We, the UNSTOPPABLE PEOPLE OF GOD, will be assembling again this August to learn and to be equipped for the journey ahead in our walk with God, ministry, life and career. Go miles unhindered by circumstances and unstoppable in every way to reach our best potential.
Conference Schedule
| 11 Aug (THU) | 12 Aug (FRI) | 13 Aug (SAT) |
8.00am - 9.00am | Registration & Breakfast | Registration & Breakfast
| Registration & Breakfast
9.00am-10.30am | Plenary 1 | Plenary 3 | Plenary 5 |
10.30am - 10.45am | Group Session | Group Session
| Group Session
10.45am - 11.00am
11.00am -12.30pm | Plenary 2 | Plenary 4 | Plenary 6 |
12.30pm -12.45pm
| Group Session
| Group Session
| Closing |
12.45pm - 2pm | Lunch Break |
2pm - 3.30pm | Special Topics | Special Topics
| POWER ENCOUNTER Night Rallies With Evangelist Tim Hall |
For more details, refer to: http://www.unstoppableconference.org/