1. Participants are required to take the Bib Number at the Pasir Puteh Half
Marathon Secretariat at SMK Selising Hall on 23 August 2024 from 10.00 am to
5.00 pm.
2. The size of the T-shirt will be given to the size that has been entered into the
Registration Form and no change will be made.
3. T-shirts and Bib Numbers will not be distributed on the day of the run.
4. No refund for participants who do not eventually take part in the event for whatever
reason and event cancellation.
5. Transfer of race entries to another party or change race categories is STRICTLY
6. Participants take part in this event at their own risk and the Organizers shall not be liable
for any bodily injuries, death, loss or damages to property, whether personal or otherwise
and however arising.
7. The organizer reserves the right to limit, refuse entry or cancel any race category without prior notice to the participants and to disqualify any participants for falling to observe the Rule and Regulations and no refund shall be given.
8. There will be drink station on the route at approximately every 5KM.
9. The race is officially over after 4.5 hours from the start time 21.1KM.
10.All participants will receive t-shirts and finisher medal.
11.Only 21.1KM who complete the race will receive finisher t-shirts