fono was officially launched on 20th January 2018 after several months of testing out the waters. 5 years later, our business sense is still terrible but we still have fun curating monthly programmes for our small but tight community of music lovers.
"Beats & Rhymes, Live" on Friday night (27th Jan) is our attempt at throwing a hip-hop show. Despite the crew being hip-hop avid listeners, this will be our first MC-driven event and we are excited to feature Blanco Music and HHDCNTRL.
Meanwhile, on Saturday night (28th Jan), we present to you, an over-the-top cover band with a fono twist. We have been working with an ensemble of musician friends to reinterpret and perform tunes we love. Yes, come this 28th, we dance to a fono-exclusive-one-night-only-performance that you do not want to miss.