KL Conference on Shariah & Legal Aspects of Islamic Finance 2015

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Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Pahang Kecil, 53200, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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This conference will address Shariah matters and legal issues and challenges related to the development and implementation of Islamic financial services.

- Global development of Islamic finance
- Ensuring Shariah compliance in Islamic financial instruments
- Legal issues and challenges in Islamic finance
- Dispute settlement in Islamic finance: issue and solutions
- Islamic ethics in financial services industry
- Corporate governance for Islamic finance industry
- Shariah auditing for Islamic financial services

Speakers are Shariah scholar, legal practitioner, professor, Islamic banker, consultant, etc (speakers that will be confirmed soon)

- Islamic bankers/bankers
- Takaful/insurance operators
- Regulators
- Head of governmental departments
- Financial planners/consultants
- Legal practitioners (lawyers)
- Academicians (lecturers)
- Entrepreneurs (businessmen/importers/exporters etc)
- Other professionals


Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Pahang Kecil, 53200, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

Fee is inclusive of lunch, refreshments and seminar package only. Group Discount: Enjoy 20% discount for third and subsequent delegates registered from the same organisation and the same billing source. Special fee for Malaysian university lecturers: RM1,000 (group discount not applicable)

Alfalah Consulting
Alfalah Consulting is an international consulting and training provider specialized in the the areas of Islamic finance, business, management; personal and professional development and motivation. We are committed to continuously strive to provide world-class consulting and first-class training to our valued clients worldwide.
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KL Conference on Shariah & Legal Aspects of Islamic Finance 2015

Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Pahang Kecil, 53200, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired
This conference will address Shariah matters and legal issues and challenges related to the development and implementation of Islamic financial services.

- Global development of Islamic finance
- Ensuring Shariah compliance in Islamic financial instruments
- Legal issues and challenges in Islamic finance
- Dispute settlement in Islamic finance: issue and solutions
- Islamic ethics in financial services industry
- Corporate governance for Islamic finance industry
- Shariah auditing for Islamic financial services

Speakers are Shariah scholar, legal practitioner, professor, Islamic banker, consultant, etc (speakers that will be confirmed soon)

- Islamic bankers/bankers
- Takaful/insurance operators
- Regulators
- Head of governmental departments
- Financial planners/consultants
- Legal practitioners (lawyers)
- Academicians (lecturers)
- Entrepreneurs (businessmen/importers/exporters etc)
- Other professionals


Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Pahang Kecil, 53200, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

Fee is inclusive of lunch, refreshments and seminar package only. Group Discount: Enjoy 20% discount for third and subsequent delegates registered from the same organisation and the same billing source. Special fee for Malaysian university lecturers: RM1,000 (group discount not applicable)
Alfalah Consulting
Alfalah Consulting is an international consulting and training provider specialized in the the areas of Islamic finance, business, management; personal and professional development and motivation. We are committed to continuously strive to provide world-class consulting and first-class training to our valued clients worldwide.
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