Kemensah Krazy Trail Run

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Kampung Kemensah
Kampung Kemensah, Kampung Kemensah, Zoo View Estate, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

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Kemensah Krazy is a trail running and hiking event for all levels of fitness. It’s an ideal opportunity to get introduced to trail running and hiking in the first place. Although it is a race with time registration, it is rather an event where participating and having fun should be number one.

In order to cater for all levels of trail runners and hikers, four categories have been created. Even less experienced hikers and runners can participate for the 15k while the 30k and 40k is specifically designed for those who want to push the limits. Can you go the distance?


Kampung Kemensah
Kampung Kemensah, Kampung Kemensah, Zoo View Estate, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

The organisers reserve the right to cancel the event at their sole and absolute discretion in case of adverse weather conditions.

Asian Trail Explorer
Asian Trail Explorer is the largest professional hike provider in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. We are truly specialised in Trail Tourism. We don't stick to mainly one hiking venue, as our team can assist you in exploring the trail in this part of the world.
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Kemensah Krazy Trail Run

Kampung Kemensah
Kampung Kemensah, Kampung Kemensah, Zoo View Estate, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired
Kemensah Krazy is a trail running and hiking event for all levels of fitness. It’s an ideal opportunity to get introduced to trail running and hiking in the first place. Although it is a race with time registration, it is rather an event where participating and having fun should be number one.

In order to cater for all levels of trail runners and hikers, four categories have been created. Even less experienced hikers and runners can participate for the 15k while the 30k and 40k is specifically designed for those who want to push the limits. Can you go the distance?


Kampung Kemensah
Kampung Kemensah, Kampung Kemensah, Zoo View Estate, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

The organisers reserve the right to cancel the event at their sole and absolute discretion in case of adverse weather conditions.
Asian Trail Explorer
Asian Trail Explorer is the largest professional hike provider in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. We are truly specialised in Trail Tourism. We don't stick to mainly one hiking venue, as our team can assist you in exploring the trail in this part of the world.
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