Fundamentals of Construction Law

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Dorsett Regency Kuala Lumpur
Dorsett Regency Kuala Lumpur, 172 Jalan Imbi , 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Course outline:

Module 1
Introduction to the Fundamentals of Construction Contracts, including topics on completion, DLP, EOT, etc.

Module 2
Payment Principles & Sub-Contracts including the Role of the Architect, Certifier, Valuations etc.

Module 3
Default, Delays and Dispute Resolution, including EOT, LAD procedure for claims.

Module 4
Security of Payment / CIPA


Dorsett Regency Kuala Lumpur
Dorsett Regency Kuala Lumpur, 172 Jalan Imbi , 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

GoodConsult Sdn Bhd
The organizer did not describe themself much.
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Fundamentals of Construction Law

Dorsett Regency Kuala Lumpur
Dorsett Regency Kuala Lumpur, 172 Jalan Imbi , 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired
Course outline:

Module 1
Introduction to the Fundamentals of Construction Contracts, including topics on completion, DLP, EOT, etc.

Module 2
Payment Principles & Sub-Contracts including the Role of the Architect, Certifier, Valuations etc.

Module 3
Default, Delays and Dispute Resolution, including EOT, LAD procedure for claims.

Module 4
Security of Payment / CIPA


Dorsett Regency Kuala Lumpur
Dorsett Regency Kuala Lumpur, 172 Jalan Imbi , 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
GoodConsult Sdn Bhd
The organizer did not describe themself much.
Event Links 
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