Imagination is not restricted by its form. 

The compelling narrative of religion and myth are engraved on surfaces of rocks and clays. Later, imagination became poems, plays and music. Then, drama, images, and video games. Eventually what was once just mere fragments of imaginations in our mind, became a presentable ordinariness, yet each unique in their own way. 

If it is not for imagination, what inspired women to perform major strides full of trailblazers to fight for equality and to rise proudly side by side to their counterparts? Who would be brave enough to suggest an alternative to energy consumption other than coal and oil? If not for imagination, how could one take a quantum leap from the cold concrete world to a fantasy land inhabited by magical creatures and impacted millions of young minds? 

The world needs to reimagine more than ever in the face of bleak realities. One must create an imagined world in order to understand the very real one we occupy. Imagine a better future, therefore requires keen and purposeful observation of the present. It is a mix of art and science. When the lost generation rekindles the flame of imagination, there is no telling how far we can go. Hence, the theme TEDxUKM 2022 Re: Imagine.


Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia was always the outlier amongst the higher education institutions. Ever since its unannounced arrival to the higher education scene back in May 1970, UKM made it name by spearheading the usage of Bahasa Malaysia without sacrificing the graduate’s proficiency of “oghang putih”. Multilingualism is now a trait exclusive to the graduates of UKM, for its insistence to incorporate open-minded education. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia graduates are now more competitive than ever, shattering the remarks made by the now deceased Tunku Abdul Rahman as the second class university. Today, UKM is a gateway to the world. The community is home to collection of local cultural institutions and thriving academics scene. Budding leaders drive envelope-moving conversations in physics, economics, engineering, life science, architects, and legal discourse. 

Established in 2015, TEDxUKM imbues progressive spirit found in UKM, and remains one of the most established independently organized TEDx communities in Malaysian universities. We ask pressing relevant questions that people are not asking and we chase them with a fierce appetite of intellectual curiosity that challenge the boundaries of conventional thinking. We engage thought leaders who communicate extraordinarily complex ideas with elegant finesse. Many are notable recognised industry leaders and subject matter experts, and others represent the next generation of voices who shed light on unconventional ways of thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. Change is scary and yet there is an urgency for a call to action. We push conversations forward in a way that is sometimes uncomfortable, yet that ultimately gestures in the direction of a future and a community we want to be a part of creating.



Below, the exciting lineup for TEDxUKM!  We made conscious choice to co-create an unforgettable gathering of minds and soul determined to play our part. Each of the speaker is nominated for their novel ideas and pressing topics, not their names. 

Arif Tukiman

Cloud Server Developer

Arif Tukiman went through a multitude of fields ranging from designing and producing websites, mobile applications, to games. As he progressed in gaining experience, he understands the common challenges faced by a developer when it comes to project deployments to multiple servers for clients. After graduating, he and his friends founded Cool Code, a software house firm, which grew from only a few employees to a staff of more than 20. Within three years, they had a slew of high-profile clients and their app had surpassed 3 million downloads. In order to overcome the difficulties they have while deploying projects to various servers on behalf of clients, they came out with RunCloud. Now he is the CEO of RunCloud, a company that aims to ease server management for developers and enterprises. There are now more than 230,000 web applications managed by RunCloud from more than 100 countries around the world in just three years since 2017.


Music Therapist

As a passionate advocate for music, health and wellbeing, Dr Indra is the first PhD qualified music therapist in Malaysia. Everyone enjoys music. Whether attending a concert, listening to the radio, or singing in the shower, there’s something about music that can fill us with emotion, from joy to sadness. Dr Indra believes the power of music shouldn’t be limited as mere entertainment, but as an approach to be used in the medical field. From the soothing musical chime of Beethoven's piano to the more trendy K-pop wave, despite a wide range of music genres, it connects humans to set something in motion. Aside from being a music therapist, Dr Indra has initiated and trained students for more than 20 community outreach activities working with a range of NGOs and societies, harnessing the benefits of music therapy to serve the most vulnerable members of the community, from children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Dyslexia to older adults with Parkinson’s Disease & Dementia

Dr Kumitaa Theva Das

Geneticist, Viral and Infectious Disease Researcher 

Dr Kumitaa is a geneticist and a senior lecturer at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Having the passion and fondness in regards to the manipulation of genes, she is actively involved in projects and researches such as the latest genome editing tool, CRISPR, which aims to correct disease-causing mutations. Dr Kumitaa wishes to share how CRISPR will change and transform the world, especially in the field of medicine. With the vast realization of the benefits brought by this revolutionary breakthrough, there are hopes that CRISPR is catching on and bound to be practiced in Malaysia in near future. When Dr Kumitaa is free, she can be found in the lab supervising and conducting research herself. It is the place where she, with her forbearance and precision, had brought her humanitarian passion into a reality - aiming to bring benefits in saving humankind. Not all heroes wear capes, they sometimes wear lab coats too!


Poet, Author

Pencapaian beliau yang dianggap paling istimewa adalah beliau telah menulis buku syair diraja bertajuk Syair DYMM Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar pada tahun 2017 dan siap pada tahun 2018. Terdapat 7 tajuk syair dalam buku ini iaitu “Syair Menjunjung Kasih” (100 rangkap), “Syair Keluarga Diraja Johor” (133 rangkap), “Syair Adat Istiadat Kemahkotaan” (158 rangkap), “Syair Kembara Mahkota Johor 2001-2017 (225 rangkap)”, “Syair Ceritera Dato’ Abdul Rahim bin Ramli” (177 rangkap), “Syair Istana Flinstones” (167 rangkap) dan “Syair Menjunjung Titah” (140 rangkap).
Penulisan syair berkaitan institusi diraja Johor amat kurang, malah boleh dikatakan telah mati selepas kali terakhir ditulis oleh Na Tien Piet dan Peranakan Lingga yang mengagungkan Almarhum Sultan Abu Bakar pada akhir abad ke-19. Hal ini menjadikan Dr Maskiah yang bertugas sebagai Dekan Sekolah Pendidikan di Kolej Universiti Islam Johor Sultan Ibrahim, merupakan anak Johor pertama, atau wanita Malaysia pertama yang menulis syair berkaitan institusi diraja dalam bahasa Melayu. 

Nik Faiz Nik M Amin

Batik Artisan

Nik Faiz Nik M Amin is the third-generation of a family of batik artisans and makers based in Penambang, Kelantan. He has staked his claim in the industry by starting Ruzzgahara, an exclusive batik brand with distinctive, traditionally inspired Malay motifs. This architect-turned-artist is currently the president of  Malaysian Craft Council (MCC), and the founder as well as the Creative Director for Gahara Galore Sdn Bhd. He decided to return to Kota Bharu his birth place, to be closer to his aging parents and escape the  ‘concrete jungle’ of Kuala Lumpur in search for more meanings and serenity in his life. He believes that life is meant to be lived and each moment savored, instead of rushed and being stuck in the neverending cycle of rat race. His batik motifs were developed through in depth research and taking visible clues from the golden Langkasuka era, the majestic Che Siti Wan Kembang and Puteri Saadong ensembles as well as the carving designs visible on various historical buildings or architecture of Kelantan. He is passionate on empowering the underprivileged artisans and craft community, especially those who champion Malaysia's heritage arts and culture, providing them with the platforms and opportunities to grow further. Nik Faiz is optimistic that the best of Malaysia's batik is yet to come and the world hasn't seen enough of it. His biggest dream is to create distinctive motifs that are instantly recognizsble and acknowledged by the global audience as Malaysian's.


Epidemiologist, Social Activist

Strong eager in restoring humanities had been in the mind since she was pursuing studies in medical school, Raudah Yunus first encountered refugees when she visited Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut in 2007. She completed her first degree in medicine at Egypt’s Alexandria University. Egypt is the country that enlighten her the implied meaning of true friendship, great hospitality and strong resilience. It also ‘opened her eyes’ to poverty, inequalities, and political repression. Her experience in Alexandria and Beirut was a turning point that kindled her passion in issues of equity, marginalized communities and social justice. In 2018, along with a group of friends, Raudah co-founded READ Malaysia, an NGO that aims to support the urban poor. Currently, READ collaborates with a local refugee school in Puchong to facilitate Rohingya children’s access to primary education.


Nature Guide, Wildlife Photographer

Desirous with the wonder of the world like many brave young kids, Steven Wong thought snakes were cool when he first saw them as pictures on his computer. Then, he grew up developing affection for its beauty and mystery through handling snakes at many adventurous nature trips. Keen with the beauty of nature, Steven studied Environmental Management at Monash University Sunway and worked as an environmental consultant for 3 years before deciding to embrace his passion for nature as a career. Steven is now a nature guide at eco-tourism agency Nature Inspired who takes tourists for eco trips and night walks all around Malaysia. Unshackle with his knowledge in science of environment, Steven is currently a respected expert in Malaysian herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians). In fact, He is self-taught and well-versed in all things snakes.


Environmental Activist

Hailey Tan is an environmental activist that actively advocates for a change in climate policies. She is the vice chairman of Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY), a  non-governmental organization (NGO) that not only tackles issues on climate crisis but also gives voices and enlightens the vulnerable groups in Malaysia. A feminist at heart, she believes youth and women inclusion are necessary to foster a meaningful climate adaptation and resilience implementations across all communities. She is also a PR coordinator for Weaving Hopes for the Future which amplifies the voices and realities of Peninsular Malaysia’s Indigenous People that are often underrepresented in the climate justice movement. At Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Press Conference, she urged people to speak up against multi corporations’ severe exploitation of fossil resources and workers, and   demand that Most Affected People and Areas (Mapa) countries’ voices to be taken seriously especially  during climate negotiation process occurring through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


Game Designer/ Developer

Yiwei P’ng is an IMGA SEA award-winning founder, game director, developer to the Google Play Best Game of 2017 award recipient Kureichii, a game studio that was responsible for bringing the colorful and magical Kingdom of Kurestal alive and accessible right through the screen of your smartphone. As a game director at Kurechii, he has worked on various internationally acclaimed game franchises such as Postknight and The King's League, both receiving highly positive reviews and attained titles such as Independent Games Festival China for The Best Game and Casual Connect Indie Prize for Best Mobile Game of 2014. He believes there’s more to games than simply a matter of entertainment, it is also a wonderful collision of art, science and culture. It can tell a story, or a journey or even feel like meeting an old friend that you can always reminisce and going down the memory lanes of playing your favorite game for the first time. It is more than entertainment, it is time travel. Its immersive narrative experience is solely yours to uniquely explore and who knows—maybe even discovering the long-awaited adventurer in you!



Urban Choreographer

Millennials are often to keep their interest in pace with trendy stuff. Jonathan Loo has been pumped up with the limitless boundary of dancing. He has been constantly showcases his astounding choreography video across social media includes Instagram and Youtube. Stay tuned with us in watching his performance at our stage.

Mustang Dance Academy

Street Dancer

Unleash the inner energy of creativity, located at the heart of Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Mustang Academy is the path of art in dance. Mustang Dance Academy offers a wide range of dance classes from street dance styles conducted by experienced professional instructors. Hip-Hop, K-Pop, House Dance, Freestyle, you name it! Mustang Academy will be performing in our stage.


Indie Rock Band

Echoless is known to be your atypical late night alt rock band. The band is influenced by variety of genres from punk to indie to R&B.
Consist of six members; Paan, Bren, Arif, Akmal, Faiz and Shakkir. Their debut album For The Echo-Hearted launched in the year 2021, that include singles such as ‘On My Own’, ‘Non-Ordinary’ and 'Walking Out' along with many more songs for the echo-hearted. Their songs are dedicated to those who finds difficulties to have their voices heard and Echoless as a band would like to include messages in their songs to help the people realised that they are not alone and their voices are echoless. Echoless has started the band in the midst of the pandemic lockdown. Once the lockdown was lifted, they had played shows along side local bands such as Midnight Fusic, Empty Page, Pasca Sini, A.Limin and many more. Hence their journey is in bloom.

What People Say About TEDxUKM?


It's an inspirational event to help aspire people. The 2021 TEDxUKM event indeed, inspired me a lil bit. So, yeah 10/10


It was an amazing event, I never thought that an online event could be so much fun especially with the presence of amazing speakers and expo booth. You guys really did a good job!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


 The event is well organized, with a clear central theme. I am impressed with the maturity of executing the event. Looking forward for upcoming conference from the team. 


Would highly recommend TEDxUKM to all my friends/colleagues! After hearing all the talks from 12 amazing speakers on the 21st, it gave me new insights & perspectives towards certain aspects in life. And it was certainly a productive day hearing talks from 10am to 4pm! Ended the day with a fresh mindset & feeling very inspired. Thank you TEDxUKM & can't wait for TEDxUKM 2022!


When Nature Meets Concrete

The Chancellor Tun Abdul Razak Hall (DECTAR) when completed was 153,450 square feet and was the largest hall in Malaysia at the time. It remain as one of the landmark building in Bandar Baru Bangi for its interesting architecture choice. DECTAR is characterized by its massive, monolithic and ‘blocky’ appearance with a rigid geometric style and large-scale use of poured concrete. This characteristics are often shared by "brutalism" architecture style buildings. The design incorporation of naked bricks and concrete became a popular style extended throughout the first development phase (referred as "Lingkungan Satu") of the campus. Presenting a strong contrast between the bold lines and the industrial nature, the UKM campus are designed to integrate elements such as plants and water reminiscent of waterfall due to the lack of barriers and wild vegetation creates a beautiful and soothing juxtaposition with the massive design of the buildings. There are so many focal points presenting in UKM awaits for your discoveries amid your visit to TEDxUKM 2022. One must understand the very real world we occupy to reimagine a new one, therefore requires a keen and purposeful observation of the present.


TEDxUKM 2022 is designed for everyone to come over, thus we make sure it is accessible to youth. We intend to borne 10 shortlisted  undergraduates, entitling you a fully subsidized TEDxUKM experience. Stay tuned to our social medias @TEDxUKM.


Thanks to the generous support of our partners, we are able to fund TEDxUKM's mission of ideas worth spreading.

TEDxUKM Taste Buds Curator

TEDxUKM's mission of ideas worth spreading cannot be accomplished with an empty belly. With the generous support of Luckin Kopi, the ideas now comes with hint of salted eggs flavor and rich coffee aroma.

TEDxUKM With The Rebel in Fashion

KITA MADE your TEDxUKM's Batik Tee. (No pun intended) This year, we seek for a local brand that echoes Malaysia's rich heritage through youthful looks. KITA MADE brings an unprecedented comfort and unparalleled quality to you without sacrificing style!


Dewan Canselor Tun Abdul Razak (DECTAR)
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

  • Standard Ticket holders are entitled to access the building on the date and time provided.
  • Each ticket admits one (1) adult only. 
  • Prices quoted are in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) and are subject to change without prior notice.
  • No cancellation and/or refund can be made once the purchase transaction is confirmed. 
  • Upon completion of your ticket purchase online, an email notification with e-ticket/s will be sent to the email address provided during the transaction. We recommend using a personal email address for your ticket purchase. Do check your Spam folder if you do not receive the email notification with e-ticket/s, particularly if you purchase the tickets with your work email address (your employer may have marked this as Spam).
  • Please contact [email protected] for further assistance if you do not receive any email notifications and/or e-tickets after completing the purchase online.
  • Please ensure that you print the email and e-ticket/s or show the unique QR Code in your e-ticket/s during registration. You may show your email on your mobile phone (barcode must be scannable) or a printout of the email with a clear barcode at the ticketing counter to redeem your entry ticket/s.
  • The organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to any attendees without a valid QR Code at any given time. (All unique QR Codes are issued by ticket2U.com)
  • All attendees are required to follow the instructions from the event organizer or security personnel, where required.  Any attendees who act or behave in a rowdy or inappropriate manner may be asked and/or escorted out of the event premise.
  • It is compulsory for everyone to wear a face mask throughout the event as stipulated by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia (or Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia) to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection among attendees.
  • Please ensure that you have received your COVID-19 booster vaccination, with your vaccination status updated and reflected on the MySejahtera app on the event day. Your COVID-19 Risk Status must be either “Low Risk No Symptom” or “Casual Contact No Symptom” to be allowed entry.
  • You must leave the event premise immediately if your COVID-19 Risk Status shows “Confirmed Case”, “Suspected Case”, or “Person Under Surveillance (PUS)” for the safety of other attendees.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

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TEDxUKM 2022

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a programme of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection. These local, self-organised events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organised TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx programme, but individual TEDx events are self-organised.
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Dewan Canselor Tun Abdul Razak (DECTAR)
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
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Event Expired

Ticket Information

TEDxUKM 2022 RE: Imagine

A lot has changed since we last gathered. We now return to celebrate a new time, to celebrate the ability to imagine. At TEDxUKM 2022, we joined to search for deeper meaning, exploring technologies that evoke wonder, mind-bending science, awe-inspiring creativity and, most of all, the possibilities that happen when we ask what ideas are truly worth sharing. 

Come and be part of something extraordinary!

Your Conference Experience

Here's what you can expect at TEDxUKM 2022:

  • Full day program extracted from 10-months curations of ideas

       Four Sessions with more than 13 carefully curated speakers and performers.

  • Discovery sessions x 3

       Exploring compelling topics with leading experts, debate the ideas shaping our world where you and your TEDsters help shape the program with your questions in real time.

  • RE: Imagine Exclusive T-Shirt x 1
  • TEDxUKM Totebag x 1
  • TEDxUKM 2022 Book Collectibles* x 1
  • TEDxUKM 2022 Ticket Collectibles x 1
  • Doorgifts from TEDxUKM Partners
  • Brunch, Lunch and Tea Time
  • Social spaces and gatherings
  • Activities include: Photobooths, Techbooths, TEDx Salon Series x 3, Interactive Activities, Freebies, Tour at UKM Bangi Campus and many more

*Limited Stocks available, priority to early bookings.

RE: Imagine

Humans are inherently imaginative. In fact, it is arguably the essential trait in surviving the wilds. Not so long ago, our forefathers gathered by the fireside telling stories with just shadows. Some stories are exaggerated, yes; but some are ingenious ways to model powerful life lessons for the future generation. From the stories, we know not to swim in river with current too strong and to settle at highland away from flood. Imagination is not restricted by its form. 

The compelling narrative of religion and myth are engraved on surfaces of rocks and clays. Later, imagination became poems, plays and music. Then, drama, images, and video games. Eventually what was once just mere fragments of imaginations in our mind, became a presentable ordinariness, yet each unique in their own way. 

If it is not for imagination, what inspired women to perform major strides full of trailblazers to fight for equality and to rise proudly side by side to their counterparts? Who would be brave enough to suggest an alternative to energy consumption other than coal and oil? If not for imagination, how could one take a quantum leap from the cold concrete world to a fantasy land inhabited by magical creatures and impacted millions of young minds? 

The world needs to reimagine more than ever in the face of bleak realities. One must create an imagined world in order to understand the very real one we occupy. Imagine a better future, therefore requires keen and purposeful observation of the present. It is a mix of art and science. When the lost generation rekindles the flame of imagination, there is no telling how far we can go. Hence, the theme TEDxUKM 2022 Re: Imagine.


Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia was always the outlier amongst the higher education institutions. Ever since its unannounced arrival to the higher education scene back in May 1970, UKM made it name by spearheading the usage of Bahasa Malaysia without sacrificing the graduate’s proficiency of “oghang putih”. Multilingualism is now a trait exclusive to the graduates of UKM, for its insistence to incorporate open-minded education. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia graduates are now more competitive than ever, shattering the remarks made by the now deceased Tunku Abdul Rahman as the second class university. Today, UKM is a gateway to the world. The community is home to collection of local cultural institutions and thriving academics scene. Budding leaders drive envelope-moving conversations in physics, economics, engineering, life science, architects, and legal discourse. 

Established in 2015, TEDxUKM imbues progressive spirit found in UKM, and remains one of the most established independently organized TEDx communities in Malaysian universities. We ask pressing relevant questions that people are not asking and we chase them with a fierce appetite of intellectual curiosity that challenge the boundaries of conventional thinking. We engage thought leaders who communicate extraordinarily complex ideas with elegant finesse. Many are notable recognised industry leaders and subject matter experts, and others represent the next generation of voices who shed light on unconventional ways of thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. Change is scary and yet there is an urgency for a call to action. We push conversations forward in a way that is sometimes uncomfortable, yet that ultimately gestures in the direction of a future and a community we want to be a part of creating.



Below, the exciting lineup for TEDxUKM!  We made conscious choice to co-create an unforgettable gathering of minds and soul determined to play our part. Each of the speaker is nominated for their novel ideas and pressing topics, not their names. 

Arif Tukiman

Cloud Server Developer

Arif Tukiman went through a multitude of fields ranging from designing and producing websites, mobile applications, to games. As he progressed in gaining experience, he understands the common challenges faced by a developer when it comes to project deployments to multiple servers for clients. After graduating, he and his friends founded Cool Code, a software house firm, which grew from only a few employees to a staff of more than 20. Within three years, they had a slew of high-profile clients and their app had surpassed 3 million downloads. In order to overcome the difficulties they have while deploying projects to various servers on behalf of clients, they came out with RunCloud. Now he is the CEO of RunCloud, a company that aims to ease server management for developers and enterprises. There are now more than 230,000 web applications managed by RunCloud from more than 100 countries around the world in just three years since 2017.


Music Therapist

As a passionate advocate for music, health and wellbeing, Dr Indra is the first PhD qualified music therapist in Malaysia. Everyone enjoys music. Whether attending a concert, listening to the radio, or singing in the shower, there’s something about music that can fill us with emotion, from joy to sadness. Dr Indra believes the power of music shouldn’t be limited as mere entertainment, but as an approach to be used in the medical field. From the soothing musical chime of Beethoven's piano to the more trendy K-pop wave, despite a wide range of music genres, it connects humans to set something in motion. Aside from being a music therapist, Dr Indra has initiated and trained students for more than 20 community outreach activities working with a range of NGOs and societies, harnessing the benefits of music therapy to serve the most vulnerable members of the community, from children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Dyslexia to older adults with Parkinson’s Disease & Dementia

Dr Kumitaa Theva Das

Geneticist, Viral and Infectious Disease Researcher 

Dr Kumitaa is a geneticist and a senior lecturer at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Having the passion and fondness in regards to the manipulation of genes, she is actively involved in projects and researches such as the latest genome editing tool, CRISPR, which aims to correct disease-causing mutations. Dr Kumitaa wishes to share how CRISPR will change and transform the world, especially in the field of medicine. With the vast realization of the benefits brought by this revolutionary breakthrough, there are hopes that CRISPR is catching on and bound to be practiced in Malaysia in near future. When Dr Kumitaa is free, she can be found in the lab supervising and conducting research herself. It is the place where she, with her forbearance and precision, had brought her humanitarian passion into a reality - aiming to bring benefits in saving humankind. Not all heroes wear capes, they sometimes wear lab coats too!


Poet, Author

Pencapaian beliau yang dianggap paling istimewa adalah beliau telah menulis buku syair diraja bertajuk Syair DYMM Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar pada tahun 2017 dan siap pada tahun 2018. Terdapat 7 tajuk syair dalam buku ini iaitu “Syair Menjunjung Kasih” (100 rangkap), “Syair Keluarga Diraja Johor” (133 rangkap), “Syair Adat Istiadat Kemahkotaan” (158 rangkap), “Syair Kembara Mahkota Johor 2001-2017 (225 rangkap)”, “Syair Ceritera Dato’ Abdul Rahim bin Ramli” (177 rangkap), “Syair Istana Flinstones” (167 rangkap) dan “Syair Menjunjung Titah” (140 rangkap).
Penulisan syair berkaitan institusi diraja Johor amat kurang, malah boleh dikatakan telah mati selepas kali terakhir ditulis oleh Na Tien Piet dan Peranakan Lingga yang mengagungkan Almarhum Sultan Abu Bakar pada akhir abad ke-19. Hal ini menjadikan Dr Maskiah yang bertugas sebagai Dekan Sekolah Pendidikan di Kolej Universiti Islam Johor Sultan Ibrahim, merupakan anak Johor pertama, atau wanita Malaysia pertama yang menulis syair berkaitan institusi diraja dalam bahasa Melayu. 

Nik Faiz Nik M Amin

Batik Artisan

Nik Faiz Nik M Amin is the third-generation of a family of batik artisans and makers based in Penambang, Kelantan. He has staked his claim in the industry by starting Ruzzgahara, an exclusive batik brand with distinctive, traditionally inspired Malay motifs. This architect-turned-artist is currently the president of  Malaysian Craft Council (MCC), and the founder as well as the Creative Director for Gahara Galore Sdn Bhd. He decided to return to Kota Bharu his birth place, to be closer to his aging parents and escape the  ‘concrete jungle’ of Kuala Lumpur in search for more meanings and serenity in his life. He believes that life is meant to be lived and each moment savored, instead of rushed and being stuck in the neverending cycle of rat race. His batik motifs were developed through in depth research and taking visible clues from the golden Langkasuka era, the majestic Che Siti Wan Kembang and Puteri Saadong ensembles as well as the carving designs visible on various historical buildings or architecture of Kelantan. He is passionate on empowering the underprivileged artisans and craft community, especially those who champion Malaysia's heritage arts and culture, providing them with the platforms and opportunities to grow further. Nik Faiz is optimistic that the best of Malaysia's batik is yet to come and the world hasn't seen enough of it. His biggest dream is to create distinctive motifs that are instantly recognizsble and acknowledged by the global audience as Malaysian's.


Epidemiologist, Social Activist

Strong eager in restoring humanities had been in the mind since she was pursuing studies in medical school, Raudah Yunus first encountered refugees when she visited Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut in 2007. She completed her first degree in medicine at Egypt’s Alexandria University. Egypt is the country that enlighten her the implied meaning of true friendship, great hospitality and strong resilience. It also ‘opened her eyes’ to poverty, inequalities, and political repression. Her experience in Alexandria and Beirut was a turning point that kindled her passion in issues of equity, marginalized communities and social justice. In 2018, along with a group of friends, Raudah co-founded READ Malaysia, an NGO that aims to support the urban poor. Currently, READ collaborates with a local refugee school in Puchong to facilitate Rohingya children’s access to primary education.


Nature Guide, Wildlife Photographer

Desirous with the wonder of the world like many brave young kids, Steven Wong thought snakes were cool when he first saw them as pictures on his computer. Then, he grew up developing affection for its beauty and mystery through handling snakes at many adventurous nature trips. Keen with the beauty of nature, Steven studied Environmental Management at Monash University Sunway and worked as an environmental consultant for 3 years before deciding to embrace his passion for nature as a career. Steven is now a nature guide at eco-tourism agency Nature Inspired who takes tourists for eco trips and night walks all around Malaysia. Unshackle with his knowledge in science of environment, Steven is currently a respected expert in Malaysian herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians). In fact, He is self-taught and well-versed in all things snakes.


Environmental Activist

Hailey Tan is an environmental activist that actively advocates for a change in climate policies. She is the vice chairman of Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY), a  non-governmental organization (NGO) that not only tackles issues on climate crisis but also gives voices and enlightens the vulnerable groups in Malaysia. A feminist at heart, she believes youth and women inclusion are necessary to foster a meaningful climate adaptation and resilience implementations across all communities. She is also a PR coordinator for Weaving Hopes for the Future which amplifies the voices and realities of Peninsular Malaysia’s Indigenous People that are often underrepresented in the climate justice movement. At Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Press Conference, she urged people to speak up against multi corporations’ severe exploitation of fossil resources and workers, and   demand that Most Affected People and Areas (Mapa) countries’ voices to be taken seriously especially  during climate negotiation process occurring through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


Game Designer/ Developer

Yiwei P’ng is an IMGA SEA award-winning founder, game director, developer to the Google Play Best Game of 2017 award recipient Kureichii, a game studio that was responsible for bringing the colorful and magical Kingdom of Kurestal alive and accessible right through the screen of your smartphone. As a game director at Kurechii, he has worked on various internationally acclaimed game franchises such as Postknight and The King's League, both receiving highly positive reviews and attained titles such as Independent Games Festival China for The Best Game and Casual Connect Indie Prize for Best Mobile Game of 2014. He believes there’s more to games than simply a matter of entertainment, it is also a wonderful collision of art, science and culture. It can tell a story, or a journey or even feel like meeting an old friend that you can always reminisce and going down the memory lanes of playing your favorite game for the first time. It is more than entertainment, it is time travel. Its immersive narrative experience is solely yours to uniquely explore and who knows—maybe even discovering the long-awaited adventurer in you!



Urban Choreographer

Millennials are often to keep their interest in pace with trendy stuff. Jonathan Loo has been pumped up with the limitless boundary of dancing. He has been constantly showcases his astounding choreography video across social media includes Instagram and Youtube. Stay tuned with us in watching his performance at our stage.

Mustang Dance Academy

Street Dancer

Unleash the inner energy of creativity, located at the heart of Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Mustang Academy is the path of art in dance. Mustang Dance Academy offers a wide range of dance classes from street dance styles conducted by experienced professional instructors. Hip-Hop, K-Pop, House Dance, Freestyle, you name it! Mustang Academy will be performing in our stage.


Indie Rock Band

Echoless is known to be your atypical late night alt rock band. The band is influenced by variety of genres from punk to indie to R&B.
Consist of six members; Paan, Bren, Arif, Akmal, Faiz and Shakkir. Their debut album For The Echo-Hearted launched in the year 2021, that include singles such as ‘On My Own’, ‘Non-Ordinary’ and 'Walking Out' along with many more songs for the echo-hearted. Their songs are dedicated to those who finds difficulties to have their voices heard and Echoless as a band would like to include messages in their songs to help the people realised that they are not alone and their voices are echoless. Echoless has started the band in the midst of the pandemic lockdown. Once the lockdown was lifted, they had played shows along side local bands such as Midnight Fusic, Empty Page, Pasca Sini, A.Limin and many more. Hence their journey is in bloom.

What People Say About TEDxUKM?


It's an inspirational event to help aspire people. The 2021 TEDxUKM event indeed, inspired me a lil bit. So, yeah 10/10


It was an amazing event, I never thought that an online event could be so much fun especially with the presence of amazing speakers and expo booth. You guys really did a good job!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


 The event is well organized, with a clear central theme. I am impressed with the maturity of executing the event. Looking forward for upcoming conference from the team. 


Would highly recommend TEDxUKM to all my friends/colleagues! After hearing all the talks from 12 amazing speakers on the 21st, it gave me new insights & perspectives towards certain aspects in life. And it was certainly a productive day hearing talks from 10am to 4pm! Ended the day with a fresh mindset & feeling very inspired. Thank you TEDxUKM & can't wait for TEDxUKM 2022!


When Nature Meets Concrete

The Chancellor Tun Abdul Razak Hall (DECTAR) when completed was 153,450 square feet and was the largest hall in Malaysia at the time. It remain as one of the landmark building in Bandar Baru Bangi for its interesting architecture choice. DECTAR is characterized by its massive, monolithic and ‘blocky’ appearance with a rigid geometric style and large-scale use of poured concrete. This characteristics are often shared by "brutalism" architecture style buildings. The design incorporation of naked bricks and concrete became a popular style extended throughout the first development phase (referred as "Lingkungan Satu") of the campus. Presenting a strong contrast between the bold lines and the industrial nature, the UKM campus are designed to integrate elements such as plants and water reminiscent of waterfall due to the lack of barriers and wild vegetation creates a beautiful and soothing juxtaposition with the massive design of the buildings. There are so many focal points presenting in UKM awaits for your discoveries amid your visit to TEDxUKM 2022. One must understand the very real world we occupy to reimagine a new one, therefore requires a keen and purposeful observation of the present.


TEDxUKM 2022 is designed for everyone to come over, thus we make sure it is accessible to youth. We intend to borne 10 shortlisted  undergraduates, entitling you a fully subsidized TEDxUKM experience. Stay tuned to our social medias @TEDxUKM.


Thanks to the generous support of our partners, we are able to fund TEDxUKM's mission of ideas worth spreading.

TEDxUKM Taste Buds Curator

TEDxUKM's mission of ideas worth spreading cannot be accomplished with an empty belly. With the generous support of Luckin Kopi, the ideas now comes with hint of salted eggs flavor and rich coffee aroma.

TEDxUKM With The Rebel in Fashion

KITA MADE your TEDxUKM's Batik Tee. (No pun intended) This year, we seek for a local brand that echoes Malaysia's rich heritage through youthful looks. KITA MADE brings an unprecedented comfort and unparalleled quality to you without sacrificing style!


Dewan Canselor Tun Abdul Razak (DECTAR)
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

  • Standard Ticket holders are entitled to access the building on the date and time provided.
  • Each ticket admits one (1) adult only. 
  • Prices quoted are in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) and are subject to change without prior notice.
  • No cancellation and/or refund can be made once the purchase transaction is confirmed. 
  • Upon completion of your ticket purchase online, an email notification with e-ticket/s will be sent to the email address provided during the transaction. We recommend using a personal email address for your ticket purchase. Do check your Spam folder if you do not receive the email notification with e-ticket/s, particularly if you purchase the tickets with your work email address (your employer may have marked this as Spam).
  • Please contact [email protected] for further assistance if you do not receive any email notifications and/or e-tickets after completing the purchase online.
  • Please ensure that you print the email and e-ticket/s or show the unique QR Code in your e-ticket/s during registration. You may show your email on your mobile phone (barcode must be scannable) or a printout of the email with a clear barcode at the ticketing counter to redeem your entry ticket/s.
  • The organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to any attendees without a valid QR Code at any given time. (All unique QR Codes are issued by ticket2U.com)
  • All attendees are required to follow the instructions from the event organizer or security personnel, where required.  Any attendees who act or behave in a rowdy or inappropriate manner may be asked and/or escorted out of the event premise.
  • It is compulsory for everyone to wear a face mask throughout the event as stipulated by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia (or Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia) to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection among attendees.
  • Please ensure that you have received your COVID-19 booster vaccination, with your vaccination status updated and reflected on the MySejahtera app on the event day. Your COVID-19 Risk Status must be either “Low Risk No Symptom” or “Casual Contact No Symptom” to be allowed entry.
  • You must leave the event premise immediately if your COVID-19 Risk Status shows “Confirmed Case”, “Suspected Case”, or “Person Under Surveillance (PUS)” for the safety of other attendees.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a programme of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection. These local, self-organised events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organised TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx programme, but individual TEDx events are self-organised.
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