The topic of including men and boys in gender equality initiatives is something that is very new in Malaysia, and most of the current work is focused on women empowerment. Conversations about men’s roles in closing the gender gap are notably absent.
Join us for an exclusive conversation with Dr Michael Flood, internationally recognised researcher on men, masculinities, and gender, violence against women, and violence prevention. In this session, he will give a presentation on why engaging men & boys are vital to the success of gender equality initiatives.
All ticket purchasers will receive a link to the recording of the webinar after the session.
Professor Michael Flood is an internationally recognised researcher on men, masculinities, and gender, violence against women, and violence prevention. He has made significant contributions to scholarly and public understanding of men’s involvements in preventing violence against women and building gender equality, and to scholarship and programming regarding violence and violence prevention. Professor Flood is the author of Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention (2019), the co-author of Masculinity and Violent Extremism (2022), and the lead editor of Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality (2015) and The International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities (2007).
Professor Flood has contributed to social change campaigns, worked with organizations such as VicHealth, the Australian Football League (AFL) and National Rugby League (NRL), and the Australian Defence Force (ADF), participated in international expert meetings, and shaped national prevention frameworks. He has provided expert advice to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Human Rights Commission, Universities Australia, White Ribbon Australia, Our Watch, and other organisations. He has contributed to agenda-setting frameworks for violence prevention, including Preventing Violence Before It Occurs (2007), Respectful Relationships Education (2009), National Standards for the Primary Prevention of Sexual Assault through Education (2009), and Change the Story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children (2015). Michael has had a life-long involvement in advocacy in support of gender equality and social justice.
Date / Time Schedule
6.00PM Welcoming Remarks
Introduction of Speaker
6.15PM Session by Dr Michael Flood, Professor in the School of Justice at QUT
6.55PM Q&A
7.15PM End
*You may send your questions in advance to [email protected]
SERATA is a small nonprofit organization located in Sabah, Malaysia that works on achieving gender equality through partnership. Our mission is to dismantle long-held socially constructed gender roles and promote gender equality by engaging men and boys in partnership with women and girls. We envision equal representation and fair division of tasks of both genders at work and in the home to reflect true partnership and respect. Further information on SERATA can be found on