MIAPEX2023 - Malaysia International Auto Parts Exhibition

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Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre
MIECC, Jalan Dulang, Mines Wellness City, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia

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MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL AUTOPARTS EXPO ( MIAPEX ) 2023 IS BACK!Malaysia International Automotive and Parts EXPO ( MIAPEX ) is a regional auto part exhibition organized by Motonation. The exhibition will be held at the Mines International Exhibition & Convention Center (MIECC) from 16 to 18th November 2023 .In addition to the automotive and parts exhibition this year, our fringe events that will run concurrently are Motonation SpeedHall, MIAPEX Electric Vehicle ( EV ) Tech Segment and Asia Automotive Award 2023.


Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre
MIECC, Jalan Dulang, Mines Wellness City, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia

AsiaAuto Venture Sdn Bhd ( Motonation )
Motonation is an Automotive Ecosystem Platform from Malaysia. Incorporated since 2016, its aimed as a conductive work-together platform that will enable the members/partners to promote, cross sell and expand the market reach together by leveraging through collaboration, partnerships & teamwork.
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MIAPEX2023 - Malaysia International Auto Parts Exhibition

Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre
MIECC, Jalan Dulang, Mines Wellness City, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
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MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL AUTOPARTS EXPO ( MIAPEX ) 2023 IS BACK!Malaysia International Automotive and Parts EXPO ( MIAPEX ) is a regional auto part exhibition organized by Motonation. The exhibition will be held at the Mines International Exhibition & Convention Center (MIECC) from 16 to 18th November 2023 .In addition to the automotive and parts exhibition this year, our fringe events that will run concurrently are Motonation SpeedHall, MIAPEX Electric Vehicle ( EV ) Tech Segment and Asia Automotive Award 2023.


Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre
MIECC, Jalan Dulang, Mines Wellness City, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia
AsiaAuto Venture Sdn Bhd ( Motonation )
Motonation is an Automotive Ecosystem Platform from Malaysia. Incorporated since 2016, its aimed as a conductive work-together platform that will enable the members/partners to promote, cross sell and expand the market reach together by leveraging through collaboration, partnerships & teamwork.
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