Deal Maker Intensive (Malaysia)

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Swiss Garden Hotel
Swiss Garden Hotel, Jalan Pudu, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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No mortgage? No deposit? No problem.

People constantly make presumptions about property investment that limit their options. On this advanced programme you will learn how to make the best possible profit from your property deals.

Taught by the pioneer of lease options and world renowned property expert, Vincent Wong, you will learn skills that are unique and unavailable on any other course. Discover how it is possible to structure deals that allow you more flexibility and yield higher profits than traditional deals.

Learn lesser-known strategies for extraordinary profits; discover how to finance your deals without a mortgage or deposit; learn how to make deals work in all market conditions; and discover how to become asset rich and cash rich.


Swiss Garden Hotel
Swiss Garden Hotel, Jalan Pudu, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Wealth Mastery Academy, KL
Wealth Mastery Academy ~~ Your Wealth Creation Partner! We provide practical Wealth Mastery Skills and wealth creation opportunities, that empower people to create positive change and stay in desired wealthy lifestyle. We seek to refine and accelerate the growth in its people. We strive to find the right talent and by releasing the hidden potential within, are to make difference in the world. We provide quality Personal Development, Personal Finance and Entrepreneurship education.
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Deal Maker Intensive (Malaysia)

Swiss Garden Hotel
Swiss Garden Hotel, Jalan Pudu, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired
No mortgage? No deposit? No problem.

People constantly make presumptions about property investment that limit their options. On this advanced programme you will learn how to make the best possible profit from your property deals.

Taught by the pioneer of lease options and world renowned property expert, Vincent Wong, you will learn skills that are unique and unavailable on any other course. Discover how it is possible to structure deals that allow you more flexibility and yield higher profits than traditional deals.

Learn lesser-known strategies for extraordinary profits; discover how to finance your deals without a mortgage or deposit; learn how to make deals work in all market conditions; and discover how to become asset rich and cash rich.


Swiss Garden Hotel
Swiss Garden Hotel, Jalan Pudu, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Wealth Mastery Academy, KL
Wealth Mastery Academy ~~ Your Wealth Creation Partner! We provide practical Wealth Mastery Skills and wealth creation opportunities, that empower people to create positive change and stay in desired wealthy lifestyle. We seek to refine and accelerate the growth in its people. We strive to find the right talent and by releasing the hidden potential within, are to make difference in the world. We provide quality Personal Development, Personal Finance and Entrepreneurship education.
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