Iconic Insta Sculpture Competition Johor Bahru 2023

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{{$t("Scan the qr to open and share in mobile, or")}} {{$t("Click Here")}} {{$t("to copy the shareable link")}} http://t2u.asia/e/32720

Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Johor Bahru
Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

{{$t("More info on this event")}}



Johor Bahru
Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}


1. The submission should be in A1 size of PDF format (landscape or portrait), with the maximum file size not exceeded 900mb. (max 2 x A1)

2. Minimum ONE Day Visual  and ONE Night Visual perspective.

3. Design statement of 500 words maximum (font-size: 12) in PDF format to explain the overall proposal with the proposal title.

4. NO IDENTIFICATION MARKS shall appear on the graphic layouts and the Design Statement.

5. Minimum ONE cross-section and /or elevations at appropriate scale.

6. Perspectives, and or other illustrations that can illustrate the ideas and design concepts.

7. Don't forget to upload/submit your Ticket2U E-ticket(s) PDF copy and material at [email protected] by the dateline of 28 Nov 2023, 23:59pm

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Institute of Landscape Architect Malaysia (ILAM) is a non-profitable organization. For the past 30 years, landscape architects have often been the unsung heroes of Malaysia’s development projects. These passionate individuals work tirelessly to balance the needs of the environment alongside the construction of physical features such as buildings and public spaces.The Landscape Architecture profession in Malaysia was initially formed under the name Angkatan Landskap Arkitek Malaysia (ALAM), on 24 September 1981. This group comprised various professionals, semi-professionals, students and private individuals who shared a passion for organising and developing green spaces. In 1982, ILAM was accepted as a member of the Malaysian Professional Centre or Balai Ikhtisas Malaysia (BIM). Subsequently, international recognition came by becoming a member of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) and the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 1984. With an increasing number of local graduates from Landscape Architecture courses, there was a need to move the association forward to represent all new and existing members.As a result, on December 14, 1987, ALAM transformed itself into the Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM).This run as well to promote and enlarge knowledge of locals towards Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia.We hope to be able to share this warm and fuzzy feeling of running with everyone in ILAM, local residents and Malaysians! Our wish is to continue the ILAM Landscape Run as an annually event and furthermore continue to contribute to the society.We at the ILAM (Southern Chapter) hope many members of the ILAM and locals will come and give the race a try. We promise a good time, aid stations second-to-none, and a great family bonding. Come and join the run and have a good time!
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Iconic Insta Sculpture Competition Johor Bahru 2023

Johor Bahru
Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information


Johor Bahru
Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

Terms and Condition


1. The submission should be in A1 size of PDF format (landscape or portrait), with the maximum file size not exceeded 900mb. (max 2 x A1)

2. Minimum ONE Day Visual  and ONE Night Visual perspective.

3. Design statement of 500 words maximum (font-size: 12) in PDF format to explain the overall proposal with the proposal title.

4. NO IDENTIFICATION MARKS shall appear on the graphic layouts and the Design Statement.

5. Minimum ONE cross-section and /or elevations at appropriate scale.

6. Perspectives, and or other illustrations that can illustrate the ideas and design concepts.

7. Don't forget to upload/submit your Ticket2U E-ticket(s) PDF copy and material at [email protected] by the dateline of 28 Nov 2023, 23:59pm

Institute of Landscape Architect Malaysia (ILAM) is a non-profitable organization. For the past 30 years, landscape architects have often been the unsung heroes of Malaysia’s development projects. These passionate individuals work tirelessly to balance the needs of the environment alongside the construction of physical features such as buildings and public spaces.The Landscape Architecture profession in Malaysia was initially formed under the name Angkatan Landskap Arkitek Malaysia (ALAM), on 24 September 1981. This group comprised various professionals, semi-professionals, students and private individuals who shared a passion for organising and developing green spaces. In 1982, ILAM was accepted as a member of the Malaysian Professional Centre or Balai Ikhtisas Malaysia (BIM). Subsequently, international recognition came by becoming a member of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) and the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 1984. With an increasing number of local graduates from Landscape Architecture courses, there was a need to move the association forward to represent all new and existing members.As a result, on December 14, 1987, ALAM transformed itself into the Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM).This run as well to promote and enlarge knowledge of locals towards Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia.We hope to be able to share this warm and fuzzy feeling of running with everyone in ILAM, local residents and Malaysians! Our wish is to continue the ILAM Landscape Run as an annually event and furthermore continue to contribute to the society.We at the ILAM (Southern Chapter) hope many members of the ILAM and locals will come and give the race a try. We promise a good time, aid stations second-to-none, and a great family bonding. Come and join the run and have a good time!
Event Links

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