Accommodation Policy

Cancellation Policy
- Non-Refundable Policy
- All confirmed/guaranteed reservations are non-refundable.
Terms & Conditions
Guidelines for Guests check-in during NRP-Phase 4 Period (started from 3 Jan 2022)
- All guests are requested to have their body temperature checked andscan MySejahtera QR Code which is available at the registration counter.
- All guests are advised to wear a face/surgical mask and sanitize their hands at all times.
- Only one (1) guest is allowed to do the check-in process at the reception counter.
- All meals (Breakfast& Dinner) will be served at Tropical Farm Café.
- All guests are required to follow the guideline provided by the Management of Borneo Happy farm, in which failing to do so, necessary actions will be taken.
Check in / Out times
Check in is from 2 PM (not guaranteed in the event of high occupancy). Should you need earlier accommodation we are happy to assist, however it is subject to the availability of rooms. Guest are required to present a valid Identify Card (IC-MyKad) or Passport for verify and proceed the check-in.
Check out is at 12 PM. Any extension to the check-out time, must pre-arranged and subject to availability of room. Late check-out can be arranged and may be subject to availability and may incur an additional charge @ MYR 100.
BHF will provide wristband to all register overnight guests (including adult / children / senior citizen). All overnight guests must put on the wristband after check-in and enter the farm by scanning the wristband QR code to the auto gate.
Please always keep your wristband with you, if lost the wristband and request reprint, additional charges RM 30 per wristband.
During breakfast time, need to scan the wristband to enter the breakfast area.
** BHF management have the right to refuse entry too any guests without wristband.
No-show/Shortened Stay
No refund shall be made in the event of no show or shortened stay.
Tourism Tax
Tourism Tax will be applied to non-Malaysian under Section 6 Tourism Act 2017. The tourism tax rate is MYR10 per room per night (to be paid upon check-in by cash only).
Access on Accommodation Facilities
Only registered overnight guests may access or use the facilities without additional charges. For non-registered guests to use the facilities will be charged accordingly. Example: SPA, Room ……
Guests’ liability for their account is not waived and guests agree to be held personally liable in the event that any indicated person, group, company or association fails to pay all or part of any charges incurred charges incurred.
Limitation of Liability
To the extent permitted by law, BHF do not accept any liability arising out of any occurrences beyond its control including but not limited to acts of terrorism, acts of God, flood, war, strikes, riot, theft, delay, cancellation, civil disaster, government regulations or changes itinerary or schedule (collectively, “Force Majeure”). All activities have inherent risks to health and safety and BHF will not be responsible for any possibilities related to any activities or services booked through BHF website or during your staying our accommodation.
Prohibited Items
The following items are not allowed in the farm premises:·
- Flammable, explosive or hazardous materials·
- Objects emitting a foul odor ·
- Unregistered firearms or other weapons·
- Objects of an unusually large size or in unusually large quantities ·
- Articles related to use in gambling, prostitution, smuggling or other unlawful acts·
- Illegal drugs or other articles, the possession of which is prohibited by the laws of Malaysia
BHF reserves the right to refuse entry to any guest found to be in possession of prohibited items. Guests shall be solely liable and responsible for all loss financial or otherwise, and damage that may be caused by such items.
Damage to accommodation property
We reserve the right to charge guests the cost of rectifying damage, caused by the deliberate, negligent or reckless act of the guest to the accommodation’s property or structure. Should this damage come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guests by CASH/Online transfer or send an invoice for the amount to the registered address. We will however make every effort to rectify any damage internally prior to contracting specialists to make the repairs, and therefore will make every effort to keep any costs that the guest would incur to a minimum.
Removal of accommodation property
We reserve the right to charge guests the cost of replacing any items that are removed from the premises without consent or damaged during the guest’s stay. The charge will be the full replacement amount of the missing items, including any carriage charges. Should the fact that the item is missing come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guests’ by CASH/Online transfer or send an invoice for the amount to the registered address.
Tampering with fire detection systems and firefighting equipment
We reserve the right to take action against any guest found to have tampered / interfered with any fire detection equipment throughout the accommodation premise, including detector heads in public areas and bedrooms, break glass point sand fire extinguishers. Guests found to have tampered any fire detection or firefighting equipment will be charged with any costs incurred by the BHF due to their actions and may be asked to leave the farm. Depending on the severity of the guest actions, the Police may be involved at the farm’s discretion. Should the fact that firefighting or detection equipment had been tampered with come to light after the guest has departed, we reserved the right to make a charge to the guests by CASH/Online transfer or send an invoice for the amount to the registered address.
Inappropriate Behaviour
It is the accommodation’s policy that all guests have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and as a responsible host we believe that we have a duty to our guests to protect them from inappropriate behaviour. Should any actions by a guest be deemed inappropriate by the Manager, or is brought to the attention of the Manager, BHF reserves the right, after any allegations have been investigated, to take action. Depending on the severity of the guest actions, the Police may be involved at the accommodation’s discretion, or guests may be asked to leave the farm’s premise.
Lost / Damaged Property
Should any guest lose any belongings during their stay or incur damage to their property, BHF will not be held liable. If we find any lost property, we will make every reasonable effort to locate the owner and return it, but if an item is not reclaimed within 1 months of the guest’s departure, it will be disposed of.
Any lost or damage to the facilities and items in the room will be charged accordingly. Loss of room key card is chargeable at RM30. No nailing or chopping of any structure of building and room. Management reserve the right to stop and refuse your stay without refund and to demand for damaging incurred.
All vehicles are parked at the owners’ risk. Should a problem occur with a vehicle in the farm’s car park, BHF cannot accept any liability. If a vehicle is left in the farm’s car park for more than 8 hours after the guest has departed without the written consent of the farm, BHF reserves the right to remove the vehicle at the owners’ expense. All vehicles entering or leaving are subject to security check.
Child Policy
Parent/s and/or guardian/s are personally and legally responsible for the safety of their children at all times. Never leave your children unattended inside the guest rooms or anywhere on farm property. 0-2 years old consider as Infant; 3-12 years old consider as Children.
Extra Person Policy
Room occupancy requirements are based on fire code/fire safety restrictions. If you exceed the maximum number of guests allowed, you will be asked to booked another room for proper accommodations or vacate the accommodation. Each room type only can additional 1 more pax with additional charges @ RM 100 per person (including mattress & breakfast). This option must be booked in advance. For on-site additions without prior booking, an extra charge of RM 150 will be levied at the check-in counter.
Photographs and Video's
Using photographs and video's taken in the farm for commercial or public purposes is illegal. Those who do so will be subject to prosecution.
Responsibility for guest’s property
BHF will not be held responsible for any lost or damage of the guest property. It is the responsibility of the guests to take care of their valuables.
No Smoking Policy & Fees
BHF is a 100% non-smoking property. A MYR200 cleaning fee will be billed to your account if smoking occurs in your room. This includes E-cigarettes and vape pens.
Room Occupancy
The total number of occupants in a room shall not exceed the maximum number of occupants permitted for the perspective room types. Room occupancy please refer to all house type catalogue.
BYO Food or Drink
Any BYO food or drink shall be charged a Corkage Fee of MYR50 per person per meal. No external cooking utilities, utensils or instruments shall be brought into the property to ensure safety of other guest.
Tropical Farm Café
The only cafeteria in the farm, having your breakfast, lunch & dinner at here.
Breakfast time: 7am - 9am
Dinner time: 6pm - 9:30pm
** Lunch menu is available from 9am to 5pm on operating day.
Tapang Bistro
Happy Hour: Free Karaoke Session at Tapang Bistro.
Operating Time: 7:30 pm - 10:30pm
A playground for children to play. Operating time from 9am to 9pm.
Farm Attraction
All the farm attraction is available from 9am to 5pm on operating day. After 5pm overnight guests are not allowed visiting the attraction as our animal need time to rest.
Shuttle Service
All overnight guest wristband including shuttle service. In the farm have total 6 station to on-board the shuttle. Kindly follow the shuttle station signboard.
** Shuttle service is available from 9am to 5pm on operating day.
- You may leave your luggage at the reserve luggage area, our luggage carrier will send your luggage to your house by our shuttle
- Please do not leave your luggage, cash or any other valuable things in your luggage or luggage reserve area, as this is a farm stay not a Hotel.
Strictly no pet is allowed in the farm premises at all time. Should the Management found out that guests brought their pet into the farm/room, a cleaning fee of MYR200 will be imposed to the guests.
BHF has implemented technology and systems that protect the information you provide. In those instances, when you are asked to submit private information such as a IC number, you can be assured that we have security measures in place to protect this information. This technology provides the advanced encryption tools necessary to protect information transmitted between your computer and our server. Encryption means that your information is converted into code before it is dispatched over the Internet.
Disability Friendly
BHF is friendly to our disabled guests and those needing special assistance. Disabled-friendly room is available (subject to availability).
Do not throw rubbish or any kind of waste in open or public places. Dispose the waste into designated rubbish bins provided in the general area.
BHF recognizes its responsibility to respect the environment and is committed to preserve the natural habitat of wildlife. Therefore, guests are advised to be aware of wildlife in/at/surrounding the farm area.
While using the SPA, strictly follow the instructions of use, orders and information given by the service personnel (All adjustments of the Jacuzzi equipment can only be performed only by service personnel).
SPA-HOT TUB refill water available time: 3pm-9pm
**Longhouse Spa tub x 10 Spa tub are available for rent. (maximum 2hour use) *Must pre-book when do the reservation.
Please wear proper swimming attire; no buttons or zippers allowed on all swim wear. Please shower before dipping into the SPA. Management has the right to refuse guests from using the SPA, should the guests have any communicable skin diseases, and/or rowdy behaviour. There will be no lifeguard at the SPA area. Guests are advised to enjoy at their own risk. Children must be supervised by adult’s/guardian’s, do not use the SPA alone.
- Shower before use the Spa tub.
- No sun cream or other lotions to be worn
- No food, drink, alcohol or glass item allowed.
- Do not use the facilities if you have recently consumed alcohol.
- Enter and exit the Spa tub slowly with care.
- No pushing or jumping into the Jacuzzi
- Wear suitable attire (swimming suite, bikini is allowing; Jean and T-shirts is not allowed.)
- Children must be supervised by an adult/guardian. Do not use the Jacuzzi alone.
- Pregnant women and anyone with heart disease, diabetes, high or low blood pressure or any serious illness should consult with doctor before entering the Spa.
- All users of the Spa do so at their own risk. Management accepts no responsibility for accidents or injury.
BHF will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any personal property, injury, disability or fatality even death arising from whatsoever reasons while exercising or playing in the SPA area.
Borneo Happy Farm Management has the right to amend the Terms & Condition without prior notice.
By purchasing from us, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.