Born to the renowned musical family of the Rozells from Penang, Clair has lived up to the legacy to become one of today’s more popular and unique singer/entertainer. Her professionalism and passion has set her apart from the norm; making her a much sought-after artiste especially for public and private shows.
Clair Rozells has an impressive and varied repertoire from her early influences, which includes anything from; Standards, Motown, Golden Oldies, Soul, Retro, Disco. Her genuine love for all genre of music translates into her performance.
Coupled with her charismatic stage presence and energy, she never fails to keep her audience entertained.
Admission is free.
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Wine and Dine this Wednesday Night Live:
Dine-in for 2 with your choice of any paella, paired with a bottle of Beso De Vino wine, and San Pellegrino at only RM170nett.
La Bodega Lounge
La Bodega Lounge, 18-1, Jalan Telawi Dua, Bangsar Baru, 59100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia